view libfdproto/messages.c @ 1487:5c2d061a8c8e

csv_to_fd: improve validation When an AVP Code or Name is duplicate, differentiate between a duplicate entry (AVPs are equivalent) versus an actual mismatch. Consistent AVP formatting in errors. Collect all errors and display at end of each file parse, instead of exiting on first error.
author Luke Mewburn <>
date Fri, 27 Mar 2020 15:32:27 +1100
parents 915450ee91c7
children d25ce064c667
line wrap: on
line source

* Software License Agreement (BSD License)                                                               *
* Author: Sebastien Decugis <>							 *
*													 *
* Copyright (c) 2015, WIDE Project and NICT								 *
* All rights reserved.											 *
* 													 *
* Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are  *
* permitted provided that the following conditions are met:						 *
* 													 *
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above 						 *
*   copyright notice, this list of conditions and the 							 *
*   following disclaimer.										 *
*    													 *
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above 						 *
*   copyright notice, this list of conditions and the 							 *
*   following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other						 *
*   materials provided with the distribution.								 *
* 													 *
* * Neither the name of the WIDE Project or NICT nor the 						 *
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*   NICT.												 *
* 													 *

/* Messages module.
 * This module allows to manipulate the msg and avp structures that represents a Diameter message in memory.

#include "fdproto-internal.h"

#include <sys/param.h>

/* Type of object */
enum msg_objtype {
	MSG_MSG = 1, 

/* Chaining of elements as a free hierarchy */
struct msg_avp_chain {
	struct fd_list		chaining;	/* Chaining information at this level. */
	struct fd_list		children;	/* sentinel for the children of this object */
	enum msg_objtype 	type;		/* Type of this object, _MSG_MSG or _MSG_AVP */

/* Return the chain information from an AVP or MSG. Since it's the first field, we just cast */
#define _C(_x) ((struct msg_avp_chain *)(_x))

/* Some details about chaining:
 *  A message is made of a header ( msg ) and 0 or more AVPs ( avp ).
 * The structure is a kind of tree, where some AVPs (grouped AVPs) can contain other AVPs.
 * Example:
 * msg
 *  |-avp
 *  |-gavp
 *  |   |-avp
 *  |   |-avp
 *  |   \-avp
 *  |-avp
 *  \-avp
 * Each item (msg or avp) structure begins with a msg_avp_chain structure.
 * The element at the top of the hierarchy (msg in our example) has all the fields of its "chaining" equal to the same value.
 * All elements at the same level are linked by their "chaining" list.
 * The "children" list is the sentinel for the lists of children of this element.

/* The following definitions are used to recognize objects in memory. */
#define MSG_MSG_EYEC	(0x11355463)
#define MSG_AVP_EYEC	(0x11355467)

/* The following structure represents an AVP instance. */
struct avp {
	struct msg_avp_chain	 avp_chain;		/* Chaining information of this AVP */
	int			 avp_eyec;		/* Must be equal to MSG_AVP_EYEC */
	struct dict_object	*avp_model;		/* If not NULL, pointer to the dictionary object of this avp */
	struct {
		avp_code_t	 mnf_code;		
		vendor_id_t	 mnf_vendor;		
	}  			 avp_model_not_found;	/* When model resolution has failed, store a copy of the data here to avoid searching again */
	struct avp_hdr		 avp_public;		/* AVP data that can be managed by other modules */
	uint8_t			*avp_source;		/* If the message was parsed from a buffer, pointer to the AVP data start in the buffer. */
	uint8_t			*avp_rawdata;		/* when the data can not be interpreted, the raw data is copied here. The header is not part of it. */
	size_t			 avp_rawlen;		/* The length of the raw buffer. */
	union avp_value		 avp_storage;		/* To avoid many alloc/free, store the integer values here and set avp_public.avp_data to &storage */
	int			 avp_mustfreeos;	/* 1 if an octetstring is malloc'd in avp_storage and must be freed. */

/* Macro to compute the AVP header size */

/* Macro to cast a msg_avp_t */
#define _A(_x) ((struct avp *)(_x))
/* Check the type and eyecatcher */
#define CHECK_AVP(_x) ((_x) && (_C(_x)->type == MSG_AVP) && (_A(_x)->avp_eyec == MSG_AVP_EYEC))

/* The following structure represents an instance of a message (command and children AVPs). */
struct msg {
	struct msg_avp_chain	 msg_chain;		/* List of the AVPs in the message */
	int			 msg_eyec;		/* Must be equal to MSG_MSG_EYEC */
	struct dict_object	*msg_model;		/* If not NULL, pointer to the dictionary object of this message */
	struct {
		command_code_t	 mnf_code;
		uint8_t		 mnf_flags;		
	}  			 msg_model_not_found;	/* When model resolution has failed, store a copy of the data here to avoid searching again */
	struct msg_hdr		 msg_public;		/* Message data that can be managed by extensions. */
	uint8_t			*msg_rawbuffer;		/* data buffer that was received, saved during fd_msg_parse_buffer and freed in fd_msg_parse_dict */
	int			 msg_routable;		/* Is this a routable message? (0: undef, 1: routable, 2: non routable) */
	struct msg		*msg_query;		/* the associated query if the message is a received answer */
	int			 msg_associated;	/* and the counter part information in the query, to avoid double free */
	struct rt_data		*msg_rtdata;		/* Routing list for the query */
	struct session		*msg_sess;		/* Cached message session if any */
	struct {
			void (*anscb)(void *, struct msg **);
			void (*expirecb)(void *, DiamId_t, size_t, struct msg **);
			void * data;
			struct timespec timeout;
		}		 msg_cb;		/* Callback to be called when an answer is received, or timeout expires, if not NULL */
	DiamId_t		 msg_src_id;		/* Diameter Id of the peer this message was received from. This string is malloc'd and must be freed */
	size_t			 msg_src_id_len;	/* cached length of this string */
	struct fd_msg_pmdl	 msg_pmdl;		/* list of permessagedata structures. */

/* Macro to compute the message header size */
#define GETMSGHDRSZ() 	20

/* Macro to cast a msg_avp_t */
#define _M(_x) ((struct msg *)(_x))
/* Check the type and eyecatcher */
#define CHECK_MSG(_x) ((_x) && (_C(_x)->type == MSG_MSG) && (_M(_x)->msg_eyec == MSG_MSG_EYEC))

#define VALIDATE_OBJ(_x) ( (CHECK_MSG(_x)) || (CHECK_AVP(_x)) )

/* Macro to validate a MSGFL_ value */
#define CHECK_AVPFL(_fl) ( ((_fl) & (- (AVPFL_MAX << 1) )) == 0 )
#define CHECK_MSGFL(_fl) ( ((_fl) & (- (MSGFL_MAX << 1) )) == 0 )

/* initial sizes of AVP from their types, in bytes. */
static int avp_value_sizes[] = { 
	 0,	/* AVP_TYPE_GROUPED: size is dynamic */
	 0,	/* AVP_TYPE_OCTETSTRING: size is dynamic */
	 4,	/* AVP_TYPE_INTEGER32: size is 32 bits */
	 8,	/* AVP_TYPE_INTEGER64: size is 64 bits */
	 4,	/* AVP_TYPE_UNSIGNED32: size is 32 bits */
	 8,	/* AVP_TYPE_UNSIGNED64: size is 64 bits */
	 4,	/* AVP_TYPE_FLOAT32: size is 32 bits */
	 8	/* AVP_TYPE_FLOAT64: size is 64 bits */
#define CHECK_BASETYPE( _type ) ( ((_type) <= AVP_TYPE_MAX) && ((_type) >= 0) )
#define GETINITIALSIZE( _type, _vend ) (avp_value_sizes[ CHECK_BASETYPE(_type) ? (_type) : 0] + GETAVPHDRSZ(_vend))

/* Forward declaration */
static int parsedict_do_msg(struct dictionary * dict, struct msg * msg, int only_hdr, struct fd_pei *error_info);

/* Creating objects */

/* Initialize a msg_avp_chain structure */
static void init_chain(struct msg_avp_chain * chain, int type)
	fd_list_init( &chain->chaining, (void *)chain);
	fd_list_init( &chain->children, (void *)chain);
	chain->type = type;

/* Initialize a new AVP object */
static void init_avp ( struct avp * avp )
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p", avp);
	memset(avp, 0, sizeof(struct avp));
	init_chain( &avp->avp_chain, MSG_AVP);
	avp->avp_eyec = MSG_AVP_EYEC;
/* Initialize a new MSG object */
static void init_msg ( struct msg * msg )
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p", msg);
	memset(msg, 0, sizeof(struct msg));
	init_chain( &msg->msg_chain, MSG_MSG);
	msg->msg_eyec = MSG_MSG_EYEC;
	fd_list_init(&msg->msg_pmdl.sentinel, NULL);
	CHECK_POSIX_DO( pthread_mutex_init(&msg->msg_pmdl.lock, NULL), );

/* Create a new AVP instance */
int fd_msg_avp_new ( struct dict_object * model, int flags, struct avp ** avp )
	struct avp *new = NULL;
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %x %p", model, flags, avp);
	/* Check the parameters */
	CHECK_PARAMS(  avp && CHECK_AVPFL(flags)  );
	if (model) {
		enum dict_object_type 	 dicttype;
		CHECK_PARAMS( (fd_dict_gettype(model, &dicttype) == 0) && (dicttype == DICT_AVP) );
	/* Create a new object */
	CHECK_MALLOC(  new = malloc (sizeof(struct avp))  );
	/* Initialize the fields */
	if (model) {
		struct dict_avp_data dictdata;
		CHECK_FCT_DO(  fd_dict_getval(model, &dictdata), { free(new); return __ret__; }  );
		new->avp_model = model;
		new->avp_public.avp_code    = dictdata.avp_code;
		new->avp_public.avp_flags   = dictdata.avp_flag_val;
		new->avp_public.avp_len = GETINITIALSIZE(dictdata.avp_basetype, dictdata.avp_flag_val );
		new->avp_public.avp_vendor  = dictdata.avp_vendor;
	if (flags & AVPFL_SET_BLANK_VALUE) {
		new->avp_public.avp_value = &new->avp_storage;
		new->avp_rawlen = (*avp)->avp_public.avp_len - GETAVPHDRSZ( (*avp)->avp_public.avp_flags );
		if (new->avp_rawlen) {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO(  new->avp_rawdata = malloc(new->avp_rawlen), { free(new); return __ret__; }  );
			memset(new->avp_rawdata, 0x00, new->avp_rawlen);
	/* The new object is ready, return */
	*avp = new;
	return 0;

/* Create a new message instance */
int fd_msg_new ( struct dict_object * model, int flags, struct msg ** msg )
	struct msg * new = NULL;
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %x %p", model, flags, msg);
	/* Check the parameters */
	CHECK_PARAMS(  msg && CHECK_MSGFL(flags)  );
	if (model) {
		enum dict_object_type 	 dicttype;
		CHECK_PARAMS( (fd_dict_gettype(model, &dicttype) == 0) && (dicttype == DICT_COMMAND) );
	/* Create a new object */
	CHECK_MALLOC(  new = malloc (sizeof(struct msg))  );
	/* Initialize the fields */
	new->msg_public.msg_version	= DIAMETER_VERSION;
	new->msg_public.msg_length	= GETMSGHDRSZ(); /* This will be updated later */

	if (model) {
		struct dictionary 	*dict;
		struct dict_cmd_data     dictdata;
		struct dict_object     	*dictappl;
		CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_dict_getdict(model, &dict), { free(new); return __ret__; } );
		CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_dict_getval(model, &dictdata), { free(new); return __ret__; }  );
		new->msg_model = model;
		new->msg_public.msg_flags	= dictdata.cmd_flag_val;
		new->msg_public.msg_code	= dictdata.cmd_code;

