view include/freeDiameter/libfdcore.h @ 1568:7e7d2c5ac70e default tip

free variable in error case Coverity CID 349342
author Thomas Klausner <>
date Tue, 22 Jun 2021 21:45:05 +0200
parents 566bb46cc73f
line wrap: on
line source

* Software License Agreement (BSD License)                                                               *
* Author: Sebastien Decugis <>							 *
*													 *
* Copyright (c) 2020, WIDE Project and NICT								 *
* All rights reserved.											 *
* 													 *
* Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are  *
* permitted provided that the following conditions are met:						 *
* 													 *
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above 						 *
*   copyright notice, this list of conditions and the 							 *
*   following disclaimer.										 *
*    													 *
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above 						 *
*   copyright notice, this list of conditions and the 							 *
*   following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other						 *
*   materials provided with the distribution.								 *
* 													 *
* * Neither the name of the WIDE Project or NICT nor the 						 *
*   names of its contributors may be used to endorse or 						 *
*   promote products derived from this software without 						 *
*   specific prior written permission of WIDE Project and 						 *
*   NICT.												 *
* 													 *

#ifndef _LIBFDCORE_H
#define _LIBFDCORE_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include <freeDiameter/libfdproto.h>
#include <gnutls/gnutls.h>
#include <gnutls/x509.h>
#include <regex.h>

/* GNUTLS version */
#endif /* GNUTLS_VERSION */

/* GNUTLS calls debug level */
#endif /* GNUTLS_DBG_LEVEL */

/* Check the return value of a GNUTLS function, log and propagate */
#define CHECK_GNUTLS_GEN( faillevel, __call__, __fallback__  ) { 					\
		CHECK_PRELUDE(__call__);								\
		if (__ret__ < 0) {									\
			LOG(faillevel, "TLS ERROR: in '%s' :\t%s",  #__call__ ,  gnutls_strerror(__ret__)); \
			__fallback__;									\
		}											\

/* we use this macro to help debugging gnutls usage issues -- just change the content to display what you need */
#define GNUTLS_TRACE( __call__) {					\
	TRACE_CALL("Check: %s", #__call__ );				\
	(__call__);							\

/* Macro for transition, replace with CHECK_GNUTLS_GEN */
#define CHECK_GNUTLS_DO( __call__, __fallback__ )	\
	CHECK_GNUTLS_GEN( FD_LOG_ERROR, __call__, __fallback__  )


/*                      INITIALIZATION                        */

/* Initialize the libfdcore internals. This also initializes libfdproto */
int fd_core_initialize(void);

/* A string describing the version of the library */
extern const char fd_core_version[];

/* Parse the freeDiameter.conf configuration file, load the extensions */
int fd_core_parseconf(const char * conffile);

/* Start the server & client threads */
int fd_core_start(void);

/* Block until the framework has completed its initialization -- useful for extensions */
int fd_core_waitstartcomplete(void);

/* Initialize shutdown of the framework */
int fd_core_shutdown(void);

/* Wait for the shutdown to be complete -- this should always be called after fd_core_shutdown */
int fd_core_wait_shutdown_complete(void);

/*                          CONFIG                            */

/* Structure to hold the configuration of the freeDiameter daemon */
#define	EYEC_CONFIG	0xC011F16
struct fd_config {
	int		 cnf_eyec;	/* Eye catcher: EYEC_CONFIG */
	const char	*cnf_file;	/* Configuration file to parse, default is DEFAULT_CONF_FILE */
	DiamId_t  	 cnf_diamid;	/* Diameter Identity of the local peer (FQDN -- ASCII) */
	size_t		 cnf_diamid_len;/* cached length of the previous string */
	DiamId_t	 cnf_diamrlm;	/* Diameter realm of the local peer, default to realm part of cnf_diamid */
	size_t		 cnf_diamrlm_len;/* length of the previous string */
	unsigned int	 cnf_timer_tc;	/* The value in seconds of the default Tc timer */
	unsigned int 	 cnf_timer_tw;	/* The value in seconds of the default Tw timer */
	uint16_t	 cnf_port;	/* the local port for legacy Diameter (default: 3868) in host byte order */
	uint16_t	 cnf_port_tls;	/* the local port for Diameter/TLS (default: 5868) in host byte order */
	uint16_t	 cnf_port_3436; /* Open an additional server port to listen to old TLS/SCTP clients (RFC3436, freeDiameter versions < 1.2.0) */
	uint16_t	 cnf_sctp_str;	/* default max number of streams for SCTP associations (def: 30) */
	struct fd_list	 cnf_endpoints;	/* the local endpoints to bind the server to. list of struct fd_endpoint. default is empty (bind all). After servers are started, this is the actual list of endpoints including port information. */
	int		 cnf_thr_srv;	/* Number of threads per servers handling the connection state machines */
	int		 cnf_processing_peers_minimum;	/* Number of processing peers that must be connected before other peers may connect */
	regex_t		 cnf_processing_peers_pattern_regex;	/* Regex pattern for identifying processing peers */
	struct fd_list	 cnf_apps;	/* Applications locally supported (except relay, see flags). Use fd_disp_app_support to add one. list of struct fd_app. */
	uint16_t	 cnf_dispthr;	/* Number of dispatch threads to create */
	uint16_t     cnf_rtinthr;  /* Number of routing in threads to create */
	uint16_t     cnf_rtoutthr;  /* Number of routing out threads to create */
	uint16_t	 cnf_rr_in_answers;	/* include Route-Record AVP in answers */
	int		 cnf_qin_limit;	/* limit for incoming queue*/
	int		 cnf_qout_limit;	/* limit for outgoing queue */
	int		 cnf_qlocal_limit;	/* limit for local queue */
	struct {
		unsigned no_fwd : 1;	/* the peer does not relay messages (0xffffff app id) */
		unsigned no_ip4 : 1;	/* disable IP */
		unsigned no_ip6 : 1;	/* disable IPv6 */
		unsigned no_tcp : 1;	/* disable use of TCP */
		unsigned no_sctp: 1;	/* disable the use of SCTP */
		unsigned pr_tcp	: 1;	/* prefer TCP over SCTP */
		unsigned tls_alg: 1;	/* TLS algorithm for initiated cnx. 0: separate port. 1: inband-security (old) */
		unsigned no_bind: 1;	/* disable client bind to cnf_endpoints if non configured (bind all) */
	} 		 cnf_flags;
	struct {
		int				 tls_disabled;
		/* Credentials parameters (backup) */
		char *  			 cert_file;
		char *				 key_file;
		char *  			 ca_file;
		int				 ca_file_nr;
		char *  			 crl_file;
		char *				 prio_string;
		unsigned int 			 dh_bits;
		char *				 dh_file;
		/* GNUTLS parameters */
		gnutls_priority_t 		 prio_cache;
		gnutls_dh_params_t 		 dh_cache;
		/* GNUTLS server credential(s) */
		gnutls_certificate_credentials_t credentials; /* contains local cert + trust anchors */
		#ifdef GNUTLS_VERSION_300
		gnutls_x509_trust_list_t         trustlist; /* the logic to check local certificate has changed */
		#endif /* GNUTLS_VERSION_300 */
	} 		 cnf_sec_data;
	uint32_t	 cnf_orstateid;	/* The value to use in Origin-State-Id, default to random value */
	struct dictionary *cnf_dict;	/* pointer to the global dictionary */
	struct fifo	  *cnf_main_ev;	/* events for the daemon's main (struct fd_event items) */
extern struct fd_config *fd_g_config; /* The pointer to access the global configuration, initalized in main */

