changeset 1460:a86eb3375b95

add csv_to_fd, org_to_csv tools csv_to_fd converts CSV files containing RADIUS or Diameter AVP tables into various formats, including freeDiameter C code and JSON documents. org_to_csv converts org files into CSV files, suitable for csv_to_fd.
author Luke Mewburn <>
date Mon, 09 Mar 2020 21:24:24 +1100
parents 4f44d206e60d
children b573eda8f4a2
files contrib/tools/README contrib/tools/csv_to_fd contrib/tools/org_to_csv
diffstat 3 files changed, 491 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/contrib/tools/README	Mon Mar 09 18:45:34 2020 +1100
+++ b/contrib/tools/README	Mon Mar 09 21:24:24 2020 +1100
@@ -1,2 +1,11 @@
+csv_to_fd converts CSV files containing RADIUS or Diameter AVP tables
+into various formats, including freeDiameter C code and JSON documents.
+grep_fd_dict_dump processes stdin for the output of fd_dict_dump()
+or dbg_dict_dump.fdx and reformats to remove pointer addresses,
+to allow diff of output between freeDiameter invocations.
+org_to_csv converts org files into CSV files, suitable for csv_to_fd.
+ converts org files like to C fragments
 that can be included in freeDiameter code.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/contrib/tools/csv_to_fd	Mon Mar 09 21:24:24 2020 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
+Convert CSV files containing RADIUS or Diameter AVP tables
+into various formats.
+Format of the CSV files is one of:
+- Row per 3GPP AVP tables:
+    Name, Code, Section, DataType, Must, May, ShouldNot, MustNot [, ...]
+    - Name:
+        AVP Name. String, validated as ALPHA *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-")
+    - Code:
+        AVP Code. Integer, 0..4294967295.
+    - Section:
+        Section in relevant standard. String.
+    - DataType:
+        AVP Data Type. String, validated per Per RFC 6733 § 4.2 and § 4.3.
+    - Must, May, ShouldNot, MustNot:
+        Flags, possibly comma or space separated: M, V
+- Comment row. First cell:
+    # Comment text      Comment text
+    #=                  Header row of ====
+    #                   Blank line
+- Parameter row:
+    @Parameter,Value [, ...]
+  Supported Parameter terms:
+    standard    Standard name. E.g. '3GPP TS 29.272', 'RFC 6733'.
+    vendor      Vendor number.
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import abc
+import csv
+import collections
+import json
+import re
+import optparse
+import sys
+    'name',
+    'code',
+    'section',
+    'datatype',
+    'must',
+    'may',
+    'shouldnot',
+    'mustnot',
+    'encrypt',
+    0:      '',
+    193:    'Ericsson',
+    8164:   'Starent',
+    10415:  '3GPP',
+class Avp(object):
+    """Store an AVP row."""
+    # Regex to validate avp-name per RFC 6733 § 3.2,
+    # with changes:
+    # - Allow avp-name to start with numbers (for 3GPP)
+    # - Allow '.' in avp-name, for existing dict_dcca_3gpp usage.
+# TODO: if starts with digit, ensure contains a letter somewhere?
