diff contrib/app_acct_tools/process_records.php @ 533:4cdf146f11d5

Added a set of example PHP scripts to parse the app_acct.fdx data.
author Sebastien Decugis <sdecugis@nict.go.jp>
date Tue, 07 Sep 2010 16:57:48 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/contrib/app_acct_tools/process_records.php	Tue Sep 07 16:57:48 2010 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# This file may be called either from CLI or web PHP installation.
+# The copyright is the same as the freeDiameter project. Licence is BSD.
+# IMPORTANT: This script is highly experimental, PLEASE KEEP A COPY OF YOUR ACCOUNTING DATA 
+# if this data has any importance.
+/* This script supports only one database where all tables are kept. 
+  The Connection String used to access that database:
+  Example: "host=localhost dbname=app_acct user=freediameter password=foo" */
+/**** 1 : Incoming records (output of app_acct.fdx) ****/
+/* The name of the table were the raw records are saved (from app_acct.conf) */
+/* Note: For this script, this table MUST contain the following fields (with these names): 
+ Session-Id, User-Name, Accounting-Record-Type, Accounting-Record-Number, Acct-Session-Id, 
+ Accounting-{In,Out}put-{Octets,Packets},
+ NAS-Identifier, Called-Station-Id, Calling-Station-Id, recorded_on.
+ */
+/**** 2 : Processed records (output of this script, input for display_results.php) ****/
+/* The name of the table */
+/* See process_database.sql for command to create this database */
+/**** 3 : Orphan records (optional) ****/
+/* The script can move records belonging to an unterminated session that has not received any new
+  record for more than $ORPHAN_DELAY (based on recorded_on field) into an $ORPHANED_TABLE table, so that
+  these records are not re-processed everytime the script runs. 
+  If $ORPHANED_TABLE is empty, this feature is disabled.  */
+$ORPHAN_DELAY = "2 days";
+/**** 4 : Archived records (optional) ****/
+/* When data has been processed successfully, the records can be saved into an archive table before being deleted. */
+/* This table also must have the same structure as $INCOMING */
+/* Connect to the database */
+$dbconn = pg_connect($CONNSTR)
+    or die('Could not connect: ' . pg_last_error() . "\n");
+/* Handle orphans first */
+	$orphans_sql = 'SELECT * FROM "'.$INCOMING.'" ';
+	$orphans_sql.= 'WHERE "Acct-Session-Id" IN (';
+	$orphans_sql.= '   SELECT data.asid ';
+	$orphans_sql.= '   FROM (';
+	$orphans_sql.= '       SELECT "Acct-Session-Id" as asid, MAX("recorded_on") as latest, bool_or("Accounting-Record-Type" = 2) as got_start, bool_or("Accounting-Record-Type" = 4) as got_stop  ';
+	$orphans_sql.= '       FROM "'.$INCOMING.'"';
+	$orphans_sql.= '       GROUP BY "Acct-Session-Id") ';
+	$orphans_sql.= '   as data';
+	$orphans_sql.= '   WHERE data.latest < current_timestamp - interval \''. $ORPHAN_DELAY .'\' AND NOT ( got_start AND got_stop )';
+	$orphans_sql.= ');';
+	/* Execute, move the orphaned records to the appropriate table. */
+	$result = pg_query($dbconn, $orphans_sql) or die('Query failed: ' . pg_last_error() . "\n");
+	if (pg_num_rows($result) > 0) {
+		$i = 0;
+		while ($orphan = pg_fetch_array($result, null, PGSQL_ASSOC)) {
+			$i++;
+			// this doesn't work: pg_insert( $dbconn, $ORPHANED_TABLE, $orphan ) or die('Insert failed: ' . pg_last_error() . "\n");