/*                         PEERS                              */

/* States of a peer */
enum peer_state {
	/* Stable states */
	STATE_NEW = 0,		/* The peer has been just been created, PSM thread not started yet */
	STATE_OPEN,		/* Connexion established */
	/* Peer state machine */
	STATE_CLOSED,		/* No connection established, will re-attempt after TcTimer. */
	STATE_CLOSING,		/* the connection is being shutdown (DPR/DPA in progress) */
	STATE_WAITCNXACK,	/* Attempting to establish transport-level connection */
	STATE_WAITCNXACK_ELEC,	/* Received a CER from this same peer on an incoming connection (other peer object), while we were waiting for cnx ack */
	STATE_WAITCEA,		/* Connection established, CER sent, waiting for CEA */
	/* STATE_WAITRETURNS_ELEC, */	/* This state is not stable and therefore deprecated:
				   We have sent a CER on our initiated connection, and received a CER from the remote peer on another connection. Election.
				   If we win the election, we must disconnect the initiated connection and send a CEA on the other => we go to OPEN state.
				   If we lose, we disconnect the other connection (receiver) and fallback to WAITCEA state. */
	STATE_OPEN_HANDSHAKE,	/* TLS Handshake and validation are in progress in open state -- we use it only for debug purpose, it is never displayed */
	/* Failover state machine */
	STATE_SUSPECT,		/* A DWR was sent and not answered within TwTime. Failover in progress. */
	STATE_REOPEN,		/* Connection has been re-established, waiting for 3 DWR/DWA exchanges before putting back to service */
	/* Ordering issues with multistream & state machine. -- see top of p_psm.c for explanation */
	STATE_OPEN_NEW, 	/* after CEA is sent, until a new message is received. Force ordering in this state */
	STATE_CLOSING_GRACE,	/* after DPA is sent or received, give a short delay for messages in the pipe to be received. */
	/* Error state */
	STATE_ZOMBIE		/* The PSM thread is not running anymore; it must be re-started or peer should be deleted. */
/* The following macro is called in freeDiameter/p_psm.c */
#define DECLARE_STATE_STR()		\
const char *peer_state_str[] = { 	\
	  "STATE_NEW"			\
	, "STATE_OPEN"			\
extern const char *peer_state_str[];
#define STATE_STR(state) \
	(((unsigned)(state)) <= STATE_MAX ? peer_state_str[((unsigned)(state)) ] : "<Invalid>")

/* Constants for the peer_info structure below */
#define PI_P3_DEFAULT	0	/* Use any available protocol */
#define PI_P3_IP	1	/* Use only IP to connect to this peer */
#define PI_P3_IPv6	2	/* resp, IPv6 */

#define PI_P4_DEFAULT	0	/* Attempt any available protocol */
#define PI_P4_TCP	1	/* Only use TCP */
#define PI_P4_SCTP	2	/* Only use SCTP */

#define PI_ALGPREF_SCTP	0	/* SCTP is  attempted first (default) */
#define PI_ALGPREF_TCP	1	/* TCP is attempted first */

#define PI_SEC_DEFAULT	0	/* New TLS security (handshake after connection, protecting also CER/CEA) */
#define PI_SEC_NONE	1	/* Transparent security with this peer (IPsec) */
#define PI_SEC_TLS_OLD	2	/* Old TLS security (use Inband-Security-Id AVP during CER/CEA) */
				/* Set sec = 3 to authorize use of (Inband-Security-Id == NONE) with this peer, sec = 2 only authorizing TLS */
#define PI_SCTPSEC_DEF	0	/* Use DTLS over SCTP to connect to this peer (default) */
#define PI_SCTPSEC_3436	1	/* Use TLS over SCTP to connect to this peer (RFC3436) */

#define PI_EXP_NONE	0	/* the peer entry does not expire */
#define PI_EXP_INACTIVE	1	/* the peer entry expires (i.e. is deleted) after pi_lft seconds without activity */

#define PI_PRST_NONE	0	/* the peer entry is deleted after disconnection / error */
#define PI_PRST_ALWAYS	1	/* the peer entry is persistant (will be kept as ZOMBIE in case of error) */
/* Information about a remote peer */
struct peer_info {
	DiamId_t	pi_diamid;	/* (supposedly) UTF-8, \0 terminated. The Diameter Identity of the remote peer. */
	size_t		pi_diamidlen;	/* cached length of pi_diamid */
	struct {
		struct {
			unsigned	pro3 :2;	/* PI_P3_* */
			unsigned	pro4 :2;	/* PI_P4_* */
			unsigned	alg :1;		/* PI_ALGPREF_* */
			unsigned	sec :2;		/* PI_SEC_* */
			unsigned	sctpsec :1;	/* PI_SCTPSEC_* */
			unsigned	exp :1;		/* PI_EXP_* */
			unsigned	persist :1;	/* PI_PRST_* */
		}		pic_flags;	/* Flags influencing the connection to the remote peer */
		DiamId_t	pic_realm;	/* If configured, the daemon will check the received realm in CER/CEA matches this. */
		uint16_t	pic_port; 	/* port to connect to. 0: default. */
		uint32_t 	pic_lft;	/* lifetime of this peer when inactive (see pic_flags.exp definition) */
		int		pic_tctimer; 	/* use this value for TcTimer instead of global, if != 0 */
		int		pic_twtimer; 	/* use this value for TwTimer instead of global, if != 0 */
		char *		pic_priority;	/* Priority string for GnuTLS if we don't use the default */
	} config;	/* Configured data (static for this peer entry) */
	struct {
		/* enum peer_state	pir_state; */ 
		/* Since 1.1.0, read the state with fd_peer_getstate(peer). */
		DiamId_t	pir_realm;	/* The received realm in CER/CEA. */
		size_t		pir_realmlen;	/* length of the realm */
		uint32_t	pir_vendorid;	/* Content of the Vendor-Id AVP, or 0 by default */
		uint32_t	pir_orstate;	/* Origin-State-Id value */
		os0_t		pir_prodname;	/* copy of Product-Name AVP (\0 terminated) */
		uint32_t	pir_firmrev;	/* Content of the Firmware-Revision AVP */
		int		pir_relay;	/* The remote peer advertized the relay application */
		struct fd_list	pir_apps;	/* applications advertised by the remote peer, except relay (pi_flags.relay) */
		int		pir_isi;	/* Inband-Security-Id advertised (PI_SEC_* bits) */
		uint32_t	pir_lastDC;	/* The last Disconnect-Cause value received */
		int		pir_proto;	/* The L4 protocol currently used with the peer (IPPROTO_TCP or IPPROTO_SCTP) */
		const gnutls_datum_t 	*pir_cert_list; 	/* The (valid) credentials that the peer has presented, or NULL if TLS is not used */
								/* This is inspired from 
								   see there for example of using this data */
		unsigned int 	pir_cert_list_size;		/* Number of certificates in the list */
	} runtime;	/* Data populated after connection, may change between 2 connections -- not used by fd_peer_add */
	struct fd_list	pi_endpoints;	/* Endpoint(s) of the remote peer (configured, discovered, or advertized). list of struct fd_endpoint. DNS resolved if empty. */