+    _name_re = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-\.]*$')
+    __slots__ = CSV_COLUMN_NAMES + [
+        'filename', 'linenum', 'standard', 'vendor', ]
+    def __init__(self, name, code, section, datatype,
+                 must, may, shouldnot, mustnot, encrypt,
+                 filename=None, linenum=0, standard=None, vendor=0):
+        # Members from CSV row
+ = name
+        self.code = int(code)
+        self.section = section
+        self.datatype = datatype
+        self.must = must
+        self.may = may
+        self.shouldnot = shouldnot
+        self.mustnot = mustnot
+        self.encrypt = encrypt
+        # Members from file state
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.linenum = linenum
+        self.standard = standard
+        self.vendor = vendor
+        # Validate CSV fields
+        if not self._name_re.match(
+            raise ValueError('Invalid AVP name "{}"'.format(
+        if (self.code < 0 or self.code > 4294967295):
+            raise ValueError('Invalid AVP code {}'.format(self.code))
+        if self.datatype not in (
+                'OctetString', 'Integer32', 'Integer64', 'Unsigned32',
+                'Unsigned64', 'Float32', 'Float64', 'Grouped',
+                'Address', 'Time', 'UTF8String', 'DiameterIdentity',
+                'DiameterURI', 'Enumerated', 'IPFilterRule',
+                ):
+            raise ValueError('Invalid AVP data type "{}"'.format(
+                self.datatype))
+# TODO: validate must, may, shouldnot, mustnot
+    @property
+    def __dict__(self):
+        return {s: getattr(self, s) for s in self.__slots__}
+class Processor(object):
+    """Interface for processor of Avp"""
+    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
+    @classmethod
+    def cls_name(cls):
+        """Return the name, lower-case, without "processor" suffix."""
+        suffix = 'processor'
+        name = cls.__name__.lower()
+        if name.endswith(suffix):
+            return name[:-len(suffix)]
+        return name
+    @classmethod
+    def cls_desc(cls):
+        """Return the first line of the docstring."""
+        if cls.__doc__ is None:
+            return ""
+        return cls.__doc__.split('\n')[0]
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def next_file(self, filename):
+        """Called when a file is opened."""
+        pass
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def avp(self, avp):
+        """Process a validated Avp."""
+        pass
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def comment(self, comment, filename, linenum):
+        """Process a comment row:
+            #comment,
+        """
+        pass
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def generate(self):
+        """Invoked after all rows processed."""
+        pass
+class DebugProcessor(Processor):
+    """Display the CSV parsing"""
+    def next_file(self, filename):
+        print('File: {}'.format(filename))
+    def avp(self, avp):
+        avpdict = vars(avp)
+        print('AVP: {name}, {code}, {datatype}'.format(**avpdict))
+    def comment(self, comment, filename, linenum):
+        print('Comment: {}'.format(comment))
+    def generate(self):
+        print('Generate')
+class NoopProcessor(Processor):
+    """Validate the CSV; no other output"""
+    def next_file(self, filename):
+        pass
+    def avp(self, avp):
+        pass
+    def comment(self, comment, filename, linenum):
+        pass
+    def generate(self):
+        pass
+class FdcProcessor(Processor):
+    """Generate freeDiameter C code
+    Comment cells are parsed as:
+        # text comment  /* text comment */
+        #=              /*==============*/
+        #               [blank line]
+    """
+        'Address':          'OctetString',
+        'Time':             'OctetString',
+        'UTF8String':       'OctetString',
+        'DiameterIdentity': 'OctetString',
+        'DiameterURI':      'OctetString',
+        'Enumerated':       'Integer32',
+        'IPFilterRule':     'OctetString',
+    }
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.lines = []
+    def next_file(self, filename):
+        print('/* CSV file: {} */'.format(filename))
+    def avp(self, avp):
+        comment = '{name}, {datatype}, code {code}'.format(**vars(avp))
+        if '' != avp.section:
+            comment += ', section {}'.format(avp.section)
+        self.add_comment(comment)
+        self.add('\t{')
+        self.add('\t\tstruct dict_avp_data data = {')
+# TODO: remove comments?
+        self.add('\t\t\t{},\t/* Code */'.format(avp.code))
+        self.add('\t\t\t{},\t/* Vendor */'.format(avp.vendor))
+        self.add('\t\t\t\"{}\",\t/* Name */'.format(
+        self.add('\t\t\t{},\t/* Fixed flags */'.format(
+            self.build_flags(', '.join([avp.must, avp.mustnot]))))
+        self.add('\t\t\t{},\t/* Fixed flag values */'.format(
+            self.build_flags(avp.must)))
+# TODO: add trailing comma?