		/* Initialize application from the parent, if any */
		CHECK_FCT_DO(  fd_dict_search( dict, DICT_APPLICATION, APPLICATION_OF_COMMAND, model, &dictappl, 0), { free(new); return __ret__; }  );
		if (dictappl != NULL) {
			struct dict_application_data appdata;
			CHECK_FCT_DO(  fd_dict_getval(dictappl, &appdata), { free(new); return __ret__; }  );
			new->msg_public.msg_appl = appdata.application_id;
	if (flags & MSGFL_ALLOC_ETEID) {
		new->msg_public.msg_eteid = fd_msg_eteid_get();
	/* The new object is ready, return */
	*msg = new;
	return 0;

static int bufferize_avp(unsigned char * buffer, size_t buflen, size_t * offset,  struct avp * avp);
static int parsebuf_list(unsigned char * buf, size_t buflen, struct fd_list * head);
static int parsedict_do_chain(struct dictionary * dict, struct fd_list * head, int mandatory, struct fd_pei *error_info);

/* Create answer from a request */
int fd_msg_new_answer_from_req ( struct dictionary * dict, struct msg ** msg, int flags )
	struct dict_object * model = NULL;
	struct msg *qry, *ans;
	struct session * sess = NULL;
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %x", msg, flags);
	/* Check the parameters */
	CHECK_PARAMS(  msg );
	qry = *msg;
	CHECK_PARAMS( CHECK_MSG(qry) && (qry->msg_public.msg_flags & CMD_FLAG_REQUEST) );
	if (! (flags & MSGFL_ANSW_NOSID)) {
		/* Get the session of the message */
		CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_sess_get(dict, qry, &sess, NULL), /* ignore an error */ );
	/* Find the model for the answer */
	if (flags & MSGFL_ANSW_ERROR) {
		/* The model is the generic error format */
		CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_get_error_cmd(dict, &model) );
	} else {
		/* The model is the answer corresponding to the query. It supposes that these are defined in the dictionary */
		CHECK_FCT_DO(  parsedict_do_msg( dict, qry, 1, NULL), /* continue */  );
		if (qry->msg_model) {
			CHECK_FCT(  fd_dict_search ( dict, DICT_COMMAND, CMD_ANSWER, qry->msg_model, &model, EINVAL )  );
	/* Create the answer */
	CHECK_FCT(  fd_msg_new( model, flags, &ans )  );
	/* Set informations in the answer as in the query */
	ans->msg_public.msg_code = qry->msg_public.msg_code; /* useful for MSGFL_ANSW_ERROR */
	ans->msg_public.msg_appl = qry->msg_public.msg_appl;
	ans->msg_public.msg_eteid = qry->msg_public.msg_eteid;
	ans->msg_public.msg_hbhid = qry->msg_public.msg_hbhid;
	/* Add the Session-Id AVP if session is known */
	if (sess && dict) {
		static struct dict_object * sess_id_avp = NULL;
		os0_t sid;
		size_t sidlen;
		struct avp * avp;
		union avp_value val;
		if (!sess_id_avp) {
			CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_dict_search( dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME, "Session-Id", &sess_id_avp, ENOENT), { free(ans); return __ret__; } );
		CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_sess_getsid ( sess, &sid, &sidlen ), { free(ans); return __ret__; } );
		CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_new ( sess_id_avp, 0, &avp ), { free(ans); return __ret__; } ); = sid;
		val.os.len  = sidlen;
		CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_setvalue( avp, &val ), { free(avp); free(ans); return __ret__; } );
		CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_add( ans, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, avp ), { free(avp); free(ans); return __ret__; } );
		ans->msg_sess = sess;
		CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_sess_ref_msg(sess), { free(ans); return __ret__; }  );
	/* Add all Proxy-Info AVPs from the query if any */
	if (! (flags & MSGFL_ANSW_NOPROXYINFO)) {
		struct avp * avp;
		struct fd_pei pei;
		struct fd_list avpcpylist = FD_LIST_INITIALIZER(avpcpylist);
		CHECK_FCT_DO(  fd_msg_browse(qry, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, &avp, NULL) , { free(ans); return __ret__; } );
		while (avp) {
			if ( (avp->avp_public.avp_code   == AC_PROXY_INFO)
			  && (avp->avp_public.avp_vendor == 0) ) {
				/* We found a Proxy-Info, need to duplicate it in the answer */

				/* In order to avoid dealing with all different possibilities of states, we just create a buffer then parse it */
				unsigned char * buf = NULL;
				size_t offset = 0;

				/* Create a buffer with the content of the AVP. This is easier than going through the list */
				CHECK_FCT_DO(  fd_msg_update_length(avp), { free(ans); return __ret__; }  );
				CHECK_MALLOC_DO(  buf = malloc(avp->avp_public.avp_len), { free(ans); return __ret__; }  );
				CHECK_FCT_DO( bufferize_avp(buf, avp->avp_public.avp_len, &offset, avp), { free(buf); free(ans); return __ret__; }  );

				/* Now we parse this buffer to create a copy AVP */
				CHECK_FCT_DO( parsebuf_list(buf, avp->avp_public.avp_len, &avpcpylist), { free(buf); free(ans); return __ret__; } );
				/* Parse dictionary objects now to remove the dependency on the buffer */
				CHECK_FCT_DO( parsedict_do_chain(dict, &avpcpylist, 0, &pei), { /* leaking the avpcpylist -- this should never happen anyway */ free(buf); free(ans); return __ret__; } );

				/* Done for this AVP */

				/* We move this AVP now so that we do not parse again in next loop */
				fd_list_move_end(&ans->msg_chain.children, &avpcpylist);
			/* move to next AVP in the message, we can have several Proxy-Info instances */
			CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_browse(avp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &avp, NULL), { free(ans); return __ret__; } );

	/* associate with query */
	ans->msg_query = qry;
	qry->msg_associated = 1;
	/* Done */
	*msg = ans;
	return 0;


/* Explore a message */
int fd_msg_browse_internal ( msg_or_avp * reference, enum msg_brw_dir dir, msg_or_avp ** found, int * depth )
	struct msg_avp_chain *result = NULL;
	int diff = 0;
	struct fd_list *li = NULL;
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %d %p %p", reference, dir, found, depth);
	/* Initialize the "found" result if any */
	if (found)
		*found = NULL;
	/* Check the parameters */
	TRACE_DEBUG(FCTS, "chaining(%p): nxt:%p prv:%p hea:%p top:%p", 
	TRACE_DEBUG(FCTS, "children(%p): nxt:%p prv:%p hea:%p top:%p", 

	/* Now search */
	switch (dir) {
		case MSG_BRW_NEXT:
			/* Check the reference is an AVP */
			CHECK_PARAMS(  _C(reference)->type == MSG_AVP  );

			li = &_C(reference)->chaining;
			/* Check if the next element is not the sentinel ( ==> the parent) */
			if (li->next != li->head)
				result = _C(li->next->o);

		case MSG_BRW_PREV:
			/* Check the reference is an AVP */
			CHECK_PARAMS(  _C(reference)->type == MSG_AVP  );

			li = &_C(reference)->chaining;
			/* Check if the prev element is not the sentinel ( ==> the parent) */
			if (li->prev != li->head)
				result = _C(li->prev->o);

			li = &_C(reference)->children;
			if (! FD_IS_LIST_EMPTY(li)) {
				result = _C(li->next->o);
				diff = 1;

			li = &_C(reference)->children;
			if (! FD_IS_LIST_EMPTY(li)) {
				result = _C(li->prev->o);
				diff = 1;

			/* If the object is not chained, it has no parent */
			li = &_C(reference)->chaining;
			if (li != li->head) {
				/* The sentinel is the parent's children list */
				result = _C(li->head->o);
				diff = -1;

		case MSG_BRW_WALK:
			/* First, try to find a child */
			li = &_C(reference)->children;
			if ( ! FD_IS_LIST_EMPTY(li) ) {
				result = _C(li->next->o);
				diff = 1;
			/* Then try to find a "next" at this level or one of the parent's */
			li = &_C(reference)->chaining;
			do {
				/* If this element has a "next" element, return it */
				if (li->next != li->head) {
					result = _C(li->next->o);
				/* otherwise, check if we have a parent */
				if (li == li->head) {
					/* no parent */
				/* Go to the parent's chaining information and loop */
				diff -= 1;
				li = &_C(li->head->o)->chaining;
			} while (1); 
			/* Other directions are invalid */
			CHECK_PARAMS( dir = 0 );
	/* Save the found object, if any */
	if (found && result)
		*found = (void *)result;
	/* Modify the depth according to the walk direction */
	if (depth && diff)
		(*depth) += diff;
	/* Return ENOENT if found was NULL */
	if ((!found) && (!result))
		return ENOENT;
		return 0;

/* Add an AVP into a tree */
int fd_msg_avp_add ( msg_or_avp * reference, enum msg_brw_dir dir, struct avp *avp)
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %d %p", reference, dir, avp);
	/* Check the parameters */
	CHECK_PARAMS(  VALIDATE_OBJ(reference)  &&  CHECK_AVP(avp)  &&  FD_IS_LIST_EMPTY(&avp->avp_chain.chaining)  );
	/* Now insert */
	switch (dir) {
		case MSG_BRW_NEXT:
			/* Check the reference is an AVP -- we do not chain AVPs at same level as msgs. */
			CHECK_PARAMS(  _C(reference)->type == MSG_AVP  );
			/* Insert the new avp after the reference */
			fd_list_insert_after( &_A(reference)->avp_chain.chaining, &avp->avp_chain.chaining );

		case MSG_BRW_PREV:
			/* Check the reference is an AVP */
			CHECK_PARAMS(  _C(reference)->type == MSG_AVP  );
			/* Insert the new avp before the reference */
			fd_list_insert_before( &_A(reference)->avp_chain.chaining, &avp->avp_chain.chaining );

			/* Insert the new avp after the children sentinel */
			fd_list_insert_after( &_C(reference)->children, &avp->avp_chain.chaining );

			/* Insert the new avp before the children sentinel */
			fd_list_insert_before( &_C(reference)->children, &avp->avp_chain.chaining );

			/* Other directions are invalid */
			CHECK_PARAMS( dir = 0 );
	return 0;

/* Search a given AVP model in a message or AVP */
int fd_msg_search_avp ( msg_or_avp * reference, struct dict_object * what, struct avp ** avp )
	struct avp * nextavp;
	struct dict_avp_data 	dictdata;
	enum dict_object_type 	dicttype;
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p", reference, what, avp);
	CHECK_PARAMS( VALIDATE_OBJ(reference) && what );
	CHECK_PARAMS( (fd_dict_gettype(what, &dicttype) == 0) && (dicttype == DICT_AVP) );
	CHECK_FCT(  fd_dict_getval(what, &dictdata)  );
	/* Loop on all top AVPs in message or AVP */
	CHECK_FCT(  fd_msg_browse(reference, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, (void *)&nextavp, NULL)  );
	while (nextavp) {
		if ( (nextavp->avp_public.avp_code   == dictdata.avp_code)
		  && (nextavp->avp_public.avp_vendor == dictdata.avp_vendor) ) /* always 0 if no V flag */
		/* Otherwise move to next AVP in the message or AVP */
		CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_browse(nextavp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, (void *)&nextavp, NULL) );
	if (avp)
		*avp = nextavp;
	if (avp && nextavp) {
		struct dictionary * dict;
		CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_getdict( what, &dict) );
		CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_parse_dict( nextavp, dict, NULL ), /* nothing */ );
	if (avp || nextavp)
		return 0;
		return ENOENT;

/* Deleting objects */

/* Destroy and free an AVP or message */
static int destroy_obj (struct msg_avp_chain * obj )
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p", obj);
	/* Check the parameter is a valid object */
	CHECK_PARAMS(  VALIDATE_OBJ(obj) && FD_IS_LIST_EMPTY( &obj->children ) );

