view contrib/ @ 1240:0420ccc4671a

Add a counter for the sent requests for which we did not wait for an answer. It might be relevant this value contributes to the load estimate of the remote peer, but it is not very reliable
author Sebastien Decugis <>
date Thu, 10 Oct 2013 16:30:55 +0200
parents c242cba52833
line wrap: on
line source

#!/bin/bash -x

# This script will search all copyrights dates from source files, and update these if 
# the file has been modified at a later date.

if [ ! -f include/freeDiameter/libfdcore.h ];
then echo "This script must be run from the source top directory"
exit 1;

# Create a clean working copy
TMPDIR=`mktemp -d up_cop.XXXXXXX` || exit 1
hg clone . $TMPDIR/fD || exit 1
pushd $TMPDIR/fD

# Now, for each file with a copyright
for SRC_FILE in `find . -name .hg -prune -or -type f -exec grep -q 'Copyright (c) 20.., WIDE Project and NICT' {} \; -print`;
HG_YEAR=`hg log --template '{date|shortdate}' $SRC_FILE | tr - ' ' | awk '{print \$1}'`
CPY_YEAR=`grep 'Copyright (c) 20.., WIDE Project and NICT' $SRC_FILE | awk '{print substr(\$4, 1, 4) }'`
if [ $HG_YEAR -gt $CPY_YEAR ];
echo "Updating copyright $CPY_YEAR -> $HG_YEAR in $SRC_FILE";
sed -i -e "s/Copyright (c) $CPY_YEAR, WIDE Project and NICT/Copyright (c) $HG_YEAR, WIDE Project and NICT/" $SRC_FILE

hg commit -m"Updated copyright information"
hg push
rm -rf $TMPDIR
hg update

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