+        self.add('\t\t\tAVP_TYPE_{}\t/* base type of data */'.format(
+            self.DERIVED_TO_BASE.get(
+                avp.datatype, avp.datatype).upper()))
+        self.add('\t\t};')
+        avp_type = 'NULL'
+        if 'Enumerated' == avp.datatype:
+            self.add('\t\tstruct dict_object\t*type;')
+            vendor_prefix = ''
+            if avp.vendor != 0:
+                vendor_prefix = '{}/'.format(VENDOR_TO_NAME[avp.vendor])
+            self.add(
+                '\t\tstruct dict_type_data\t tdata = {{ AVP_TYPE_INTEGER32, '
+                '"Enumerated({prefix}{name})", NULL, NULL, NULL }};'.format(
+                    prefix=vendor_prefix,
+# XXX: add enumerated values
+            self.add('\t\tCHECK_dict_new(DICT_TYPE, &tdata, NULL, &type);')
+            avp_type = "type"
+        elif avp.datatype in self.DERIVED_TO_BASE:
+            avp_type = '{}_type'.format(avp.datatype)
+        self.add('\t\tCHECK_dict_new(DICT_AVP, &data, {}, NULL);'.format(
+            avp_type))
+# TODO: remove ; on scope brace
+        self.add('\t};')
+        self.add('')
+    def comment(self, comment, filename, linenum):
+        if '' == comment:
+            self.add('')
+        elif '=' == comment:
+            self.add_header()
+        elif comment.startswith(' '):
+            self.add_comment(comment[1:])
+        else:
+            raise ValueError('Unsupported comment "{}"'.format(comment))
+    def generate(self):
+        self.print_header()
+        self.print_comment('Start of generated data.')
+        self.print_comment('')
+        self.print_comment('The following is created automatically with:')
+        self.print_comment('    csv_to_fd -p {}'.format(self.cls_name()))
+        self.print_comment('Changes will be lost during the next update.')
+        self.print_comment('Do not modify;'
+                           ' modify the source .csv file instead.')
+        self.print_header()
+        print('')
+        print('\n'.join(self.lines))
+        self.print_header()
+        self.print_comment('End of generated data.')
+        self.print_header()
+    def build_flags(self, flags):
+        result = []
+        if 'V' in flags:
+            result.append('AVP_FLAG_VENDOR')
+        if 'M' in flags:
+            result.append('AVP_FLAG_MANDATORY')
+        return ' |'.join(result)
+    def add(self, line):
+        self.lines.append(line)
+    def add_comment(self, comment):
+        self.lines.append(self.format_comment(comment))
+    def add_header(self):
+        self.lines.append(self.format_header())
+    def format_comment(self, comment):
+        return '\t/* {:<{width}} */'.format(comment, width=self.COMMENT_WIDTH)
+    def format_header(self):
+        return '\t/*={:=<{width}}=*/'.format('', width=self.COMMENT_WIDTH)
+    def print_comment(self, comment):
+        print(self.format_comment(comment))
+    def print_header(self):
+        print(self.format_header())
+class JsonProcessor(Processor):
+    """Generate freeDiameter JSON object
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.avps = []
+    def next_file(self, filename):
+        pass
+    def avp(self, avp):
+        flags = collections.OrderedDict([
+            ('Must',    self.build_flags(avp.must)),
+            ('MustNot', self.build_flags(avp.mustnot)),
+        ])
+        row = collections.OrderedDict([
+            ('Code',    avp.code),
+            ('Flags',   flags),
+            ('Name',,
+            ('Type',    avp.datatype),
+            ('Vendor',  avp.vendor),
+        ])
+        self.avps.append(row)
+    def comment(self, comment, filename, linenum):
+        pass
+    def generate(self):
+        doc = {"AVPs": self.avps}
+        print(json.dumps(doc, indent=2))
+    def build_flags(self, flags):
+        result = []
+        if 'V' in flags:
+            result.append('V')
+        if 'M' in flags:
+            result.append('M')
+        return ''.join(result)
+def main():
+    # Build dict of name: NameProcessor
+    processors = {
+        cls.cls_name(): cls
+        for cls in Processor.__subclasses__()
+        }
+    # Build Processor name to desc
+    processor_help = '\n'.join(
+        ['  {:8} {}'.format(key, processors[key].cls_desc())
+         for key in sorted(processors)])
+    # Custom OptionParser with improved help
+    class MyParser(optparse.OptionParser):
+        """Custom OptionParser without epilog formatting."""