	/* Unlink this object if needed */
	fd_list_unlink( &obj->chaining );
	/* Free the octetstring if needed */
	if ((obj->type == MSG_AVP) && (_A(obj)->avp_mustfreeos == 1)) {
	/* Free the rawdata if needed */
	if ((obj->type == MSG_AVP) && (_A(obj)->avp_rawdata != NULL)) {
	if ((obj->type == MSG_MSG) && (_M(obj)->msg_rawbuffer != NULL)) {
	if ((obj->type == MSG_MSG) && (_M(obj)->msg_src_id != NULL)) {
	if ((obj->type == MSG_MSG) && (_M(obj)->msg_rtdata != NULL)) {
	if ((obj->type == MSG_MSG) && (_M(obj)->msg_sess != NULL)) {
		CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_sess_reclaim_msg ( &_M(obj)->msg_sess ), /* continue */);
	if ((obj->type == MSG_MSG) && (_M(obj)->msg_pmdl.sentinel.o != NULL)) {
		((void (*)(struct fd_msg_pmdl *))_M(obj)->msg_pmdl.sentinel.o)(&_M(obj)->msg_pmdl);
	/* free the object */
	return 0;

/* Destroy an object and all its children */
static void destroy_tree(struct msg_avp_chain * obj)
	struct fd_list *rem;
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p", obj);
	/* Destroy any subtree */
	while ( (rem = obj-> != &obj->children)
	/* Then unlink and destroy the object */
	CHECK_FCT_DO(  destroy_obj(obj),  /* nothing */  );

/* Free an object and its tree */
int fd_msg_free ( msg_or_avp * object )
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p", object);
	if (object == NULL)
		return 0;
	if (CHECK_MSG(object)) {
		if (_M(object)->msg_query) {
			_M(_M(object)->msg_query)->msg_associated = 0;
			CHECK_FCT(  fd_msg_free( _M(object)->msg_query )  );
			_M(object)->msg_query = NULL;
		} else {
			if (_M(object)->msg_associated) {
				TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "Not freeing query %p referenced in an answer (will be freed along the answer).", object);
				return 0;
	return 0;

/* Debug functions: dumping */

/* messages and AVP formatters */
typedef DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( (*msg_dump_formatter_msg), struct msg * msg );
typedef DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( (*msg_dump_formatter_avp), struct avp * avp, int level, int first, int last );

/* Core function to process the dumping */
static DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( msg_dump_process, msg_dump_formatter_msg msg_format, msg_dump_formatter_avp avp_format, msg_or_avp *obj, struct dictionary *dict, int force_parsing, int recurse )
	if (!VALIDATE_OBJ(obj)) {
		CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "INVALID MESSAGE OR AVP @%p", obj), return NULL);
		return *buf;
	if (force_parsing) {
		(void) fd_msg_parse_dict(obj, dict, NULL);
	switch (_C(obj)->type) {
		case MSG_AVP:
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( (*avp_format)(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, (struct avp *)obj, 0, 1, 1), return NULL);

		case MSG_MSG:
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( (*msg_format)(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, (struct msg *)obj), return NULL);

			*buf = NULL;
			return NULL;
	if (recurse) {
		struct avp * avp = NULL;
		int first = 1;
		CHECK_FCT_DO(  fd_msg_browse ( obj, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, &avp, NULL ), avp = NULL );
		while (avp) {
			struct avp * nextavp = NULL;
			CHECK_FCT_DO(  fd_msg_browse ( avp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &nextavp, NULL ), nextavp = NULL  );
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( (*avp_format)(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, avp, 1, first, nextavp ? 0 : 1), return NULL);
			avp = nextavp;
			first = 0;
	return *buf;

 * Tree View message dump
static DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( msg_format_treeview, struct msg * msg )
	if (!CHECK_MSG(msg)) {
		return *buf;
	if (!msg->msg_model) {
		if (msg->msg_model_not_found.mnf_code) {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(not found in dictionary)\n"), return NULL);
		} else {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(not searched in dictionary)\n"), return NULL);
	} else {
		enum dict_object_type dicttype;
		struct dict_cmd_data  dictdata;
		if (fd_dict_gettype(msg->msg_model, &dicttype) || (dicttype != DICT_COMMAND)) {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(invalid model information)\n"), return NULL);
		} else if (fd_dict_getval(msg->msg_model, &dictdata)) {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(error getting model information)\n"), return NULL);
		} else {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "'%s'\n", dictdata.cmd_name), return NULL);
	CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "  Version: 0x%02hhX\n", msg->msg_public.msg_version), return NULL);
	CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "  Length: %d\n", msg->msg_public.msg_length), return NULL);
	CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "  Flags: 0x%02hhX (" DUMP_CMDFL_str ")\n", msg->msg_public.msg_flags, DUMP_CMDFL_val(msg->msg_public.msg_flags)), return NULL);
	CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "  Command Code: %u\n", msg->msg_public.msg_code), return NULL);
	CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "  ApplicationId: %d\n", msg->msg_public.msg_appl), return NULL);
	CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "  Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x%08X\n", msg->msg_public.msg_hbhid), return NULL);
	CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "  End-to-End Identifier: 0x%08X\n", msg->msg_public.msg_eteid), return NULL);
	CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "   {internal data}: src:%s(%zd) rwb:%p rt:%d cb:%p,%p(%p) qry:%p asso:%d sess:%p", msg->msg_src_id?:"(nil)", msg->msg_src_id_len, msg->msg_rawbuffer, msg->msg_routable, msg->msg_cb.anscb, msg->msg_cb.expirecb, msg->, msg->msg_query, msg->msg_associated, msg->msg_sess), return NULL);
	return *buf;

static DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( avp_format_treeview, struct avp * avp, int level, int first, int last )
	char * name;
	struct dict_avp_data  dictdata;
	struct dict_avp_data *dictinfo = NULL;
	struct dict_vendor_data  vendordata;
	struct dict_vendor_data *vendorinfo = NULL;
	if (level) {
		CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "\n"), return NULL);
	if (!CHECK_AVP(avp)) {
		CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "INVALID AVP"), return NULL);
		return *buf;
	if (level) {
		CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "%*sAVP: ", level * 3, ""), return NULL);
	if (!avp->avp_model) {
		if (avp->avp_model_not_found.mnf_code) {
			name = "(not found in dictionary)";
		} else {
			name = "(not searched in dictionary)";
	} else {
		enum dict_object_type dicttype;
		if (fd_dict_gettype(avp->avp_model, &dicttype) || (dicttype != DICT_AVP)) {
			name = "(invalid model information)";
		} else if (fd_dict_getval(avp->avp_model, &dictdata)) {
			name = "(error getting model information)";
		} else {
			name = dictdata.avp_name;
			dictinfo = &dictdata;
			if (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_VENDOR) {
				struct dictionary * dict;
				struct dict_object * vendor;
				if ((!fd_dict_getdict(avp->avp_model, &dict))
				&& (!fd_dict_search(dict, DICT_VENDOR, VENDOR_OF_AVP, avp->avp_model, &vendor, ENOENT))
				&& (!fd_dict_getval(vendor, &vendordata))) {
					vendorinfo = &vendordata;
	if (dictinfo) {
		CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "'%s'(%u)", name, avp->avp_public.avp_code), return NULL);
	} else {
		CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "%u%s", avp->avp_public.avp_code, name), return NULL);
	if (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_VENDOR) {
		if (vendorinfo) {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " vend='%s'(%u)", vendorinfo->vendor_name, avp->avp_public.avp_vendor), return NULL);
		} else {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " vend=%u", avp->avp_public.avp_vendor), return NULL);

	CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " l=%d f=" DUMP_AVPFL_str " val=", avp->avp_public.avp_len, DUMP_AVPFL_val(avp->avp_public.avp_flags)), return NULL);
	if (dictinfo && (dictinfo->avp_basetype == AVP_TYPE_GROUPED)) {
		CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(grouped)"), return NULL);
		if (level) {
			struct avp * inavp = NULL;
			int first = 1;
			CHECK_FCT_DO(  fd_msg_browse ( avp, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, &inavp, NULL ), inavp = NULL );
			while (inavp) {
				struct avp * nextavp = NULL;
				CHECK_FCT_DO(  fd_msg_browse ( inavp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &nextavp, NULL ), inavp = NULL  );
				CHECK_MALLOC_DO( avp_format_treeview(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, inavp, level + 1, first, nextavp ? 0 : 1), return NULL);
				inavp = nextavp;
				first = 0;
	} else {
		if (avp->avp_public.avp_value) {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dict_dump_avp_value(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, avp->avp_public.avp_value, avp->avp_model, 0, 0), return NULL);
		} else if (avp->avp_rawdata) {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend_hexdump(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, avp->avp_rawdata, avp->avp_rawlen, 0, 0), return NULL);
		} else {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(not set)"), return NULL);

	return *buf;

/* multi-line human-readable dump similar to wireshark output */
DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( fd_msg_dump_treeview, msg_or_avp *obj, struct dictionary *dict, int force_parsing, int recurse )
	return msg_dump_process(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, msg_format_treeview, avp_format_treeview, obj, dict, force_parsing, recurse);

 * One-line dumper for compact but complete traces
static DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( msg_format_full, struct msg * msg )
	int success = 0;
	struct dict_cmd_data dictdata;
	if (!CHECK_MSG(msg)) {
		return *buf;
	if (!msg->msg_model) {
		CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(no model) "), return NULL);
	} else {
		enum dict_object_type dicttype=0;
		if (fd_dict_gettype(msg->msg_model, &dicttype) || (dicttype != DICT_COMMAND)) {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(invalid model %d) ", dicttype), return NULL);
		} else if (fd_dict_getval(msg->msg_model, &dictdata)) {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(error getting model data) "), return NULL);
		} else {
			success = 1;
	if (msg->msg_public.msg_appl) {
				   "%s(%u/%u)[" DUMP_CMDFL_str "], Length=%u, Hop-By-Hop-Id=0x%08x, End-to-End=0x%08x",
					success ? dictdata.cmd_name :  "unknown",  msg->msg_public.msg_appl, msg->msg_public.msg_code, DUMP_CMDFL_val(msg->msg_public.msg_flags),
					msg->msg_public.msg_length, msg->msg_public.msg_hbhid, msg->msg_public.msg_eteid), return NULL);
	} else {
				   "%s(%u)[" DUMP_CMDFL_str "], Length=%u, Hop-By-Hop-Id=0x%08x, End-to-End=0x%08x",
					success ? dictdata.cmd_name :  "unknown", msg->msg_public.msg_code, DUMP_CMDFL_val(msg->msg_public.msg_flags),
					msg->msg_public.msg_length, msg->msg_public.msg_hbhid, msg->msg_public.msg_eteid), return NULL);
	return *buf;

static DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( avp_format_full, struct avp * avp, int level, int first, int last )
	int success = 0;
	struct dict_avp_data  dictdata;
	if (level) {
		if ((first) && ((*buf)[*offset - 1] == '=')) {
			/* We are first AVP of a grouped AVP */
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "{ "), return NULL);
		} else {
			/* We follow another AVP, or a message header */
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, ", { "), return NULL);
	if (!CHECK_AVP(avp)) {
		CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "INVALID AVP"), return NULL);
		goto end;

	if (avp->avp_model) {
		enum dict_object_type dicttype;
		if (fd_dict_gettype(avp->avp_model, &dicttype) || (dicttype != DICT_AVP)) {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(invalid model: %d) ", dicttype), return NULL);
		} else if (fd_dict_getval(avp->avp_model, &dictdata)) {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(error getting model data) "), return NULL);
		} else {
			success = 1;
	if (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_VENDOR) {
		CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "%s(%u/%u)[" DUMP_AVPFL_str "]=", 
					success ? dictdata.avp_name : "unknown", avp->avp_public.avp_vendor, avp->avp_public.avp_code, DUMP_AVPFL_val(avp->avp_public.avp_flags)), return NULL);
	} else {
		CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "%s(%u)[" DUMP_AVPFL_str "]=", 
					success ? dictdata.avp_name : "unknown", avp->avp_public.avp_code, DUMP_AVPFL_val(avp->avp_public.avp_flags)), return NULL);

	if (success && (dictdata.avp_basetype == AVP_TYPE_GROUPED)) {
		if (level) {
			struct avp * inavp = NULL;
			int first = 1;
			CHECK_FCT_DO(  fd_msg_browse ( avp, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, &inavp, NULL ), inavp = NULL );
			while (inavp) {
				struct avp * nextavp = NULL;
				CHECK_FCT_DO(  fd_msg_browse ( inavp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &nextavp, NULL ), inavp = NULL  );
				CHECK_MALLOC_DO( avp_format_full(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, inavp, level + 1, first, nextavp ? 0 : 1), return NULL);
				inavp = nextavp;
				first = 0;
	} else {
		if (avp->avp_public.avp_value) {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dict_dump_avp_value(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, avp->avp_public.avp_value, avp->avp_model, 0, 0), return NULL);
		} else if (avp->avp_rawdata) {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend_hexdump(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, avp->avp_rawdata, avp->avp_rawlen, 0, 0), return NULL);
		} else {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(not set)"), return NULL);
	if (level) {
		CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " }"), return NULL);
	return *buf;