struct peer_hdr {
	struct fd_list	 chain;	/* Link into the list of all the peers, ordered by their Diameter Id (fd_os_cmp) */
	struct peer_info info;	/* The public data */
	/* This header is followed by more data in the private peer structure definition */

/* the global list of peers. 
  Since we are not expecting so many connections, we don't use a hash, but it might be changed.
  The list items are peer_hdr structures (actually, fd_peer, but the cast is OK) */
extern struct fd_list fd_g_peers;
extern pthread_rwlock_t fd_g_peers_rw; /* protect the list */

 * FUNCTION:	fd_peer_add
 *  info 	: Information to create the peer.
 *  orig_dbg	: A string indicating the origin of the peer information, for debug (ex: conf, redirect, ...)
 *  cb		: optional, a callback to call (once) when the peer connection is established or failed
 *  cb_data	: opaque data to pass to the callback.
 *  Add a peer to the list of peers to which the daemon must maintain a connexion.
 *  The content of info parameter is copied, except for the list of endpoints if 
 * not empty, which is simply moved into the created object. It means that the list
 * items must have been malloc'd, so that they can be freed.
 *  If cb is not null, the callback is called when the connection is in OPEN state or
 * when an error has occurred. The callback should use the pi_state information to 
 * determine which one it is. If the first parameter of the called callback is NULL, it 
 * means that the peer is being destroyed before attempt success / failure. 
 * cb is called to allow freeing cb_data in  * this case.
 *  The orig_dbg string is only useful for easing debug, and can be left to NULL.
 *  0      	: The peer is added.
 *  EINVAL 	: A parameter is invalid.
 *  EEXIST 	: A peer with the same Diameter-Id is already in the list.
 *  (other standard errors may be returned, too, with their standard meaning. Example:
 *    ENOMEM 	: Memory allocation for the new object element failed.)
int fd_peer_add ( struct peer_info * info, const char * orig_dbg, void (*cb)(struct peer_info *, void *), void * cb_data );

 * FUNCTION:	fd_peer_getbyid
 *  diamid 	: an UTF8 string describing the diameter Id of the peer to seek
 *  diamidlen	: length of the diamid
 *  igncase	: perform an almost-case-insensitive search? (slower)
 *  peer	: The peer is stored here if it exists.
 *   Search a peer by its Diameter-Id.
 *  0   : *peer has been updated (to NULL if the peer is not found).
 * !0	: An error occurred.
int fd_peer_getbyid( DiamId_t diamid, size_t diamidlen, int igncase, struct peer_hdr ** peer );

 * FUNCTION:	fd_peer_get_state
 *  peer	: The peer which state to read
 *   Returns the current state of the peer.
 *  -1  : peer is invalid
 * >=0	: the state of the peer at the time of reading.
int fd_peer_get_state(struct peer_hdr *peer);

 * FUNCTION:	fd_peer_cnx_proto_info
 *  peer	: The peer which information to be read
 *  buf		: Where to store the protocol information
 *  len		: available space in bug
 *   Creates a string describing the current connection to this peer, e.g.: "TCP,TLS,soc#3".
 *  0   : buffer was written
 * >=0	: error code.
int fd_peer_cnx_proto_info(struct peer_hdr *peer, char * buf, size_t len);

 * FUNCTION:	fd_peer_get_load_pending
 *  peer	: The peer which load to read
 *  to_receive  : (out) number of requests sent to this peer without matching answer yet.
 *  to_send     : (out) number of requests received from this peer and not yet answered.
 *   Returns the current number of requests sent to this peer
 *  that have not been answered yet. This is an empirical indication
 *  of the workload of this peer.
 *  0  : The load parameter has been updated. (it should have a positive value always)
 * !0  : An error occurred
int fd_peer_get_load_pending(struct peer_hdr *peer, long * to_receive, long * to_send);

 * FUNCTION:	fd_peer_validate_register
 *  peer_validate 	: Callback as defined below.
 *  Add a callback to authorize / reject incoming peer connections.
 * All registered callbacks are called until a callback sets auth = -1 or auth = 1.
 * If no callback returns a clear decision, the default behavior is applied (reject unknown connections)
 * The callbacks are called in FILO order of their registration.
 *  0   : The callback is added.
 * !0	: An error occurred.
int fd_peer_validate_register ( int (*peer_validate)(struct peer_info * /* info */, int * /* auth */, int (**cb2)(struct peer_info *)) );
 * CALLBACK:	peer_validate
 *   info     : Structure containing information about the peer attempting the connection.
 *   auth     : Store there the result if the peer is accepted (1), rejected (-1), or unknown (0).
 *   cb2      : If != NULL and in case of PI_SEC_TLS_OLD, another callback to call after handshake (if auth = 1).
 *   This callback is called when a new connection is being established from an unknown peer,
 * after the CER is received. An extension must register such callback with peer_validate_register.
 *   The callback can learn if the peer has sent Inband-Security-Id AVPs in runtime.pir_isi fields.
 * It can also learn if a handshake has already been performed in runtime.pir_cert_list field.
 * The callback must set the value of config.pic_flags.sec appropriately to allow a connection without TLS.
 *   If the old TLS mechanism is used,
 * the extension may also need to check the credentials provided during the TLS
 * exchange (remote certificate). For this purpose, it may set the address of a new callback
 * to be called once the handshake is completed. This new callback receives the information
 * structure as parameter (with pir_cert_list set) and returns 0 if the credentials are correct,
 * or an error code otherwise. If the error code is received, the connection is closed and the 
 * peer is destroyed.
 * Note that freeDiameter already achieves some usual checks. The callback may be used to enforce
 * additional restrictions.
 *  0      	: The authorization decision has been written in the location pointed by auth.
 *  !0 		: An error occurred.