+			$sql  = "INSERT INTO \"$ORPHANED_TABLE\" ";
+			$sql .= '("';
+			$sql .= join('", "', array_keys($orphan));
+			$sql .= '") VALUES (';
+			for($c = 0; $c < count($orphan); $c++)
+			  $sql .= ($c ? ', ' : '').'$'.($c+1);
+			$sql .= ')';
+			pg_query_params($dbconn, $sql, array_values($orphan)) or die('Insert failed: ' . pg_last_error() . "\n");
+			// This also doesn't work: pg_delete( $dbconn, $INCOMING, $orphan ) or die('Removing orphan failed: ' . pg_last_error() . "\n");
+			$sql  = "DELETE FROM \"$INCOMING\" WHERE ";
+			$sql .= '"Acct-Session-Id" = $1 AND "recorded_on" = $2';
+			pg_query_params($dbconn, $sql, array($orphan["Acct-Session-Id"], $orphan["recorded_on"])) or die('Removing orphan failed: ' . pg_last_error() . "\n");
+		}
+		echo $i." orphans have been moved to '".$ORPHANED_TABLE."'\n";
+	}
+	pg_free_result($result);
+/* Delete duplicate records (which might have been received by different servers on different time, but are identical otherwise */
+$duplicate_sql  = ' SELECT * FROM (SELECT count(*) as cnt, min("recorded_on") as first, "Session-Id", "Acct-Session-Id", "Accounting-Record-Type", "Accounting-Record-Number"';
+$duplicate_sql .= ' FROM "'.$INCOMING.'" GROUP BY "Session-Id", "Acct-Session-Id", "Accounting-Record-Type", "Accounting-Record-Number") as qry WHERE qry.cnt > 1';
+$result = pg_query($dbconn, $orphans_sql) or die('Query failed: ' . pg_last_error() . "\n");
+if (pg_num_rows($result) > 0) {
+	/* We have some duplicates to delete */
+	$i=0;
+	while ($dup = pg_fetch_array($result, null, PGSQL_ASSOC)) {
+		$i++;
+		$sql  = "DELETE FROM \"$INCOMING\" WHERE ";
+		$sql .= '"Session-Id" = $1 AND "Acct-Session-Id" = $2 AND "Accounting-Record-Type" = $3 AND "Accounting-Record-Number" = $4 AND "recorded_on" <> $5';
+		$params = array($dup["Session-Id"], $dup["Acct-Session-Id"], $dup["Accounting-Record-Type"], $dup["Accounting-Record-Number"], $dup["first"]);
+		pg_query_params($dbconn, $sql, $params) or die('Removing duplicates failed: ' . pg_last_error() . "\n");
+	}
+	echo $i." duplicate records have been deleted from '".$INCOMING."'\n";
+/* Now, find Acct-Session-Id of completed sessions */
+$completed_sql  = ' SELECT "Session-Id", "Acct-Session-Id" FROM (';
+$completed_sql .= '     SELECT "Session-Id", "Acct-Session-Id", bool_or("Accounting-Record-Type" = 2) as got_start, bool_or("Accounting-Record-Type" = 4) as got_stop ';
+$completed_sql .= '     FROM "'.$INCOMING.'" GROUP BY "Session-Id", "Acct-Session-Id"';
+$completed_sql .= '    ) as input';
+$completed_sql .= ' WHERE got_start AND got_stop';
+$sids = pg_query($dbconn, $completed_sql) or die('Query failed: ' . pg_last_error() . "\n");
+if (pg_num_rows($sids) > 0) {
+	while ($sids_line = pg_fetch_array($sids, null, PGSQL_ASSOC)) {
+		$sid  = $sids_line["Session-Id"];
+		$asid = $sids_line["Acct-Session-Id"];
+		echo "Processing Acct-Session-Id '".$asid."', Session-Id '".$sid ."'... ";
+		$data=array();
+		/* We simply ignore the interim record(s) in this first version, since they contain only cumulative data. It could be used in later version to draw the session details for example. */
+		$result = pg_query_params($dbconn, 'SELECT *, "recorded_on" - CAST(textcat(text("Acct-Session-Time"), text(\' seconds\')) as INTERVAL) as start_time FROM "'.$INCOMING.