/* one-line dump with all the contents of the message */
DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( fd_msg_dump_full, msg_or_avp *obj, struct dictionary *dict, int force_parsing, int recurse )
	return msg_dump_process(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, msg_format_full, avp_format_full, obj, dict, force_parsing, recurse);

 * One-line dumper for compact but complete traces
static DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( msg_format_summary, struct msg * msg )
	if (!CHECK_MSG(msg)) {
		return *buf;
	if (!msg->msg_model) {
		CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(no model)"), return NULL);
	} else {
		enum dict_object_type dicttype;
		struct dict_cmd_data  dictdata;
		if (fd_dict_gettype(msg->msg_model, &dicttype) || (dicttype != DICT_COMMAND) || (fd_dict_getval(msg->msg_model, &dictdata))) {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(model error)"), return NULL);
		} else {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "'%s'", dictdata.cmd_name), return NULL);
	CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "%u/%u f:" DUMP_CMDFL_str " src:'%s' len:%d", 
				msg->msg_public.msg_appl, msg->msg_public.msg_code, DUMP_CMDFL_val(msg->msg_public.msg_flags), msg->msg_src_id?:"(nil)", msg->msg_public.msg_length), return NULL);

	return *buf;

static DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( avp_format_summary, struct avp * avp, int level, int first, int last )
	char * name;
	struct dict_avp_data  dictdata;
	struct dict_avp_data *dictinfo = NULL;
	struct dict_vendor_data  vendordata;
	struct dict_vendor_data *vendorinfo = NULL;
	if (level) {
		if (first) {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " {"), return NULL);
		} else {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, ","), return NULL);
	if (!CHECK_AVP(avp)) {
		CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "INVALID AVP"), return NULL);
		goto end;
	if (!level) {
		/* We have been called to explicitely dump this AVP, so we parse its name if available */
		if (!avp->avp_model) {
			name = "(no model)";
		} else {
			enum dict_object_type dicttype;
			if (fd_dict_gettype(avp->avp_model, &dicttype) || (dicttype != DICT_AVP) || (fd_dict_getval(avp->avp_model, &dictdata))) {
				name = "(model error)";
			} else {
				name = dictdata.avp_name;
				dictinfo = &dictdata;
				if (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_VENDOR) {
					struct dictionary * dict;
					struct dict_object * vendor;
					if ((!fd_dict_getdict(avp->avp_model, &dict))
					&& (!fd_dict_search(dict, DICT_VENDOR, VENDOR_OF_AVP, avp->avp_model, &vendor, ENOENT))
					&& (!fd_dict_getval(vendor, &vendordata))) {
						vendorinfo = &vendordata;

		if (dictinfo) {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "'%s'(%u)", name, avp->avp_public.avp_code), return NULL);
		} else {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "%u%s", avp->avp_public.avp_code, name), return NULL);

		if (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_VENDOR) {
			if (vendorinfo) {
				CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " V='%s'(%u)", vendorinfo->vendor_name, avp->avp_public.avp_vendor), return NULL);
			} else {
				CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " V=%u", avp->avp_public.avp_vendor), return NULL);

		CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " L=%d F=" DUMP_AVPFL_str " V=", avp->avp_public.avp_len, DUMP_AVPFL_val(avp->avp_public.avp_flags)), return NULL);

		if ((!dictinfo) || (dictinfo->avp_basetype != AVP_TYPE_GROUPED)) {
			if (avp->avp_public.avp_value) {
				CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dict_dump_avp_value(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, avp->avp_public.avp_value, avp->avp_model, 0, 0), return NULL);
			} else if (avp->avp_rawdata) {
				CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend_hexdump(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, avp->avp_rawdata, avp->avp_rawlen, 0, 0), return NULL);
			} else {
				CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(not set)"), return NULL);
	} else {
		/* For embedded AVPs, we only display (vendor,) code & length */
		if (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_VENDOR) {
			CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "V:%u/", avp->avp_public.avp_vendor), return NULL);
		CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "C:%u/l:%d", avp->avp_public.avp_code, avp->avp_public.avp_len), return NULL);
	if ((level) && (last)) {
		CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "}"), return NULL);
	return *buf;

/* This one only prints a short display, does not go into the complete tree */
DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( fd_msg_dump_summary, msg_or_avp *obj, struct dictionary *dict, int force_parsing, int recurse )
	return msg_dump_process(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, msg_format_summary, avp_format_summary, obj, dict, force_parsing, recurse);

/* Simple meta-data management */

/* Retrieve the model of an object */
int fd_msg_model ( msg_or_avp * reference, struct dict_object ** model )
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p", reference, model);
	/* Check the parameters */
	CHECK_PARAMS(  model && VALIDATE_OBJ(reference)  );
	/* copy the model reference */
	switch (_C(reference)->type) {
		case MSG_AVP:
			*model = _A(reference)->avp_model;
		case MSG_MSG:
			*model = _M(reference)->msg_model;
	return 0;

/* Retrieve the address of the msg_public field of a message */
int fd_msg_hdr ( struct msg *msg, struct msg_hdr **pdata )
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p", msg, pdata);
	CHECK_PARAMS(  CHECK_MSG(msg) && pdata  );
	*pdata = &msg->msg_public;
	return 0;

/* Retrieve the address of the avp_public field of an avp */
int fd_msg_avp_hdr ( struct avp *avp, struct avp_hdr **pdata )
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p", avp, pdata);
	CHECK_PARAMS(  CHECK_AVP(avp) && pdata  );
	*pdata = &avp->avp_public;
	return 0;

/* Associate answers and queries */
int fd_msg_answ_associate( struct msg * answer, struct msg * query )
	TRACE_ENTRY( "%p %p", answer, query );
	CHECK_PARAMS(  CHECK_MSG(answer) && CHECK_MSG(query) && (answer->msg_query == NULL )  );
	answer->msg_query = query;
	query->msg_associated = 1;
	return 0;

int fd_msg_answ_getq( struct msg * answer, struct msg ** query )
	TRACE_ENTRY( "%p %p", answer, query );
	CHECK_PARAMS(  CHECK_MSG(answer) && query  );
	*query = answer->msg_query;
	return 0;

int fd_msg_answ_detach( struct msg * answer )
	TRACE_ENTRY( "%p", answer );
	answer->msg_query->msg_associated = 0;
	answer->msg_query = NULL;
	return 0;

/* Associate / get answer callbacks */
int fd_msg_anscb_associate( struct msg * msg, void ( *anscb)(void *, struct msg **), void  * data, void (*expirecb)(void *, DiamId_t, size_t, struct msg **), const struct timespec *timeout )
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p %p", msg, anscb, expirecb, data);
	/* Check the parameters */
	if (! (msg->msg_public.msg_flags & CMD_FLAG_REQUEST ))
		return anscb ? EINVAL : 0; /* we associate with requests only */
	CHECK_PARAMS( (anscb == NULL)    || (msg->msg_cb.anscb == NULL) ); /* We are not overwriting a cb */
	CHECK_PARAMS( (expirecb == NULL) || (msg->msg_cb.expirecb == NULL) ); /* We are not overwriting a cb */
	/* Associate callback and data with the message, if any */
	if (anscb) {
		msg->msg_cb.anscb = anscb;
		msg-> = data;
	if (expirecb) {
		msg->msg_cb.expirecb = expirecb;
		msg-> = data;
		if (timeout) {
			memcpy(&msg->msg_cb.timeout, timeout, sizeof(struct timespec));
	return 0;

/* Remove a callback */
int fd_msg_anscb_reset(struct msg * msg, int clear_anscb, int clear_expirecb) 
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %d %d", msg, clear_anscb, clear_expirecb);
	/* Check the parameters */
	if (clear_anscb) {
		msg->msg_cb.anscb = NULL;
		msg-> = NULL;
	if (clear_expirecb) {
		msg->msg_cb.expirecb = NULL;
		memset(&msg->msg_cb.timeout, 0, sizeof(struct timespec));
	return 0;

int fd_msg_anscb_get( struct msg * msg, void (**anscb)(void *, struct msg **), void (**expirecb)(void *, DiamId_t, size_t, struct msg **), void ** data )
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p %p", msg, anscb, expirecb, data);
	/* Check the parameters */
	/* Copy the result */
	if (anscb)
		*anscb = msg->msg_cb.anscb;
	if (data)
		*data  = msg->;
	if (expirecb)
		*expirecb = msg->msg_cb.expirecb;
	return 0;

struct timespec *fd_msg_anscb_gettimeout( struct msg * msg )
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p", msg);
	/* Check the parameters */
	if (!msg->msg_cb.timeout.tv_sec) {
		return NULL;
	return &msg->msg_cb.timeout;

/* Associate routing lists */
int fd_msg_rt_associate( struct msg * msg, struct rt_data * rtd )
	TRACE_ENTRY( "%p %p", msg, rtd );
	CHECK_PARAMS(  CHECK_MSG(msg) && rtd  );
	msg->msg_rtdata = rtd;
	return 0;

int fd_msg_rt_get( struct msg * msg, struct rt_data ** rtd )
	TRACE_ENTRY( "%p %p", msg, rtd );
	CHECK_PARAMS(  CHECK_MSG(msg) && rtd  );
	*rtd = msg->msg_rtdata;
	return 0;

/* Find if a message is routable */
int fd_msg_is_routable ( struct msg * msg )
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p", msg);
	CHECK_PARAMS_DO(  CHECK_MSG(msg),  return 0 /* pretend the message is not routable */ );
	if ( ! msg->msg_routable ) {
		/* To define if a message is routable, we rely on the "PXY" flag (for application 0). */
		msg->msg_routable = ((msg->msg_public.msg_appl != 0) || (msg->msg_public.msg_flags & CMD_FLAG_PROXIABLE)) ? 1 : 2;
		/* Note : the 'real' criteria according to the Diameter I-D is that the message is 
		 routable if and only if the "Destination-Realm" AVP is required by the command ABNF.
		 We could make a test for this here, but it's more computational work and our test
		 seems accurate (until proven otherwise...) */
	return (msg->msg_routable == 1) ? 1 : 0;

/* cache the dictionary model for next function to avoid re-searching at every incoming message */
static struct dict_object *cached_avp_rr_model = NULL;
static struct dictionary  *cached_avp_rr_dict  = NULL;
static pthread_mutex_t     cached_avp_rr_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;

/* Associate source peer */
int fd_msg_source_set( struct msg * msg, DiamId_t diamid, size_t diamidlen )
	TRACE_ENTRY( "%p %p %zd", msg, diamid, diamidlen);
	/* Check we received a valid message */
	/* Cleanup any previous source */
	free(msg->msg_src_id); msg->msg_src_id = NULL; msg->msg_src_id_len = 0;
	/* If the request is to cleanup the source, we are done */
	if (diamid == NULL) {
		return 0;
	/* Otherwise save the new informations */
	CHECK_MALLOC( msg->msg_src_id = os0dup(diamid, diamidlen) );
	msg->msg_src_id_len = diamidlen;
	/* done */
	return 0;