/*                         MESSAGES                           */

 * FUNCTION:	fd_msg_send, fd_msg_send_timeout  
 *  pmsg 	: Location of the message to be sent on the network (set to NULL on function return to avoid double deletion).
 *  anscb	: A callback to be called when corresponding answer is received, when sending a request (not used with answers)
 *  anscb_data	: opaque data to be passed back to the anscb (or expirecb) when it is called.
 *  expirecb    : (only for fd_msg_send_timeout) If the request did not get an answer before timeout, this callback is called.
 *  timeout     : (only for fd_msg_send_timeout) sets the absolute time until when to wait for an answer. Past this time,
 *                the expirecb is called with the request and the answer will be discarded if received later.
 *   Sends a message on the network. (actually simply queues it in a global queue, to be picked by a daemon's thread)
 * For requests, the end-to-end id must be set (see fd_msg_get_eteid / MSGFL_ALLOC_ETEID).
 * For answers, the message must be created with function fd_msg_new_answer_from_req.
 * The routing module will handle sending to the correct peer, usually based on the Destination-Realm / Destination-Host AVP.
 * If the msg is a request, there are two ways of receiving the answer:
 *  - either having registered a callback in the dispatch module (see fd_disp_register)
 *  - or provide a anscb callback here. If such callback is provided, it is called before the dispatch callbacks.
 *    The prototype for this anscb callback function is:
 *     void anscb(void * data, struct msg ** answer)
 *	where:
 *		data   : opaque data that was registered along with the callback.
 *		answer : location of the pointer to the answer.
 *      note1: on function return, if *answer is not NULL, the message is passed to the dispatch module for regular callbacks.
 *	       otherwise, the callback must take care of freeing the message (fd_msg_free).
 *	note2: the opaque data is not freed by the daemon in any case, extensions should ensure clean handling in fd_ext_fini.
 * If no callback is registered to handle an answer, the message is discarded and an error is logged.
 *  fd_msg_send_timeout is similar to fd_msg_send, except that it takes two additional arguments "expirecb" and "timeout". 
 * If the message parameter is an answer, there is no difference with fd_msg_send.
 * Otherwise, if the corresponding answer (or error) is received before the timeout date elapses, everything occurs as with fd_msg_send. 
 * Otherwise, the request is removed from the queue (meaning the matching answer will be discarded upon reception) and passed to the expirecb 
 * function. Upon return, if the *msg parameter is not NULL, it is freed (not passed to other callbacks). 
 * expirecb is called in a dedicated thread.
 *    The prototype for the expirecb callback function is:
 *     void expirecb(void * data, struct peer_hdr * sentto, struct msg ** request)
 *	where:
 *		data   : opaque data that was registered along with the callback.
 *              sentto : pointer to the peer to which the message was sent and no answer received within timeout.
 *		request: location of the pointer to the request that was not answered.
 *  0      	: The message has been queued for sending (sending may fail asynchronously).
 *  EINVAL 	: A parameter is invalid (ex: anscb provided but message is not a request).
 *  ...
int fd_msg_send ( struct msg ** pmsg, void (*anscb)(void *, struct msg **), void * data );
int fd_msg_send_timeout ( struct msg ** pmsg, void (*anscb)(void *, struct msg **), void * data, void (*expirecb)(void *, DiamId_t, size_t, struct msg **), const struct timespec *timeout );

 * FUNCTION:	fd_msg_add_result
 *  msg		: A msg object -- it must be an answer.
 *  vendor	: Vendor. If 0, add Result-Code else add Experimental-Result.
 *  restype	: DICT_TYPE containing rescode (ex: from TYPE_BY_NAME "Enumerated(Result-Code)").
 *  rescode	: The name of the returned error code (ex: "DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP").
 *  errormsg	: (optional) human-readable error message to put in Error-Message AVP.
 *  optavp	: (optional) If provided, the content will be put inside a Failed-AVP.
 *  type_id	: 0 => nothing; 1 => adds Origin-Host and Origin-Realm with local info. 2=> adds Error-Reporting-Host.
 *  This function adds a Result-Code AVP (if vendor is 0) or Experimental-Result AVP (vendor is not 0)
 *  to a message, and optionally
 *  - sets the 'E' error flag in the header,
 *  - adds Error-Message, Error-Reporting-Host and Failed-AVP AVPs.
 *  0		: Operation complete.
 *  !0		: an error occurred.
int fd_msg_add_result( struct msg * msg, vendor_id_t vendor, struct dict_object * restype, char * rescode, char * errormsg, struct avp * optavp, int type_id );

 * FUNCTION:	fd_msg_rescode_set
 *  msg		: A msg object -- it must be an answer.
 *  rescode	: The name of the returned error code (ex: "DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP")
 *  errormsg    : (optional) human-readable error message to put in Error-Message AVP
 *  optavp	: (optional) If provided, the content will be put inside a Failed-AVP
 *  type_id	: 0 => nothing; 1 => adds Origin-Host and Origin-Realm with local info. 2=> adds Error-Reporting-Host.
 *  This function adds a Result-Code AVP to a message, and optionally
 *  - sets the 'E' error flag in the header,
 *  - adds Error-Message, Error-Reporting-Host and Failed-AVP AVPs.
 *  Uses fd_msg_add_result with vendor 0 and restype for Enumerated(Result-Code).
 *  0		: Operation complete.
 *  !0		: an error occurred.
int fd_msg_rescode_set( struct msg * msg, char * rescode, char * errormsg, struct avp * optavp, int type_id );

/* Add Origin-Host, Origin-Realm, (if osi) Origin-State-Id AVPS at the end of the message */
int fd_msg_add_origin ( struct msg * msg, int osi ); 

/* Generate a new Session-Id and add it at the beginning of the message (opt is added at the end of the sid if provided) */
int fd_msg_new_session( struct msg * msg, os0_t opt, size_t optlen );

/* Parse a message against our dictionary, 
	return 0 in case of success.
	log parsing error & return error code in case of failure in parsing. 
	In addition, if the error code is EBADMSG (the message does not follow our dictionary) 
		if *msg was a request, *msg is NULL and *error contains the error message ready to send back on return
		if *msg was an answer, *msg is untouched and *error==*msg if *msg was an error message, *error is null otherwise */
int fd_msg_parse_or_error( struct msg ** msg, struct msg **error );

/*                         DISPATCH                           */

 * FUNCTION:	fd_disp_app_support
 *  app		: The dictionary object corresponding to the Application.
 *  vendor	: (Optional) the dictionary object of a Vendor to claim support in Vendor-Specific-Application-Id
 *  auth	: Support auth app part.
 *  acct	: Support acct app part.
 *   Registers an application to be advertized in CER/CEA exchanges.
 *  Messages with an application-id matching a registered value are passed to the dispatch module,
 * while other messages are simply relayed or an error is returned (if local node does not relay)
 *  0      	: The application support is registered.
 *  EINVAL 	: A parameter is invalid.
int fd_disp_app_support ( struct dict_object * app, struct dict_object * vendor, int auth, int acct );

/* Note: if we want to support capabilities updates, we'll have to add possibility to remove an app as well... */