+						   '" WHERE "Session-Id" = $1 AND "Acct-Session-Id" = $2 AND "Accounting-Record-Type" = 4 ORDER BY "recorded_on"', 
+						   array($sid, $asid)) or die('Query failed: ' . pg_last_error() . "\n");
+		$record = pg_fetch_array($result, null, PGSQL_ASSOC) or die('Internal error, got_stop is true but no record was returned');
+		$data[/* "user_name" */] = $record["User-Name"];
+		$data[/* "user_device" */] = $record["Calling-Station-Id"];
+		$nas_id= ($record["NAS-Identifier"] ?: $record["Origin-Host"]) ?: "<unidentified NAS>";
+		$ip = $record["NAS-IP-Address"] ?: $record["NAS-IPv6-Address"];
+		$nas_ip= $ip ? inet_ntop(pg_unescape_bytea($ip)) : "<unknown NAS IP>";
+		$nas_csi = $record["Called-Station-Id"];
+		$data[/* "nas_info" */] = $nas_id . " (".$nas_ip.")" . ($nas_csi ? " - Called Station: ".$nas_csi : "");
+		/* Is it possible to infer the session start time from this record only? */
+		if ($record["Acct-Session-Time"]) {
+			/* Yes, let's go */
+			$data[/* "sess_start" */] = $record["start_time"];
+			$data[/* "sess_duration" */] = $record["Acct-Session-Time"]." seconds";
+		} else {
+			/* No the information is missing, let's compute the approx value with the START record timestamp */
+			$res = pg_query_params($dbconn, 'SELECT t_start."recorded_on" as begining, t_end."recorded_on" - t_start."recorded_on" as duration'.
+							' FROM (SELECT "recorded_on" FROM "'.$INCOMING.'"  WHERE "Session-Id" = $1 AND "Acct-Session-Id" = $2 AND "Accounting-Record-Type" = 4 ORDER BY "recorded_on" LIMIT 1) as t_end, '.
+							'      (SELECT "recorded_on" FROM "'.$INCOMING.'"  WHERE "Session-Id" = $1 AND "Acct-Session-Id" = $2 AND "Accounting-Record-Type" = 2 ORDER BY "Accounting-Record-Number", "recorded_on" LIMIT 1) as t_start',
+							array($sid, $asid)) or die('Query failed: ' . pg_last_error() . "\n");
+			$vals = pg_fetch_array($result, null, PGSQL_ASSOC) or die('Internal error, unable to compute session time');
+			$data[/* "sess_start" */] = $vals["begining"];
+			$data[/* "sess_duration" */] = $vals["duration"];
+			pg_free_result($res);
+		}
+		$data[/* "downl_bytes" */] = $record["Accounting-Output-Octets"];
+		$data[/* "downl_packets" */] = $record["Accounting-Output-Packets"];
+		$data[/* "upl_bytes" */] = $record["Accounting-Input-Octets"];
+		$data[/* "upl_packets" */] = $record["Accounting-Input-Packets"];
+		pg_free_result($result);
+		$result = pg_query_params($dbconn, 
+			'INSERT INTO "'.$PROCESSED.'" (user_name, user_device, nas_info, sess_start, sess_duration, downl_bytes, downl_packets, upl_bytes, upl_packets) '.
+			'VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)', $data) or die('Query failed: ' . pg_last_error() . "\n");
+		pg_free_result($result);
+		echo "Data stored into '$PROCESSED'... ";
+		/* Now that we have processed it, move these records to the $ARCHIVES_TABLE table. */
+			$result = pg_query_params($dbconn, 'SELECT * FROM "'.$INCOMING.'" WHERE "Session-Id" = $1 AND "Acct-Session-Id" = $2', array($sid, $asid)) or die('Query failed: ' . pg_last_error() . "\n");
+			$i = 0;
+			while ($rec = pg_fetch_array($result, null, PGSQL_ASSOC)) {
+				$i++;
+				$sql  = "INSERT INTO \"$ARCHIVES_TABLE\" ";
+				$sql .= '("';
+				$sql .= join('", "', array_keys($rec));
+				$sql .= '") VALUES (';
+				for($c = 0; $c < count($rec); $c++)
+				  $sql .= ($c ? ', ' : '').'$'.($c+1);
+				$sql .= ')';
+				pg_query_params($dbconn, $sql, array_values($rec)) or die('Insert failed: ' . pg_last_error() . "\n");
+			}
+			echo $i." records archived into '".$ARCHIVES_TABLE."'";
+			pg_free_result($result);
+		}
+		echo "\n";
+		$result = pg_query_params($dbconn, 'DELETE FROM "'.$INCOMING.'" WHERE "Session-Id" = $1 AND "Acct-Session-Id" = $2', array($sid, $asid)) or die('Query failed: ' . pg_last_error() . "\n");
+		pg_free_result($result);
+	}
+echo "Operation completed with success!\n";
+/* Closing connection */
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