/* Associate source peer */
int fd_msg_source_setrr( struct msg * msg, DiamId_t diamid, size_t diamidlen, struct dictionary * dict )
	struct dict_object 	*avp_rr_model = NULL;
	avp_code_t 		 code = AC_ROUTE_RECORD;
	struct avp 		*avp;
	union avp_value		 val;

	TRACE_ENTRY( "%p %p %zd %p", msg, diamid, diamidlen, dict);
	/* Check we received a valid message */
	CHECK_PARAMS( CHECK_MSG(msg) && dict );
	/* Lock the cached values */
	CHECK_POSIX( pthread_mutex_lock(&cached_avp_rr_lock) );
	if (cached_avp_rr_dict == dict) {
		avp_rr_model = cached_avp_rr_model;
	CHECK_POSIX( pthread_mutex_unlock(&cached_avp_rr_lock) );

	/* If it was not cached */
	if (!avp_rr_model) {
		/* Find the model for Route-Record in the dictionary */
		CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search ( dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_CODE, &code, &avp_rr_model, ENOENT) );

		/* Now cache this result */
		CHECK_POSIX( pthread_mutex_lock(&cached_avp_rr_lock) );
		cached_avp_rr_dict  = dict;
		cached_avp_rr_model = avp_rr_model;
		CHECK_POSIX( pthread_mutex_unlock(&cached_avp_rr_lock) );

	/* Create the AVP with this model */
	CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_avp_new ( avp_rr_model, 0, &avp ) );

	/* Set the AVP value with the diameter id */
	memset(&val, 0, sizeof(val)); = (uint8_t *)diamid;
	val.os.len  = diamidlen;
	CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_avp_setvalue( avp, &val ) );

	/* Add the AVP in the message */
	CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_avp_add( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp ) );
	/* done */
	return 0;

int fd_msg_source_get( struct msg * msg, DiamId_t* diamid, size_t * diamidlen )
	TRACE_ENTRY( "%p %p %p", msg, diamid, diamidlen);
	/* Check we received valid parameters */
	CHECK_PARAMS( diamid );
	/* Copy the informations */
	*diamid = msg->msg_src_id;
	if (diamidlen)
		*diamidlen = msg->msg_src_id_len;
	/* done */
	return 0;

/* Associate a session with a message, use only when the session was just created */
int fd_msg_sess_set(struct msg * msg, struct session * session)
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p", msg, session);
	/* Check we received valid parameters */
	CHECK_PARAMS( session );
	CHECK_PARAMS( msg->msg_sess == NULL );
	msg->msg_sess = session;
	return 0;

/* Retrieve the session of the message */
int fd_msg_sess_get(struct dictionary * dict, struct msg * msg, struct session ** session, int * new)
	struct avp * avp;
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p", msg, session, new);
	/* Check we received valid parameters */
	CHECK_PARAMS( session );
	/* If we already resolved the session, just send it back */
	if (msg->msg_sess) {
		*session = msg->msg_sess;
		if (new)
			*new = 0;
		return 0;
	/* OK, we have to search for Session-Id AVP -- it is usually the first AVP, but let's be permissive here */
	/* -- note: we accept messages that have not yet been dictionary parsed... */
	CHECK_FCT(  fd_msg_browse(msg, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, &avp, NULL)  );
	while (avp) {
		if ( (avp->avp_public.avp_code   == AC_SESSION_ID)
		  && (avp->avp_public.avp_vendor == 0) )
		/* Otherwise move to next AVP in the message */
		CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_browse(avp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &avp, NULL) );
	if (!avp) {
		TRACE_DEBUG(FULL, "No Session-Id AVP found in message %p", msg);
		*session = NULL;
		return 0;
	if (!avp->avp_model) {
		CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_parse_dict ( avp, dict, NULL ) );
	ASSERT( avp->avp_public.avp_value );
	/* Resolve the session and we are done */
	if (avp->avp_public.avp_value->os.len > 0) {
		CHECK_FCT( fd_sess_fromsid_msg ( avp->avp_public.avp_value->, avp->avp_public.avp_value->os.len, &msg->msg_sess, new) );
		*session = msg->msg_sess;
	} else {
		TRACE_DEBUG(FULL, "Session-Id AVP with 0-byte length found in message %p", msg);
		*session = NULL;
	return 0;

/* Retrieve the location of the pmd list for the message; return NULL if failed */
struct fd_msg_pmdl * fd_msg_pmdl_get(struct msg * msg)
	return &msg->msg_pmdl;

/******************* End-to-end counter *********************/
static uint32_t fd_eteid;
static pthread_mutex_t fd_eteid_lck = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;

void fd_msg_eteid_init(void)
	uint32_t t = (uint32_t)time(NULL);
	fd_eteid = (t << 20) | ((uint32_t)lrand48() & ( (1 << 20) - 1 ));

uint32_t fd_msg_eteid_get ( void )
	uint32_t ret;
	CHECK_POSIX_DO( pthread_mutex_lock(&fd_eteid_lck), /* continue */ );
	ret = fd_eteid ++;
	CHECK_POSIX_DO( pthread_mutex_unlock(&fd_eteid_lck), /* continue */ );
	return ret;

/* Manage AVPs values */

/* Set the value of an AVP */
int fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( struct avp *avp, union avp_value *value )
	enum dict_avp_basetype type = -1;
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p", avp, value);
	/* Check parameter */
	CHECK_PARAMS(  CHECK_AVP(avp) && avp->avp_model  );
	/* Retrieve information from the AVP model */
		enum dict_object_type dicttype;
		struct dict_avp_data  dictdata;
		CHECK_PARAMS( (fd_dict_gettype(avp->avp_model, &dicttype) == 0) && (dicttype == DICT_AVP) );
		CHECK_FCT(  fd_dict_getval(avp->avp_model, &dictdata)  );
		type = dictdata.avp_basetype;
	/* First, clean any previous value */
	if (avp->avp_mustfreeos != 0) {
		avp->avp_mustfreeos = 0;
	memset(&avp->avp_storage, 0, sizeof(union avp_value));
	/* If the request was to delete a value: */
	if (!value) {
		avp->avp_public.avp_value = NULL;
		return 0;
	/* Now we have to set the value */
	memcpy(&avp->avp_storage, value, sizeof(union avp_value));
	/* Duplicate an octetstring if needed. */
	if (type == AVP_TYPE_OCTETSTRING) {
		CHECK_MALLOC(  avp-> = os0dup(value->, value->os.len)  );
		avp->avp_mustfreeos = 1;
	/* Set the data pointer of the public part */
	avp->avp_public.avp_value = &avp->avp_storage;
	return 0;		

/* Set the value of an AVP, using formatted data */
int fd_msg_avp_value_encode ( void *data, struct avp *avp )
	enum dict_avp_basetype type = -1;
	struct dict_type_data type_data;
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p", data, avp);
	/* Check parameter */
	CHECK_PARAMS(  CHECK_AVP(avp) && avp->avp_model  );
	/* Retrieve information from the AVP model and it's parent type */
		enum dict_object_type dicttype;
		struct dict_avp_data  dictdata;
		struct dictionary   * dict;
		struct dict_object  * parenttype = NULL;
		/* First check the base type of the AVP */
		CHECK_PARAMS( (fd_dict_gettype(avp->avp_model, &dicttype) == 0) && (dicttype == DICT_AVP) );
		CHECK_FCT(  fd_dict_getval(avp->avp_model, &dictdata)  );
		type = dictdata.avp_basetype;
		/* Then retrieve information about the parent's type (= derived type) */
		CHECK_FCT(  fd_dict_getdict( avp->avp_model, &dict )  );
		CHECK_FCT(  fd_dict_search( dict, DICT_TYPE, TYPE_OF_AVP, avp->avp_model, &parenttype, EINVAL)  );
		CHECK_FCT(  fd_dict_getval(parenttype, &type_data)  );
		if (type_data.type_encode == NULL) {
			TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "This AVP type does not provide a callback to encode formatted data. ENOTSUP.");
			return ENOTSUP;
	/* Ok, now we can encode the value */
	/* First, clean any previous value */
	if (avp->avp_mustfreeos != 0) {
		avp->avp_mustfreeos = 0;
	avp->avp_public.avp_value = NULL;
	memset(&avp->avp_storage, 0, sizeof(union avp_value));
	/* Now call the type's callback to encode the data */
	CHECK_FCT(  (*type_data.type_encode)(data, &avp->avp_storage)  );
	/* If an octetstring has been allocated, let's mark it to be freed */
		avp->avp_mustfreeos = 1;
	/* Set the data pointer of the public part */
	avp->avp_public.avp_value = &avp->avp_storage;
	return 0;		

/* Interpret the value of an AVP into formatted data */
int fd_msg_avp_value_interpret ( struct avp *avp, void *data )
	struct dict_type_data type_data;
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p", avp, data);
	/* Check parameter */
	CHECK_PARAMS(  CHECK_AVP(avp) && avp->avp_model && avp->avp_public.avp_value  );
	/* Retrieve information about the AVP parent type */
		struct dictionary   * dict;
		struct dict_object  * parenttype = NULL;
		CHECK_FCT(  fd_dict_getdict( avp->avp_model, &dict )  );
		CHECK_FCT(  fd_dict_search( dict, DICT_TYPE, TYPE_OF_AVP, avp->avp_model, &parenttype, EINVAL)  );
		CHECK_FCT(  fd_dict_getval(parenttype, &type_data)  );
		if (type_data.type_interpret == NULL) {
			TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "This AVP type does not provide a callback to interpret value in formatted data. ENOTSUP.");
			return ENOTSUP;
	/* Ok, now we can interpret the value */
	CHECK_FCT(  (*type_data.type_interpret)(avp->avp_public.avp_value, data)  );
	return 0;		

/* Creating a buffer from memory objects (bufferize a struct msg) */

/* Following macros are used to store 32 and 64 bit fields into a buffer in network byte order */
#define PUT_in_buf_32( _u32data, _bufptr ) {							\
	*(uint32_t *)(_bufptr) = htonl((uint32_t)(_u32data));					\

/* The location is not on 64b boundary, so we split the writing in two operations to avoid sigbus */
#define PUT_in_buf_64( _u64data, _bufptr ) {							\
	uint64_t __v = htonll((uint64_t)(_u64data));						\
	memcpy(_bufptr, &__v, sizeof(__v));							\

/* Write a message header in the buffer */
static int bufferize_msg(unsigned char * buffer, size_t buflen, size_t * offset, struct msg * msg)
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %zd %p %p", buffer, buflen, offset, msg);
	if ((buflen - *offset) < GETMSGHDRSZ())
		return ENOSPC;
	if (*offset & 0x3)
		return EFAULT;	/* We are supposed to start on 32 bit boundaries */
	PUT_in_buf_32(msg->msg_public.msg_length, buffer + *offset);
	buffer[*offset] = msg->msg_public.msg_version;
	*offset += 4;
	PUT_in_buf_32(msg->msg_public.msg_code, buffer + *offset);
	buffer[*offset] = msg->msg_public.msg_flags;
	*offset += 4;
	PUT_in_buf_32(msg->msg_public.msg_appl, buffer + *offset);
	*offset += 4;
	PUT_in_buf_32(msg->msg_public.msg_hbhid, buffer + *offset);
	*offset += 4;
	PUT_in_buf_32(msg->msg_public.msg_eteid, buffer + *offset);
	*offset += 4;
	return 0;

static int bufferize_chain(unsigned char * buffer, size_t buflen, size_t * offset, struct fd_list * list);