/*                         ROUTING                            */

/* This file contains the definitions of types and functions involved in the routing decisions in freeDiameter,
 * and that can be called by extensions. 
 * Three different type of messages must be distinguished:
 *  - Messages received, and the peer is final recipient (IN messages)
 *  - Messages received, and the peer is not final recipient (FWD messages)
 *  - Message is locally generated (OUT messages)
 * There are three global message queues (in queues.c) and also peers-specific queues (in struct fd_peer).
 * (*) IN messages processing details:
 *   - the message is received from the remote peer, a FDEVP_CNX_MSG_RECV event is generated for the peer.
 *   - the PSM thread parses the buffer, does some verifications, handles non routable messages (fd_msg_is_routable)
 *   - routable messages are queued in the fd_g_incoming global queue.
 *   - a thread (routing-in) picks the message and takes the decision if it is handled locally or forwarded, 
 *       based on local capabilities (registered by extensions with fd_disp_app_support).
 *   - If the message is handled locally, it is queued in fd_g_local.
 *   - Another thread (dispatch.c) will handle this message and pass it to registered callbacks (see fd_disp_register in libfreeDiameter.h).
 * (*) FWD messages details:
 *   - The process is the same as for IN messages, until the routing-in threads makes its decision that the message is not handled locally.
 *   - If the local peer does not relay message, an error DIAMETER_APPLICATION_UNSUPPORTED is returned.
 *   - All callbacks registered with fd_rt_fwd_register are called for the message (see below).
 *     - these callbacks will typically do proxying work. Note that adding the route-record is handled by the daemon.
 *   - Once all callbacks have been called, the message is queued in the global fd_g_outgoing queue.
 *   - The remaining processing is the same as for OUT messages, as described below.
 * (*) OUT messages details:
 *   - The message are picked from fd_g_outgoing (they are queued there as result of forwarding process or call to fd_msg_send.)
 *   - The (routing-out) thread builds a list of possible destinations for the message, as follow:
 *      - create a list of all known peers in the "OPEN" state.
 *      - remove from that list all peers that are in a Route-Record AVP of the message, to avoid routing loops.
 *      - remove also all peers that have previously replied an error message for this message.
 *   - If the list is empty, create an error UNABLE_TO_DELIVER (note: should we trig dynamic discovery here???) and reply.
 *   - Otherwise, call all callbacks registered by function fd_rt_out_register, with the list of peers and the message.
 *   - Order the resulting list of peers by score (see below), and sent the message to the peer with highest (positive) score.
 *    - in case the peer is no longer in the "OPEN" state, send the message to the second peer in the list.
 *      - if no peer is in OPEN state anymore, restart the process of creating the list.
 *   - Once a peer has been selected, the message is queued into that peer's outgoing queue.
 * The following functions allow an extension to register or remove a callback as described above.

/********** Forwarding callbacks: for Proxy operations ***********/

/* Handle to registered callback */
struct fd_rt_fwd_hdl;

/* Message direction for the callback */
enum fd_rt_fwd_dir {
	RT_FWD_REQ = 1,	/* The callback will be called on forwarded requests only */
	RT_FWD_ALL = 2,	/* The callback will be called on all forwarded messages (requests and answers )*/
	RT_FWD_ANS = 3	/* The callback will be called on answers and errors only */

 * FUNCTION:	fd_rt_fwd_register
 *  rt_fwd_cb	  : The callback function to register (see prototype below).
 *  cbdata	  : Pointer to pass to the callback when it is called. The data is opaque to the daemon.
 *  dir           : One of the RT_FWD_* directions defined above.
 *  handler       : On success, a handler to the registered callback is stored here. 
 *		   This handler will be used to unregister the cb.
 *   Register a new callback for forwarded messages. See explanations above. 
 * Note that there is no guaranteed order for the callbacks calls.
 *  0      	: The callback is registered.
 *  EINVAL 	: A parameter is invalid.
 *  ENOMEM	: Not enough memory to complete the operation
int fd_rt_fwd_register ( int (*rt_fwd_cb)(void * cbdata, struct msg ** msg), void * cbdata, enum fd_rt_fwd_dir dir, struct fd_rt_fwd_hdl ** handler );
 * CALLBACK:	rt_fwd_cb
 *  data	: pointer to some data that was passed when the callback was registered (optional).
 *  msg 	: The message that is being forwarded.
 *   This callback is called when a message is forwarded to another peer. It may for example add a Proxy-Info AVP.
 *  The callback may also choose to handle the message in a more complex form. In that case, it must set *msg = NULL
 *  and handle it differently. In such case, the forwarding thread will stop processing this message.
 *  0      	: Operation complete.
 *  !0 		: An error occurred -- will result in daemon's termination.

 * FUNCTION:	fd_rt_fwd_unregister
 *  handler     : The handler of the callback that must be unregistered.
 *  cbdata	: Will receive the data registered with the callback, that can be freed if needed.
 *   Removes a callback from the list of registered callbacks.
 *  0      	: The callback is unregistered.
 *  EINVAL 	: A parameter is invalid.
int fd_rt_fwd_unregister ( struct fd_rt_fwd_hdl * handler, void ** cbdata );

/********** Out callbacks: for next hop routing decision operations ***********/

/* Handle to registered callback */
struct fd_rt_out_hdl;

enum fd_rt_out_score {
	FD_SCORE_NO_DELIVERY	 = -70,	/* We should not send this message to this candidate */
	FD_SCORE_SENT_REDIRECT	 = -60, /* If this peer previously sent a Redirect indication that applies to this message */
	FD_SCORE_INI		 =  -2, /* All candidates are initialized with this value */
	FD_SCORE_LOAD_BALANCE	 =   1,	/* Use this to differentiate between several peers with the same score */
	FD_SCORE_DEFAULT	 =   5,	/* The peer is a default route for all messages */
	FD_SCORE_DEFAULT_REALM	 =  10,	/* The peer is a default route for this realm */
	FD_SCORE_REALM		 =  15,	/* The peer belongs to Destination-Realm of the message */
	FD_SCORE_REDIR_HOST	 =  25,	/* If there is a redirect rule with ALL_HOST for these message and peer */
	FD_SCORE_REDIR_APP	 =  30,	/* If there is a redirect rule with ALL_APPLICATION for these message and peer */
	FD_SCORE_REDIR_REALM	 =  35,	/* If there is a redirect rule with ALL_REALM for these message and peer */
	FD_SCORE_REDIR_REALM_APP =  40,	/* If there is a redirect rule with REALM_AND_APPLICATION for these message and peer */
	FD_SCORE_REDIR_USER	 =  45,	/* If there is a redirect rule with ALL_USER for these message and peer */
	FD_SCORE_REDIR_SESSION	 =  50,	/* If there is a redirect rule with ALL_SESSION for these message and peer */
	FD_SCORE_REDIR_ONCE	 =  55,	/* If there is a redirect rule with DONT_CACHE for these message and peer */
	FD_SCORE_FINALDEST	 = 100	/* If the peer is the final recipient of the message (i.e. matching Destination-Host), it receives a big score. */