+        def format_help(self, formatter=None):
+            return """\
+Supported PROCESSOR options:
+                optparse.OptionParser.format_help(self, formatter),
+                processor_help)
+    # Parse options
+    parser = MyParser(
+        description="""\
+Convert CSV files containing RADIUS or Diameter AVP tables
+into various formats using the specified processor PROCESSOR.
+    parser.add_option(
+        '-p', '--processor',
+        default='noop',
+        help='AVP processor. One of: {}. [%default]'.format(
+             ', '.join(processors.keys())))
+    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
+    if len(args) < 1:
+        parser.error('Incorrect number of arguments')
+    # Find processor
+    try:
+        avpproc = processors[opts.processor]()
+    except KeyError as e:
+        parser.error('Unknown processor "{}"'.format(opts.processor))
+    # dict of [vendor][code] : Avp
+    avp_codes = collections.defaultdict(dict)
+    # Process files
+    for filename in args:
+        avpproc.next_file(filename)
+        with open(filename, 'r') as csvfile:
+            csvdata = csv.DictReader(csvfile, CSV_COLUMN_NAMES)
+            linenum = 0
+            standard = ''
+            vendor = 0
+            for row in csvdata:
+                linenum += 1
+                try:
+                    if row['name'] in (None, '', 'Attribute Name'):
+                        continue
+                    elif row['name'].startswith('#'):
+                        comment = row['name'][1:]
+                        avpproc.comment(comment, filename, linenum)
+                    elif row['name'].startswith('@'):
+                        parameter = row['name'][1:]
+                        value = row['code']
+                        if False:
+                            pass
+                        elif 'standard' == parameter:
+                            standard = value
+                        elif 'vendor' == parameter:
+                            vendor = int(value)
+                        else:
+                            raise ValueError('Unknown parameter "{}"'.format(
+                                parameter))
+                    else:
+                        avp = Avp(filename=filename, linenum=linenum,
+                                  standard=standard, vendor=vendor,
+                                  **row)
+                        # Ensure AVP vendor/code not already defined
+                        if avp.code in avp_codes[avp.vendor]:
+                            conflict = avp_codes[avp.vendor][avp.code]
+                            raise ValueError(
+                                'AVP vendor {} code {} already present'
+                                ' in file "{}" line {}'.format(
+                                    avp.vendor, avp.code,
+                                    conflict.filename, conflict.linenum))
+                        avp_codes[avp.vendor][avp.code] = avp
+                        # Process AVP
+                        avpproc.avp(avp)
+                except ValueError as e:
+                    sys.stderr.write('CSV file "{}" line {}: {}: {}\n'.format(
+                        filename, linenum, e.__class__.__name__, e))
+                    sys.exit(1)
+    # Generate result
+    avpproc.generate()
+if '__main__' == __name__:
+    main()
+# vim: set et sw=4 sts=4 :
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/contrib/tools/org_to_csv	Mon Mar 09 21:24:24 2020 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Convert |-separated 11-column .org files to CSV,
+with first and last empty columns ignored.
+import csv
+import fileinput
+import re
+import sys
+csvout = csv.writer(sys.stdout)
+for line in fileinput.input():
+    row = re.split(r'\s*\|\s*', line)
+    row.extend([''] * (10 - len(row)))
+    csvout.writerow(row[1:10])
+# vim: set et sw=4 sts=4 :
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