/* Write an AVP in the buffer */
static int bufferize_avp(unsigned char * buffer, size_t buflen, size_t * offset,  struct avp * avp)
	struct dict_avp_data dictdata;
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %zd %p %p", buffer, buflen, offset, avp);
	if ((buflen - *offset) < avp->avp_public.avp_len)
		return ENOSPC;
	/* Write the header */
	PUT_in_buf_32(avp->avp_public.avp_code, buffer + *offset);
	*offset += 4;
	PUT_in_buf_32(avp->avp_public.avp_len, buffer + *offset);
	buffer[*offset] = avp->avp_public.avp_flags;
	*offset += 4;
	if (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_VENDOR) {
		PUT_in_buf_32(avp->avp_public.avp_vendor, buffer + *offset);
		*offset += 4;
	/* Then we must write the AVP value */
	if (avp->avp_model == NULL) {
		/* In the case where we don't know the type of AVP, just copy the raw data or source */
		CHECK_PARAMS( avp->avp_source || avp->avp_rawdata );
		if ( avp->avp_rawdata != NULL ) {
			/* the content was stored in rawdata */
			memcpy(&buffer[*offset], avp->avp_rawdata, avp->avp_rawlen);
			*offset += PAD4(avp->avp_rawlen);
		} else {
			/* the message was not parsed completely */
			size_t datalen = avp->avp_public.avp_len - GETAVPHDRSZ(avp->avp_public.avp_flags);
			memcpy(&buffer[*offset], avp->avp_source, datalen);
			*offset += PAD4(datalen);
	} else {
		/* The AVP is defined in the dictionary */
		CHECK_FCT(  fd_dict_getval(avp->avp_model, &dictdata)  );

		CHECK_PARAMS( ( dictdata.avp_basetype == AVP_TYPE_GROUPED ) || avp->avp_public.avp_value );
		switch (dictdata.avp_basetype) {
				return bufferize_chain(buffer, buflen, offset, &avp->avp_chain.children);

				if (avp->avp_public.avp_value->os.len)
					memcpy(&buffer[*offset], avp->avp_public.avp_value->, avp->avp_public.avp_value->os.len);
				*offset += PAD4(avp->avp_public.avp_value->os.len);

				PUT_in_buf_32(avp->avp_public.avp_value->i32, buffer + *offset);
				*offset += 4;

				PUT_in_buf_64(avp->avp_public.avp_value->i64, buffer + *offset);
				*offset += 8;

				PUT_in_buf_32(avp->avp_public.avp_value->u32, buffer + *offset);
				*offset += 4;

				PUT_in_buf_64(avp->avp_public.avp_value->u64, buffer + *offset);
				*offset += 8;

			case AVP_TYPE_FLOAT32:
				/* We read the f32 as "u32" here to avoid casting to uint make decimals go away. 
				 The alternative would be something like "*(uint32_t *)(& f32)" but
				 then the compiler complains about strict-aliasing rules. */
				PUT_in_buf_32(avp->avp_public.avp_value->u32, buffer + *offset);
				*offset += 4;

			case AVP_TYPE_FLOAT64:
				/* Same remark as previously */
				PUT_in_buf_64(avp->avp_public.avp_value->u64, buffer + *offset);
				*offset += 8;

	return 0;
/* Write a chain of AVPs in the buffer */
static int bufferize_chain(unsigned char * buffer, size_t buflen, size_t * offset, struct fd_list * list)
	struct fd_list * avpch;
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %zd %p %p", buffer, buflen, offset, list);
	for (avpch = list->next; avpch != list; avpch = avpch->next) {
		/* Bufferize the AVP */
		CHECK_FCT( bufferize_avp(buffer, buflen, offset, _A(avpch->o))  );
	return 0;

/* Create the message buffer, in network-byte order. We browse the tree twice, this could be probably improved if needed */
int fd_msg_bufferize ( struct msg * msg, unsigned char ** buffer, size_t * len )
	int ret = 0;
	unsigned char * buf = NULL;
	size_t offset = 0;
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p", msg, buffer, len);
	/* Check the parameters */
	CHECK_PARAMS(  buffer && CHECK_MSG(msg)  );
	/* Update the length. This also checks that all AVP have their values set */
	CHECK_FCT(  fd_msg_update_length(msg)  );
	/* Now allocate a buffer to store the message */
	CHECK_MALLOC(  buf = malloc(msg->msg_public.msg_length)  );
	/* Clear the memory, so that the padding is always 0 (should not matter) */
	memset(buf, 0, msg->msg_public.msg_length);
	/* Write the message header in the buffer */
	CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = bufferize_msg(buf, msg->msg_public.msg_length, &offset, msg), 
			return ret;
		}  );
	/* Write the list of AVPs */
	CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = bufferize_chain(buf, msg->msg_public.msg_length, &offset, &msg->msg_chain.children),
			return ret;
		}  );
	ASSERT(offset == msg->msg_public.msg_length); /* or the msg_update_length is buggy */
	if (len) {
		*len = offset;
	*buffer = buf;
	return 0;

/* Parsing buffers and building AVP objects lists (not parsing the AVP values which requires dictionary knowledge) */

/* Parse a buffer containing a supposed list of AVPs */
static int parsebuf_list(unsigned char * buf, size_t buflen, struct fd_list * head)
	size_t offset = 0;
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %zd %p", buf, buflen, head);
	while (offset < buflen) {
		struct avp * avp;
		if (buflen - offset < AVPHDRSZ_NOVEND) {
			TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "truncated buffer: remaining only %zd bytes", buflen - offset);
			return EBADMSG;
		/* Create a new AVP object */
		CHECK_MALLOC(  avp = malloc (sizeof(struct avp))  );
		/* Initialize the header */
		avp->avp_public.avp_code    = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)(buf + offset));
		avp->avp_public.avp_flags   = buf[offset + 4];
		avp->avp_public.avp_len     = ((uint32_t)buf[offset+5]) << 16 |  ((uint32_t)buf[offset+6]) << 8 |  ((uint32_t)buf[offset+7]) ;
		offset += 8;
		if (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_VENDOR) {
			if (buflen - offset < 4) {
				TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "truncated buffer: remaining only %zd bytes for vendor and data", buflen - offset);
				return EBADMSG;
			avp->avp_public.avp_vendor  = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)(buf + offset));
			offset += 4;
		/* Check there is enough remaining data in the buffer */
		if ( (avp->avp_public.avp_len > GETAVPHDRSZ(avp->avp_public.avp_flags))
		&& (buflen - offset < avp->avp_public.avp_len - GETAVPHDRSZ(avp->avp_public.avp_flags))) {
			TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "truncated buffer: remaining only %zd bytes for data, and avp data size is %d", 
					buflen - offset, 
					avp->avp_public.avp_len - GETAVPHDRSZ(avp->avp_public.avp_flags));
			return EBADMSG;
		/* buf[offset] is now the beginning of the data */
		avp->avp_source = &buf[offset];
		/* Now eat the data and eventual padding */
		offset += PAD4(avp->avp_public.avp_len - GETAVPHDRSZ(avp->avp_public.avp_flags));
		/* And insert this avp in the list, at the end */
		fd_list_insert_before( head, &avp->avp_chain.chaining );
	return 0;

/* Create a message object from a buffer. Dictionary objects are not resolved, AVP contents are not interpreted, buffer is saved in msg */
int fd_msg_parse_buffer ( unsigned char ** buffer, size_t buflen, struct msg ** msg )
	struct msg * new = NULL;
	int ret = 0;
	uint32_t msglen = 0;
	unsigned char * buf;
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %zd %p", buffer, buflen, msg);
	CHECK_PARAMS(  buffer &&  *buffer  &&  msg  &&  (buflen >= GETMSGHDRSZ())  );
	buf = *buffer;
	if ( buf[0] != DIAMETER_VERSION) {
		TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "Invalid version in message: %d (supported: %d)", buf[0], DIAMETER_VERSION);
		return EBADMSG;
	msglen = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)buf) & 0x00ffffff;
	if ( buflen < msglen ) {  
		TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "Truncated message (%zd / %d)", buflen, msglen );
		return EBADMSG; 
	/* Create a new object */
	CHECK_MALLOC( new = malloc (sizeof(struct msg)) );
	/* Initialize the fields */
	/* Now read from the buffer */
	new->msg_public.msg_version = buf[0];
	new->msg_public.msg_length = msglen;

	new->msg_public.msg_flags = buf[4];
	new->msg_public.msg_code = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)(buf+4)) & 0x00ffffff;
	new->msg_public.msg_appl = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)(buf+8));
	new->msg_public.msg_hbhid = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)(buf+12));
	new->msg_public.msg_eteid = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)(buf+16));
	/* Parse the AVP list */
	CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = parsebuf_list(buf + GETMSGHDRSZ(), buflen - GETMSGHDRSZ(), &new->msg_chain.children), { destroy_tree(_C(new)); return ret; }  );
	/* Parsing successful */
	new->msg_rawbuffer = buf;
	*buffer = NULL;
	*msg = new;
	return 0;

/* Parsing messages and AVP with dictionary information */

/* Resolve dictionary objects of the cmd and avp instances, from their headers.
 * When the model is found, the data is interpreted from the avp_source buffer and copied to avp_storage.
 * When the model is not found, the data is copied as rawdata and saved (in case we FW the message).
 * Therefore, after this function has been called, the source buffer can be freed.
 * For command, if the dictionary model is not found, an error is returned.

static char error_message[256];

/* Process an AVP. If we are not in recheck, the avp_source must be set. */
static int parsedict_do_avp(struct dictionary * dict, struct avp * avp, int mandatory, struct fd_pei *error_info)
	struct dict_avp_data dictdata;
	struct dict_type_data derivedtypedata;
	struct dict_object * avp_derived_type = NULL;
	uint8_t * source;
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %d %p", dict, avp, mandatory, error_info);
	/* First check we received an AVP as input */
	if (avp->avp_model != NULL) {
		/* the model has already been resolved. we do check it is still valid */

		CHECK_FCT(  fd_dict_getval(avp->avp_model, &dictdata)  );

		if ( avp->avp_public.avp_code == dictdata.avp_code  ) {
			/* Ok then just process the children if any */
			return parsedict_do_chain(dict, &avp->avp_chain.children, mandatory && (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_MANDATORY), error_info);
		} else {
			/* We just erase the old model */
			avp->avp_model = NULL;
	/* Check if we already searched for this model without success */
	if ((avp->avp_model_not_found.mnf_code != avp->avp_public.avp_code)
	||  (avp->avp_model_not_found.mnf_vendor != avp->avp_public.avp_vendor)) {
		/* Now try and resolve the model from the avp code and vendor */
		if (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_VENDOR) {
			struct dict_avp_request_ex avpreq;
			memset(&avpreq, 0, sizeof(avpreq));
			avpreq.avp_vendor.vendor_id = avp->avp_public.avp_vendor;
			avpreq.avp_data.avp_code = avp->avp_public.avp_code;
			CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search ( dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_STRUCT, &avpreq, &avp->avp_model, 0));
		} else {
			/* no vendor */
			CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search ( dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_CODE, &avp->avp_public.avp_code, &avp->avp_model, 0));
		if (!avp->avp_model) {
			avp->avp_model_not_found.mnf_code = avp->avp_public.avp_code;
			avp->avp_model_not_found.mnf_vendor = avp->avp_public.avp_vendor;
	/* First handle the case where we have not found this AVP in the dictionary */
	if (!avp->avp_model) {
		if (mandatory && (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_MANDATORY)) {
			TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "Unsupported mandatory AVP found");
			if (error_info) {
				error_info->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_AVP_UNSUPPORTED";
				error_info->pei_avp = avp;
			} else {
				char * buf = NULL;
				size_t buflen;
				CHECK_MALLOC(fd_msg_dump_treeview(&buf, &buflen, NULL, avp, NULL, 0, 0));
				LOG_E("Unsupported AVP: %s", buf);
			return ENOTSUP;
		if (avp->avp_source) {
			/* we must copy the data from the source to the internal buffer area */
			CHECK_PARAMS( !avp->avp_rawdata  );
			avp->avp_rawlen = avp->avp_public.avp_len - GETAVPHDRSZ( avp->avp_public.avp_flags );
			if (avp->avp_rawlen) {
				CHECK_MALLOC(  avp->avp_rawdata = malloc(avp->avp_rawlen)  );
				memcpy(avp->avp_rawdata, avp->avp_source, avp->avp_rawlen);
			avp->avp_source = NULL;
			TRACE_DEBUG(FULL, "Unsupported optional AVP found, raw source data saved in avp_rawdata.");
		return 0;
	/* Ok we have resolved the object. Now we need to interpret its content. */
	CHECK_FCT(  fd_dict_getval(avp->avp_model, &dictdata)  );
	if (avp->avp_rawdata) {
		/* This happens if the dictionary object was defined after the first check */
		avp->avp_source = avp->avp_rawdata;
	/* A bit of sanity here... */
	/* Check the size is valid */
	if ((avp_value_sizes[dictdata.avp_basetype] != 0) &&
	    (avp->avp_public.avp_len - GETAVPHDRSZ( avp->avp_public.avp_flags ) != avp_value_sizes[dictdata.avp_basetype])) {
		TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "The AVP size is not suitable for the type");
		if (error_info) {
			error_info->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_LENGTH";
			error_info->pei_avp = avp;
			snprintf(error_message, sizeof(error_message), "I expected a size of %d for this AVP according to my dictionary", avp_value_sizes[dictdata.avp_basetype]);
			error_info->pei_message = error_message;
		} else {
			char * buf = NULL;
			size_t buflen;
			CHECK_MALLOC(fd_msg_dump_treeview(&buf, &buflen, NULL, avp, NULL, 0, 0));
			LOG_E("Invalid length AVP: %s", buf);
		avp->avp_model = NULL;
		return EBADMSG;
	source = avp->avp_source;
	avp->avp_source = NULL;