 * FUNCTION:	fd_rt_out_register
 *  rt_out_cb	  : The callback function to register (see prototype below).
 *  cbdata	  : Pointer to pass to the callback when it is called. The data is opaque to the daemon.
 *  priority      : Order for calling this callback. The callbacks are called in reverse priority order (higher priority = called sooner).
 *  handler       : On success, a handler to the registered callback is stored here. 
 *		   This handler will be used to unregister the cb.
 *   Register a new callback to handle OUT routing decisions. See explanations above. 
 *  0      	: The callback is registered.
 *  EINVAL 	: A parameter is invalid.
 *  ENOMEM	: Not enough memory to complete the operation
int fd_rt_out_register ( int (*rt_out_cb)(void * cbdata, struct msg ** pmsg, struct fd_list * candidates), void * cbdata, int priority, struct fd_rt_out_hdl ** handler );
 * CALLBACK:	rt_out_cb
 *  cbdata	: pointer to some data that was registered with the callback.
 *  pmsg 	: pointer to the message that must be sent. upon return if *msg is NULL, the processing stops and the message is not sent.
 *  list        : The list of peers to which the message may be sent to, as returned by fd_rtd_candidate_extract
 *   This callback must attribute a score (preferably from FD_SCORE_*) to each candidate peer in the list.
 *  Once all registered callbacks have been called, the message is sent to the candidate with the highest score.
 *  Note that each callback must *add* its locally-attributed score to the candidate current "score" parameter, not replace it!
 *  Note also that this callback must be re-entrant since it may be called by several threads at the same time 
 *  (for different messages)
 *  0      	: Operation complete.
 *  !0 		: An error occurred.

 * FUNCTION:	fd_rt_out_unregister
 *  handler     : The handler of the callback that must be unregistered.
 *  cbdata	: Will receive the data registered with the callback, that can be freed if needed.
 *   Removes a callback from the list of registered callbacks.
 *  0      	: The callback is unregistered.
 *  EINVAL 	: A parameter is invalid.
int fd_rt_out_unregister ( struct fd_rt_out_hdl * handler, void ** cbdata );

/*                         EVENTS                             */

struct fd_event {
	int	 code; /* codespace depends on the queue */
	size_t 	 size;
	void    *data;

/* Daemon's codespace: 1000->1999 (1500->1999 defined in fdcore-internal.h) */
enum {
	 FDEV_TERMINATE_INT= 1000	/* request to terminate. DO NOT USE. Use fd_core_shutdown() instead.  */
	,FDEV_TRIGGER			/* Trigger available for extensions. size is sizeof(int), data is int * */

int fd_event_send(struct fifo *queue, int code, size_t datasz, void * data);
int fd_event_get(struct fifo *queue, int * code, size_t * datasz, void ** data);
int fd_event_timedget(struct fifo *queue, struct timespec * timeout, int timeoutcode, int * code, size_t * datasz, void ** data);
void fd_event_destroy(struct fifo **queue, void (*free_cb)(void * data));
const char * fd_ev_str(int event);

/* for extensions */
int fd_event_trig_regcb(int trigger_val, const char * module, void (*cb)(void));

#ifndef SWIG

/* The "old" FD_EV_DUMP_* events are replaced with direct calls to the following dump functions */

#else /* SWIG */
#endif /* SWIG */
DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE(fd_servers_dump, int details);
DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE(fd_peer_dump_list, int details);
DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE(fd_peer_dump, struct peer_hdr * p, int details);

/*                         ENDPOINTS                          */

struct fd_endpoint {
	struct fd_list  chain;	/* link in cnf_endpoints list */
	union {
		sSS		ss;	/* the socket information. List is always ordered by ss value (memcmp) -- see fd_ep_add_merge */
		sSA4		sin;
		sSA6		sin6;
		sSA		sa;
#ifdef SWIG /* nested anonymous unions are not supported yet */
#endif /* SWIG */
#define	EP_FL_CONF	(1 << 0)	/* This endpoint is statically configured in a configuration file */
#define	EP_FL_DISC	(1 << 1)	/* This endpoint was resolved from the Diameter Identity or other DNS query */
#define	EP_FL_ADV	(1 << 2)	/* This endpoint was advertized in Diameter CER/CEA exchange */
#define	EP_FL_LL	(1 << 3)	/* Lower layer mechanism provided this endpoint */
#define	EP_FL_PRIMARY	(1 << 4)	/* This endpoint is primary in a multihomed SCTP association */
#define	EP_ACCEPTALL	(1 << 15)	/* This flag allows bypassing the address filter in fd_ep_add_merge. */
	uint32_t	flags;		/* Additional information about the endpoint */
	/* To add: a validity timestamp for DNS records ? How do we retrieve this lifetime from DNS ? */

int fd_ep_add_merge( struct fd_list * list, sSA * sa, socklen_t sl, uint32_t flags );
int fd_ep_filter( struct fd_list * list, uint32_t flags );
int fd_ep_filter_family( struct fd_list * list, int af );
int fd_ep_clearflags( struct fd_list * list, uint32_t flags );
DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE(fd_ep_dump_one, int preamble, struct fd_endpoint * ep );
DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE(fd_ep_dump, int preamble, int indent, struct fd_list * eps  );

/*                         APPLICATIONS IDs                   */

struct fd_app {
	struct fd_list	 chain;	/* link in cnf_apps list. List ordered by appid. */
	struct {
		unsigned auth   : 1;
		unsigned acct   : 1;
	}		 flags;
	vendor_id_t	 vndid; /* if not 0, Vendor-Specific-App-Id AVP will be used */
	application_id_t appid;	/* The identifier of the application */
int fd_app_merge(struct fd_list * list, application_id_t aid, vendor_id_t vid, int auth, int acct);
int fd_app_check(struct fd_list * list, application_id_t aid, struct fd_app **detail);
int fd_app_check_common(struct fd_list * list1, struct fd_list * list2, int * common_found);
int fd_app_empty(struct fd_list * list);

/*                         MONITORING                         */

/* These functions allow an extension to collect state information about the
 * framework, as well as being hooked at some key checkpoints in the processing
 * for logging or statistics purpose.

/* CALLBACK: 	fd_hook_cb
 *  type	: The type of hook that triggered this call, in case same cb is registered for several hooks.
 *  msg 	: If relevant, the pointer to the message triggering the call. NULL otherwise.
 *  peer        : If relevant, the pointer to the peer associated with the call. NULL otherwise.
 *  other	: For some callbacks, the remaining information is passed in this parameter. See each hook detail.
 *  permsgdata  : Structure associated with a given message, across several hooks. 
 *                 A different structure is associated with requests and corresponding answers. 
 *                 See fd_hook_data_hdl below for details.
 *                 If no fd_hook_data_hdl is registered with this callback, this parameter is always NULL
 *  regdata     : Data pointer stored at registration, opaque for the framework.
 *   When such callback is registered with fd_hook_register function, it will be called on matching events with 
 * the parameters as described in the list of fd_hook_type below. One can use this mechanism for e.g.:
 *  - log completely the messages for safety / backup
 *  - create statistics information on the throughput
 *  - ...
 *  IMPORTANT: the callback MUST NOT change the memory pointed by the different parameters (peer, message, ...)
 *  none.
/* The available hooks in the framework */
enum fd_hook_type {

		/* Hook called as soon as a message has been received from the network, after TLS & boundary processing.
		 - {msg} is NULL.
		 - {peer} is NULL.
		 - {other} is a pointer to a struct fd_cnx_rcvdata containing the received buffer.
		 - {permsgdata} points to either a new empty structure allocated for this message (cf. fd_hook_data_hdl), or NULL if no hdl is registered.
		/* Hook called when a message has been received and the structure has been parsed successfully (list of AVPs).
		 - {msg} points to the parsed message. At this time, the objects have not been dictionary resolved. If you
		   try to call fd_msg_parse_dict, it will slow down the operation of a relay agent.
		 - {peer} is set if the message is received from a peer's connection, and NULL if the message is from a new client
		   connected and not yet identified
		 - {other} is NULL, or a char * identifying the connection when {peer} is null.
		 - {permsgdata} points to either a new empty structure allocated for this message or the one passed to HOOK_DATA_RECEIVED if used.
		/* Hook called when a request message has been created locally by an extension and is being sent.
		 - {msg} points to the message.
		 - {peer} is NULL
		 - {other} is NULL
		 - {permsgdata} points to a new empty structure allocated for this request (cf. fd_hook_data_hdl)
		/* Hook called when a message is about to be sent to a peer. The message pointer cannot be modified here, but the content of the message
		  could still be changed (for example add or remove some AVP. This is the last chance.
		 - {msg} points to the message. Some objects may not have been dictionary resolved. If you
		   try to call fd_msg_parse_dict, it will slow down the operation of the instance.
		 - {peer} is the one the message is being sent to.
		 - {other} is NULL.
		 - {permsgdata} points to existing structure if any, or a new structure otherwise. 
		/* Hook called when a message has been sent to a peer. The message might be freed as soon as the hook function returns,
		   so it is not safe to store the pointer for asynchronous processing.
		 - {msg} points to the sent message. Again, the objects may not have been dictionary resolved. If you
		   try to call fd_msg_parse_dict, it will slow down the operation of a relay agent.
		 - {peer} is set if the message is sent to a peer's connection, and NULL if the message is sent to a new client
		   connected and not yet identified, or being rejected
		 - {other} is NULL.
		 - {permsgdata} points to existing structure if any, or a new structure otherwise. 
		/* Hook called when a message that was sent to a peer is being requeued, because e.g. the connection was torn down.
		   In that case the message will go again through the routing process.
		 - {msg} points to the corresponding request message (the answer is discarded). Again, the objects may not have been dictionary resolved. If you
		   try to call fd_msg_parse_dict, it might slow down the operation of a relay agent, although this hook is not on the normal execution path.
		 - {peer} is the peer this message was previously sent to.
		 - {other} is NULL.
		 - {permsgdata} points to existing structure if any, or a new structure otherwise. 
		/* Hook called when a message being processed cannot be parsed successfully.
		 - {msg} points to the message if buffer was parsed successfully, or NULL otherwise. You should not call fd_msg_parse_dict on this in any case.
		 - {peer} is NULL or the peer that received the message. If NULL and the message is not NULL, you can still retrieve the source from the message itself.
		 - {other} is a char * pointer to the error message (human-readable) if {msg} is not NULL, a pointer to struct fd_cnx_rcvdata containing the received buffer otherwise.
		 - {permsgdata} points to existing structure associated with this message (or new structure if no previous hook was registered). 
		/* Hook called when a message being processed by the routing thread meets an error such as no remaining available peer for sending, based on routing callbacks decisions (maybe after retries).
		 - {msg} points to the message. Again, the objects may not have been dictionary resolved. If you
		   try to call fd_msg_parse_dict, it might slow down the operation of a relay agent, although this hook is not on the normal execution path.
		 - {peer} is NULL.
		 - {other} is a char * pointer to the error message (human-readable).
		 - {permsgdata} points to existing structure associated with this message (or new structure if no previous hook was registered). 
		/* Hook called when a received message is deemed to be not handled locally by the routing_dispatch process.
		   The decision of knowing which peer it will be sent to is not made yet (or if an error will be returned).
		   The hook is trigged before the callbacks registered with fd_rt_fwd_register are called.
		 - {msg} points to the message. Again, the objects may not have been dictionary resolved. 
		    If you try to call fd_msg_parse_dict, it will slow down the operation of a relay agent.
		 - {peer} is NULL.
		 - {other} is NULL.
		 - {permsgdata} points to existing structure associated with this message (or new structure if no previous hook was registered). 
		/* Hook called when a received message is handled locally by the routing_dispatch process (i.e., not forwarded).
		   The hook is trigged before the callbacks registered with fd_disp_register are called.
		 - {msg} points to the message. Here, the message has been already parsed completely & successfully.
		 - {peer} is NULL.
		 - {other} is NULL.
		 - {permsgdata} points to existing structure associated with this message (or new structure if no previous hook was registered). 
		/* Hook called when a message is being discarded by the framework because of some error condition (normal or abnormal).
		   It is probably a good idea to log this for analysis / backup.
		 - {msg} points to the message, which will be freed as soon as the hook returns.
		 - {peer} may be NULL or a peer related to the event.
		 - {other} is a char * pointer to the error message (human-readable).
		 - {permsgdata} points to existing structure associated with this message (or new structure if no previous hook was registered).
		/* Hook called when a connection attempt to/from a remote peer has failed. This hook is also called when the peer was in OPEN state and the connection is broken.
		 - {msg} may be NULL (lower layer error, e.g. connection timeout) or points to a message showing the error (either invalid incoming message, or the CEA message sent or received with an error code).
		 - {peer} may be NULL for incoming requests from unknown peers being rejected, otherwise it points to the peer structure associated with the attempt.
		 - {other} is a char * pointer to the error message (human-readable).
		 - {permsgdata} is always NULL for this hook.
		/* Hook called when a connection attempt to/from a remote peer has succeeded (the peer moves to OPEN_HANDSHAKE or OPEN state).
		    In case of deprecated TLS handshake after the CER/CEA exchange, this hook can still be followed by HOOK_PEER_CONNECT_FAILED if TLS handshake fails.
		 - {msg} points to the CEA message sent or received (with a success code) -- in case it is sent, you can always get access to the matching CER.
		 - {peer} points to the peer structure.
		 - {other} is NULL.
		 - {permsgdata} is always NULL for this hook.
		/* Hook called after an error message has been generated due to a dictionary parsing error.
		 - {msg} points to the error message that has been generated.
		 - {peer} is NULL. You can still retrieve the source from the message itself.
		 - {other} is NULL
		 - {permsgdata} points to existing structure associated with this message (or new structure if no previous hook was registered). 
		 Use this hook if you need to populate more data in the error being returned, from the error message. 
		 (e.g. some AVP need to be added to replies even if error case.