	/* Now get the value inside */
	switch (dictdata.avp_basetype) {
			int ret;
			/* This is a grouped AVP, so let's parse the list of AVPs inside */
			CHECK_FCT_DO(  ret = parsebuf_list(source, avp->avp_public.avp_len - GETAVPHDRSZ( avp->avp_public.avp_flags ), &avp->avp_chain.children),
					if ((ret == EBADMSG) && (error_info)) {
						error_info->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_VALUE";
						error_info->pei_avp = avp;
						snprintf(error_message, sizeof(error_message), "I cannot parse this AVP as a Grouped AVP");
						error_info->pei_message = error_message;
					avp->avp_source = source;
					return ret;
				}  );
			return parsedict_do_chain(dict, &avp->avp_chain.children, mandatory && (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_MANDATORY), error_info);
			/* We just have to copy the string into the storage area */
			CHECK_PARAMS_DO( avp->avp_public.avp_len >= GETAVPHDRSZ( avp->avp_public.avp_flags ),
					if (error_info) {
						error_info->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_LENGTH";
						error_info->pei_avp = avp;
					avp->avp_source = source;
					return EBADMSG;
				} );
			avp->avp_storage.os.len = avp->avp_public.avp_len - GETAVPHDRSZ( avp->avp_public.avp_flags );
			CHECK_MALLOC(  avp-> = os0dup(source, avp->avp_storage.os.len)  );
			avp->avp_mustfreeos = 1;
			avp->avp_storage.i32 = (int32_t)ntohl(*(uint32_t *)source);
			/* the storage might not be aligned on 64b boundary, so no direct indirection here is possible */
				uint64_t __stor;
				memcpy(&__stor, source, sizeof(__stor));
				avp->avp_storage.i64 = (int64_t)ntohll(__stor);
		case AVP_TYPE_FLOAT32: /* For float, we must not cast, or the value is changed. Instead we use implicit cast by changing the member of the union */
			avp->avp_storage.u32 = (uint32_t)ntohl(*(uint32_t *)source);
		case AVP_TYPE_FLOAT64: /* same as 32 bits */
				uint64_t __stor;
				memcpy(&__stor, source, sizeof(__stor));
				avp->avp_storage.u64 = (uint64_t)ntohll(__stor);
	/* Is there a derived type check function ? */
	CHECK_FCT ( fd_dict_search ( dict, DICT_TYPE, TYPE_OF_AVP, avp->avp_model, &avp_derived_type, 0) );
	if (avp_derived_type) {
		CHECK_FCT(  fd_dict_getval(avp_derived_type, &derivedtypedata)  );
		if (derivedtypedata.type_check != NULL) {
			char * err;
			int ret = (*derivedtypedata.type_check)( derivedtypedata.type_check_param, &avp->avp_storage, &err );

			if (ret != 0) {
				TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "The AVP failed to pass the dictionary validation");
				if (error_info) {				
						error_info->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_VALUE";
						error_info->pei_avp = avp;
						snprintf(error_message, sizeof(error_message), "%s", err);
						error_info->pei_message = error_message;
				} else {
					char * buf = NULL;
					size_t buflen;
					CHECK_MALLOC(fd_msg_dump_treeview(&buf, &buflen, NULL, avp, NULL, 0, 0));
					LOG_E("Invalid AVP: %s", buf);
				return ret; /* should we just return EBADMSG? */
	/* The value is now set, so set the data pointer and return 0 */
	avp->avp_public.avp_value = &avp->avp_storage;
	return 0;

/* Process a list of AVPs */
static int parsedict_do_chain(struct dictionary * dict, struct fd_list * head, int mandatory, struct fd_pei *error_info)
	struct fd_list * avpch;
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %d %p", dict, head, mandatory, error_info);
	/* Sanity check */
	ASSERT ( head == head->head );
	/* Now process the list */
	for (avpch=head->next; avpch != head; avpch = avpch->next) {
		CHECK_FCT(  parsedict_do_avp(dict, _A(avpch->o), mandatory, error_info)  );
	/* Done */
	return 0;

/* Process a msg header. */
static int parsedict_do_msg(struct dictionary * dict, struct msg * msg, int only_hdr, struct fd_pei *error_info)
	int ret = 0;
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %d %p", dict, msg, only_hdr, error_info);
	/* First, check if we already have a model. */
	if (msg->msg_model != NULL) {
		/* Check if this model is still valid for the message data */
#ifdef DEBUG
		enum dict_object_type 	 dicttype;
		struct dict_cmd_data     data;
		ASSERT(((fd_dict_gettype(msg->msg_model, &dicttype) == 0) && (dicttype == DICT_COMMAND)));
		(void)fd_dict_getval( msg->msg_model, &data);
		if ((data.cmd_code != msg->msg_public.msg_code) 
		||  ((data.cmd_flag_val & data.cmd_flag_mask) != (msg->msg_public.msg_flags && data.cmd_flag_mask))) {
			msg->msg_model = NULL;
		} else {
			goto chain;
	/* Check if we already searched for this model without success */
	if ((msg->msg_model_not_found.mnf_code == msg->msg_public.msg_code) 
	&& (msg->msg_model_not_found.mnf_flags == msg->msg_public.msg_flags)) {
		goto no_model;
	} else {
		msg->msg_model_not_found.mnf_code = 0;
	/* Look for the model from the header */
	CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_dict_search ( dict, DICT_COMMAND, 
			(msg->msg_public.msg_flags & CMD_FLAG_REQUEST) ? CMD_BY_CODE_R : CMD_BY_CODE_A,
			&msg->msg_model, ENOTSUP),
			if (ret == ENOTSUP) {
				/* update the model not found info */
				msg->msg_model_not_found.mnf_code = msg->msg_public.msg_code;
				msg->msg_model_not_found.mnf_flags = msg->msg_public.msg_flags;
				goto no_model;
			return ret;
		} );
	if (!only_hdr) {
		/* Then process the children */
		ret = parsedict_do_chain(dict, &msg->msg_chain.children, 1, error_info);

		/* Free the raw buffer if any */
		if ((ret == 0) && (msg->msg_rawbuffer != NULL)) {
	return ret;
	if (error_info) {
		error_info->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_COMMAND_UNSUPPORTED";
		error_info->pei_protoerr = 1;
	return ENOTSUP;

int fd_msg_parse_dict ( msg_or_avp * object, struct dictionary * dict, struct fd_pei *error_info )
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p", dict, object, error_info);
	if (error_info)
		memset(error_info, 0, sizeof(struct fd_pei));
	switch (_C(object)->type) {
		case MSG_MSG:
			return parsedict_do_msg(dict, _M(object), 0, error_info);
		case MSG_AVP:
			return parsedict_do_avp(dict, _A(object), 0, error_info);
	return EINVAL;

/* Parsing messages and AVP for rules (ABNF) compliance */

/* This function is used to get stats (first occurence position, last occurence position, number of occurences) 
   of AVP instances of a given model in a chain of AVP */
static void parserules_stat_avps( struct dict_object * model_avp, struct fd_list *list, int * count, int * firstpos, int * lastpos) 
	struct fd_list * li;
	int curpos = 0; /* The current position in the list */
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p %p %p", model_avp, list, count, firstpos, lastpos);
	*count = 0;	/* number of instances found */
	*firstpos = 0;	/* position of the first instance */
	*lastpos = 0;	/* position of the last instance, starting from the end */
	for (li = list->next; li != list; li = li->next) {
		/* Increment the current position counter */
		/* If we previously saved a "lastpos" information, increment it */
		if (*lastpos != 0)
		/* Check the type of the next AVP. We can compare the references directly, it is safe. */
		if (_A(li->o)->avp_model == model_avp) {
			/* This AVP is of the type we are searching */
			/* If we don't have yet a "firstpos", save it */
			if (*firstpos == 0)
				*firstpos = curpos;
			/* Reset the lastpos */
			(*lastpos) = 1;

/* We use this structure as parameter for the next function */
struct parserules_data {
	struct fd_list  * sentinel;  	/* Sentinel of the list of children AVP */
	struct fd_pei 	* pei;   	/* If the rule conflicts, save the error here */

/* Create an empty AVP of a given model (to use in Failed-AVP) */
static struct avp * empty_avp(struct dict_object * model_avp)
	struct avp * avp = NULL;
	struct dict_avp_data avp_info;
	union avp_value val;
	unsigned char os[1] = { '\0' };
	/* Create an instance */
	CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_new(model_avp, 0, &avp ), return NULL );
	/* Type of the AVP */
	CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_dict_getval(model_avp, &avp_info), return NULL );
	/* Set an initial size */
	avp->avp_public.avp_len = GETAVPHDRSZ( avp->avp_public.avp_flags ) + avp_value_sizes[avp_info.avp_basetype];
	/* Prepare the empty value */
	memset(&val, 0, sizeof(val));
	switch (avp_info.avp_basetype) {
			val.os.len  = sizeof(os);
			avp->avp_public.avp_len += val.os.len;
		case AVP_TYPE_FLOAT32:
		case AVP_TYPE_FLOAT64:
			CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp, &val), return NULL );
			/* For AVP_TYPE_GROUPED we don't do anything */
			ASSERT(0); /* not handled */
	return avp;