/* Type of the {permsgdata} pointer. It is up to each extension to define its own structure. This is opaque for the framework. */
struct fd_hook_permsgdata;

/* A handle that will be associated with the extension, and with the permsgdata structures. */
struct fd_hook_data_hdl;

/* The following structure is what is passed to the HOOK_DATA_RECEIVED hook */
struct fd_cnx_rcvdata {
	size_t  length;
	uint8_t * buffer; /* internal note: the buffer is padded with a struct fd_msg_pmdl, not accounted for in length */

/* Function to register a new fd_hook_data_hdl. Should be called by your extension init function.
 * The arguments are the functions called to initialize a new fd_hook_permsgdata and to free this structure when the corresponding message is being freed.
 * FUNCTION:	fd_hook_data_register
 *  permsgdata_size     : the size of the fd_hook_permsgdata structure. 
 *  permsgdata_init_cb  : function called to initialize a new fd_hook_permsgdata structure, when a hook will be called for a message that does not have such structure yet. 
 *                           The memory is already allocated and blanked, so you can pass NULL if no further handling is required.
 *  permsgdata_fini_cb  : function called when a message is being disposed. It should free the resources associated with the fd_hook_permsgdata. 
 *                           You can pass NULL if no special handling is required. The memory of the permsgdata structure itself will be freed by the framework.
 *  new_handle          : On success, a handler to the registered callback is stored here. 
 *		             This handler will be used to unregister the cb.
 *   Register a new fd_hook_data_hdl. This handle is used during hooks registration (see below) in order to associate data with the messages, to allow keeping tracking of the message easily.
 *  Note that these handlers are statically allocated and cannot be unregistered. FD_HOOK_HANDLE_LIMIT handlers can be registered at maximum (recompile libfdproto if you change this value)
 *  0      	: The callback is registered.
 *  EINVAL 	: A parameter is invalid.
 *  ENOSPC	: Too many handles already registered. You may need to increase the limit in the code.
int fd_hook_data_register(
	size_t permsgdata_size,
	void (*permsgdata_init_cb) (struct fd_hook_permsgdata *),
        void (*permsgdata_fini_cb) (struct fd_hook_permsgdata *),
        struct fd_hook_data_hdl **new_handle

/* A handler associated with a registered hook callback (for cleanup) */
struct fd_hook_hdl; 

/* Helper for building a mask of hooks for registration */
#define HOOK_MASK(hooklist...)	fd_hook_mask_helper(0, ## hooklist, -1)

 * FUNCTION:	fd_hook_register
 *  type_mask	  : A bitmask of fd_hook_type bits for which this cb is registered, e.g. HOOK_MASK( HOOK_MESSAGE_RECEIVED, HOOK_MESSAGE_SENT )
 *  fd_hook_cb	  : The callback function to register (see prototype above).
 *  regdata	  : Pointer to pass to the callback when it is called. The data is opaque to the daemon.
 *  data_hdl      : If permsgdata is requested for the hooks, a handler registered with fd_hook_data_register. NULL otherwise.
 *  handler       : On success, a handler to the registered callback is stored here. 
 *		   This handler can be used to unregister the cb.
 *   Register a new hook in the framework. See explanations above.
 *  0      	: The callback is registered.
 *  EEXIST      : Another callback is already registered for this type of hook (HOOK_DATA_RECEIVED).
 *  EINVAL 	: A parameter is invalid.
 *  ENOMEM	: Not enough memory to complete the operation
int fd_hook_register (  uint32_t type_mask, 
			void (*fd_hook_cb)(enum fd_hook_type type, struct msg * msg, struct peer_hdr * peer, void * other, struct fd_hook_permsgdata *pmd, void * regdata), 
			void  *regdata, 
			struct fd_hook_data_hdl *data_hdl,
			struct fd_hook_hdl ** handler );

/* Remove a hook registration */
int fd_hook_unregister( struct fd_hook_hdl * handler );

/* Use the following function to retrieve any pmd structure associated with a request matching the current answer. Returns NULL in case of error / no such structure */
struct fd_hook_permsgdata * fd_hook_get_request_pmd(struct fd_hook_data_hdl *data_hdl, struct msg * answer);

/* Use the following function to retrieve any pmd structure associated with a request. Returns NULL in case of error */
struct fd_hook_permsgdata * fd_hook_get_pmd(struct fd_hook_data_hdl *data_hdl, struct msg * msg);

/* The following is used by HOOK_MASK macro */
uint32_t fd_hook_mask_helper(int dummy, ...);


 * The following allows an extension to retrieve stat information on the different fifo queues involved in the freeDiameter framework.
 * There are three global queues, plus per-peer queues.
 * This information can be used to build SNMP-like data for example, or quickly get a status of the framework to find the loaded path of execution / bottlenecks.
enum fd_stat_type {
	/* For the following, no peer is associated with the stat */
	STAT_G_LOCAL= 1,	/* Get statistics for the global queue of messages processed by local extensions */
	STAT_G_INCOMING,	/* Get statistics for the global queue of received messages to be processed by routing_in thread */
	STAT_G_OUTGOING,	/* Get statistics for the global queue of messages to be processed by routing_out thread */
	/* For the following, the peer must be provided */
	STAT_P_PSM,		/* Peer state machine queue (events to be processed for this peer, including received messages) */
	STAT_P_TOSEND,		/* Queue of messages for sending to this peer */

 * FUNCTION:	fd_stat_getstats
 *  stat	  : Which queue is being queried
 *  peer	  : (depending on the stat parameter) which peer is being queried
 *  current_count : (out) The number of items in the queue currently
 *  limit_count   : (out) The max number of items the queue accepts before becoming blocking -- 0 means no max.
 *  highest_count : (out) The highest count the queue has reached since startup
 *  total_count	  : (out) Total number of items that this queue has processed (always growing, use deltas for monitoring)
 *  total	  : (out) Cumulated time all items spent in this queue, including blocking time (always growing, use deltas for monitoring)
 *  blocking      : (out) Cumulated time threads trying to post new items were blocked (queue full).
 *  last          : (out) For the last element retrieved from the queue, how long it took between posting (including blocking) and poping
 *   Get statistics information about a given queue. 
 *  Any of the (out) parameters can be NULL if not requested.
 *  0      	: The callback is registered.
 *  EINVAL 	: A parameter is invalid.
int fd_stat_getstats(enum fd_stat_type stat, struct peer_hdr * peer, 
			int * current_count, int * limit_count, int * highest_count, long long * total_count,
			struct timespec * total, struct timespec * blocking, struct timespec * last);

/*                         EOF                                */

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _LIBFDCORE_H */
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