/* Check that a list of AVPs is compliant with a given rule -- will be iterated on the list of rules */
static int parserules_check_one_rule(void * data, struct dict_rule_data *rule)
	int count, first, last, min;
	struct parserules_data * pr_data = data;
	char * avp_name = "<unresolved name>";
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p", data, rule);
	/* Get statistics of the AVP concerned by this rule in the parent instance */
	parserules_stat_avps( rule->rule_avp, pr_data->sentinel, &count, &first, &last);
		struct dict_avp_data avpdata;
		int ret;
		ret = fd_dict_getval(rule->rule_avp, &avpdata);
		if (ret == 0)
			avp_name = avpdata.avp_name;
		TRACE_DEBUG(ANNOYING, "Checking rule: p:%d(%d) m/M:%2d/%2d. Counted %d (first: %d, last:%d) of AVP '%s'", 
	/* Now check the rule is not conflicting */
	/* Check the "min" value */
	if ((min = rule->rule_min) == -1) {
		if (rule->rule_position == RULE_OPTIONAL)
			min = 0;
			min = 1;
	if (count < min) {
		fd_log_error("Conflicting rule: the number of occurences (%d) is < the rule min (%d) for '%s'.", count, min, avp_name);
		if (pr_data->pei) {
			pr_data->pei->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP";
			pr_data->pei->pei_avp = empty_avp(rule->rule_avp);
			pr_data->pei->pei_avp_free = 1;
		return EBADMSG;
	/* Check the "max" value */
	if ((rule->rule_max != -1) && (count > rule->rule_max)) {
		fd_log_error("Conflicting rule: the number of occurences (%d) is > the rule max (%d) for '%s'.", count, rule->rule_max, avp_name);
		if (pr_data->pei) {
			if (rule->rule_max == 0)
				pr_data->pei->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_AVP_NOT_ALLOWED";
				pr_data->pei->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_AVP_OCCURS_TOO_MANY_TIMES";
			pr_data->pei->pei_avp = empty_avp(rule->rule_avp); /* Well we are supposed to return the (max + 1)th instance of the AVP instead... Pfff... */ TODO("Improve...");
			pr_data->pei->pei_avp_free = 1;
		return EBADMSG;
	/* Check the position and order (if relevant) */
	switch (rule->rule_position) {
			/* No special position constraints */
			/* Since "0*1<fixed>" is a valid rule specifier, we only reject cases where the AVP appears *after* its fixed position */
			if (first > rule->rule_order) {
				fd_log_error("Conflicting rule: the FIXED_HEAD AVP appears first in (%d) position, the rule requires (%d) for '%s'.", first, rule->rule_order, avp_name);
				if (pr_data->pei) {
					pr_data->pei->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP";
					pr_data->pei->pei_message = "AVP was not in its fixed position";
					pr_data->pei->pei_avp = empty_avp(rule->rule_avp);
					pr_data->pei->pei_avp_free = 1;
				return EBADMSG;
			/* Since "0*1<fixed>" is a valid rule specifier, we only reject cases where the AVP appears *before* its fixed position */
			if (last > rule->rule_order) {	/* We have a ">" here because we count in reverse order (i.e. from the end) */
				fd_log_error("Conflicting rule: the FIXED_TAIL AVP appears last in (%d) position, the rule requires (%d) for '%s'.", last, rule->rule_order, avp_name);
				if (pr_data->pei) {
					pr_data->pei->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP";
					pr_data->pei->pei_message = "AVP was not in its fixed position";
					pr_data->pei->pei_avp = empty_avp(rule->rule_avp);
					pr_data->pei->pei_avp_free = 1;
				return EBADMSG;
			/* What is this position ??? */
			return ENOTSUP;
	/* We've checked all the parameters */
	return 0;

/* Check the rules recursively */
static int parserules_do ( struct dictionary * dict, msg_or_avp * object, struct fd_pei *error_info, int mandatory)
	struct parserules_data data;
	struct dict_object * model = NULL;
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p %d", dict, object, error_info, mandatory);
	/* object has already been checked and dict-parsed when we are called. */
	/* First, handle the cases where there is no model */
		if (CHECK_MSG(object)) {
			if ( _M(object)->msg_public.msg_flags & CMD_FLAG_ERROR ) {
				/* The case of error messages: the ABNF is different */
				CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_get_error_cmd(dict, &model) );
			} else {
				model = _M(object)->msg_model;
			/* Commands MUST be supported in the dictionary */
			if (model == NULL) {
				TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "Message with no dictionary model. EBADMSG");
				if (error_info) {
					error_info->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_COMMAND_UNSUPPORTED";
					error_info->pei_protoerr = 1;
				return EBADMSG;

		/* AVP with the 'M' flag must also be recognized in the dictionary -- except inside an optional grouped AVP */
		if (CHECK_AVP(object) && ((model = _A(object)->avp_model) == NULL)) {
			if ( mandatory && (_A(object)->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_MANDATORY)) {
				/* Return an error in this case */
				TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "Mandatory AVP with no dictionary model. EBADMSG");
				if (error_info) {
					error_info->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_AVP_UNSUPPORTED";
					error_info->pei_avp = object;
				return EBADMSG;
			} else {
				/* We don't know any rule for this object, so assume OK */
				TRACE_DEBUG(FULL, "Unknown informational AVP, ignoring...");
				return 0;
	/* At this point we know "model" is set and points to the object's model */
	/* If we are an AVP with no children, just return OK */
	if (CHECK_AVP(object)) {
		struct dict_avp_data	dictdata;
		CHECK_FCT(  fd_dict_getval(model, &dictdata)  );
		if (dictdata.avp_basetype != AVP_TYPE_GROUPED) {
			/* This object has no children and no rules */
			return 0;
	/* If this object has children, first check the rules for all its children */
		int is_child_mand = 0;
		struct fd_list * ch = NULL;
		if (  CHECK_MSG(object) 
		   || (mandatory && (_A(object)->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_MANDATORY)) )
			is_child_mand = 1;
		for (ch = _C(object)->; ch != &_C(object)->children; ch = ch->next) {
			CHECK_FCT(  parserules_do ( dict, _C(ch->o), error_info, is_child_mand )  );

	/* Now check all rules of this object */
	data.sentinel = &_C(object)->children;
	data.pei  = error_info;
	CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_iterate_rules ( model, &data, parserules_check_one_rule ) );
	return 0;

int fd_msg_parse_rules ( msg_or_avp * object, struct dictionary * dict, struct fd_pei *error_info)
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p", object, dict, error_info);
	if (error_info)
		memset(error_info, 0, sizeof(struct fd_pei));
	/* Resolve the dictionary objects when missing. This also validates the object. */
	CHECK_FCT(  fd_msg_parse_dict ( object, dict, error_info )  );
	/* Call the recursive function */
	return parserules_do ( dict, object, error_info, 1 ) ;


/* Compute the lengh of an object and its subtree. */
int fd_msg_update_length ( msg_or_avp * object )
	size_t sz = 0;
	struct dict_object * model;
	union {
		struct dict_cmd_data   cmddata;
		struct dict_avp_data   avpdata;
	} dictdata;
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p", object);
	/* Get the model of the object. This also validates the object */
	CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_model ( object, &model ) );
	/* Get the information of the model */
	if (model) {
		CHECK_FCT(  fd_dict_getval(model, &dictdata)  );
	} else {
		/* For unknown AVP, just don't change the size */
		if (_C(object)->type == MSG_AVP)
			return 0;
	/* Deal with easy cases: AVPs without children */
	if ((_C(object)->type == MSG_AVP) && (dictdata.avpdata.avp_basetype != AVP_TYPE_GROUPED)) {
		/* Sanity check */
		/* Now check that the data is set in the AVP */
		CHECK_PARAMS(  _A(object)->avp_public.avp_value  );
		sz = GETAVPHDRSZ( _A(object)->avp_public.avp_flags );
		switch (dictdata.avpdata.avp_basetype) {
				sz += _A(object)->avp_public.avp_value->os.len;
			case AVP_TYPE_FLOAT32:
			case AVP_TYPE_FLOAT64:
				sz += avp_value_sizes[dictdata.avpdata.avp_basetype];
				/* Something went wrong... */
	else  /* message or grouped AVP */
		struct fd_list * ch = NULL;
		/* First, compute the header size */
		if (_C(object)->type == MSG_AVP) {
			sz = GETAVPHDRSZ( _A(object)->avp_public.avp_flags );
		} else {
			sz = GETMSGHDRSZ( );
		/* Recurse in all children and update the sz information */
		for (ch = _C(object)->; ch != &_C(object)->children; ch = ch->next) {
			CHECK_FCT(  fd_msg_update_length ( ch->o )  );
			/* Add the padded size to the parent */
			sz += PAD4( _A(ch->o)->avp_public.avp_len );
	/* When we arrive here, the "sz" variable contains the size to write in the object */
	if (_C(object)->type == MSG_AVP) 
		_A(object)->avp_public.avp_len = sz;
		_M(object)->msg_public.msg_length = sz;
	return 0;

/* Macro to check if further callbacks must be called */
#define TEST_ACTION_STOP()					\
	if ((*msg == NULL) || (*action != DISP_ACT_CONT))	\
		goto out;

/* Call all dispatch callbacks for a given message */
int fd_msg_dispatch ( struct msg ** msg, struct session * session, enum disp_action *action, char ** error_code, char ** drop_reason, struct msg ** drop_msg)
	struct dictionary  * dict;
	struct dict_object * app;
	struct dict_object * cmd;
	struct avp * avp;
	struct fd_list * cb_list;
	int ret = 0, r2;
	TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p %p", msg, session, action, error_code);
	CHECK_PARAMS( msg && CHECK_MSG(*msg) && action);
	if (error_code)
		*error_code = NULL;
	if (drop_reason)
		*drop_reason = NULL;
	*action = DISP_ACT_CONT;
	/* Take the dispatch lock */
	CHECK_FCT( pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&fd_disp_lock) );
	pthread_cleanup_push( fd_cleanup_rwlock, &fd_disp_lock );
	/* First, call the DISP_HOW_ANY callbacks */
	CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_disp_call_cb_int( NULL, msg, NULL, session, action, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, drop_reason, drop_msg ), goto out );

	/* If we don't know the model at this point, we stop cause we cannot get the dictionary. It's invalid: an error should already have been trigged by ANY callbacks */
	CHECK_PARAMS_DO(cmd = (*msg)->msg_model, { ret = EINVAL; goto out; } );
	/* Now resolve message application */
	CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_dict_getdict( cmd, &dict ), goto out );
	CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_dict_search( dict, DICT_APPLICATION, APPLICATION_BY_ID, &(*msg)->msg_public.msg_appl, &app, 0 ), goto out );
	if (app == NULL) {
		if ((*msg)->msg_public.msg_flags & CMD_FLAG_REQUEST) {
			if (error_code)
			*action = DISP_ACT_ERROR;
		} else {
			*drop_reason = "Internal error: Received this answer to a local query with an unsupported application";
			*drop_msg = *msg;
			*msg = NULL;
		goto out;
	/* So start browsing the message */
	CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_msg_browse( *msg, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, &avp, NULL ), goto out );
	while (avp != NULL) {
		/* For unknown AVP, we don't have a callback registered, so just skip */
		if (avp->avp_model) {
			struct dict_object * enumval = NULL;
			/* Get the list of callback for this AVP */
			CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_dict_disp_cb(DICT_AVP, avp->avp_model, &cb_list), goto out );
			/* We search enumerated values only in case of non-grouped AVP */
			if ( avp->avp_public.avp_value ) {
				struct dict_object * type;
				/* Check if the AVP has a constant value */
				CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_dict_search(dict, DICT_TYPE, TYPE_OF_AVP, avp->avp_model, &type, 0), goto out );
				if (type) {
					struct dict_enumval_request req;
					memset(&req, 0, sizeof(struct dict_enumval_request));
					req.type_obj = type;
					memcpy( &, avp->avp_public.avp_value, sizeof(union avp_value) );
					CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_dict_search(dict, DICT_ENUMVAL, ENUMVAL_BY_STRUCT, &req, &enumval, 0), goto out );
			/* Call the callbacks */
			CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_disp_call_cb_int( cb_list, msg, avp, session, action, app, cmd, avp->avp_model, enumval, drop_reason, drop_msg ), goto out );
		/* Go to next AVP */
		CHECK_FCT_DO(  ret = fd_msg_browse( avp, MSG_BRW_WALK, &avp, NULL ), goto out );
	/* Now call command and application callbacks */
	CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_dict_disp_cb(DICT_COMMAND, cmd, &cb_list), goto out );
	CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_disp_call_cb_int( cb_list, msg, NULL, session, action, app, cmd, NULL, NULL, drop_reason, drop_msg ), goto out );
	if (app) {
		CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_dict_disp_cb(DICT_APPLICATION, app, &cb_list), goto out );
		CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_disp_call_cb_int( cb_list, msg, NULL, session, action, app, cmd, NULL, NULL, drop_reason, drop_msg ), goto out );
	; /* some systems would complain without this */	
	CHECK_POSIX_DO(r2 = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&fd_disp_lock), /* ignore */ );
	return ret ?: r2;

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