view contrib/test_Gx/main_gx.c @ 1327:82b386714795

Set callback data also when only setting expire callback (and not answer callback as well). It is used when calling the expire callback, so not setting it makes no sense.
author Thomas Klausner <>
date Mon, 27 Nov 2017 15:21:20 +0100
parents fd398055521c
children c8057892e56b
line wrap: on
line source

 Contributed by: Krishnan Srinivasan <>
 License: to be specified.

#include <freeDiameter/extension.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>
#define AUTH_APP_ID				    16777238
#define VENDOR_ID_3GPP  			    10415
/* The content of this file follows the same structure as dict_base_proto.c */

#if 0
#define CHECK_dict_new( _type, _data, _parent, _ref )  \
       CHECK_FCT(  fd_dict_new( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, (_type), (_data), (_parent), (_ref))  );

void dump_sess_eyec(struct session *sess, const char *);

static int ccr_cb( struct msg ** msg, struct avp * avp, struct session * sess, void * opaque, enum disp_action * act);
static int reauth_cb( struct msg ** msg, struct avp * avp, struct session * sess, void * opaque, enum disp_action * act);
static int cca_cb( struct msg ** msg, struct avp * avp, struct session * sess, void * opaque, enum disp_action * act);
static struct disp_hdl * ccr_cb_hdl = NULL; /* handler for ccr req cb */
static struct disp_hdl * cca_cb_hdl = NULL; /* handler for cca req cb */
static struct disp_hdl * reauth_cb_hdl = NULL; /* handler for cca req cb */

struct dict_object *ccr_cmd = NULL;
struct dict_object *cca_cmd = NULL;
struct dict_object *dataobj_re_auth_request_type = NULL;
struct dict_object * origin_host = NULL;
struct dict_object * origin_realm = NULL;
struct dict_object * dest_host = NULL;
struct dict_object * dest_realm = NULL;
struct dict_object *reauth_cmd = NULL;
struct dict_object * auth_app_id    = NULL; 
struct dict_object * service_cxt_id = NULL ; 
struct dict_object * cc_req_type    = NULL; 
struct dict_object * cc_req_num    = NULL; 
struct dict_object * bearer_usage    = NULL; 
struct dict_object * pflt_oper    = NULL; 
struct dict_object * pflt_info    = NULL; 
struct dict_object * pflt_id	= NULL; 
struct dict_object * gx_inf;
struct dict_object * term_cause = NULL;

struct session *g_sess = NULL;
struct session_handler *g_hdlr = NULL;

enum gx_state {
    STATE_INIT = 0,
struct gx_sm_t {
    enum gx_state state;
    pthread_t tid;
    struct fifo *events;
    pthread_mutex_t p_sm_mtx;
    int req_num;
    struct session *sess;  
} g_gx_sm;

int snd_ccr_msg(struct gx_sm_t **gx_sm  , struct dict_object *cmd_r ) ;

void sig_hdlr(void);

void *gx_sm_th(void *sm);
#define press_key_continue() { printf("%s %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);}
static int app_gx_entry(char * conffile)
//     TRACE_ENTRY("%p", conffile);	       
	       application_id_t dcca_id = AUTH_APP_ID;
	       application_id_t ccr_id = 272;
	       application_id_t cca_id = 272;
	       application_id_t reauth_id = 258;
	       CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_APPLICATION, APPLICATION_BY_ID, &dcca_id, &gx_inf, ENOENT));
       CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_COMMAND, CMD_BY_CODE_R, &ccr_id, &ccr_cmd, ENOENT));
	CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_COMMAND, CMD_BY_CODE_A, &cca_id, &cca_cmd, ENOENT));
  //   CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_COMMAND, CMD_BY_CODE_R, &reauth_id, &reauth_cmd, ENOENT));


       /* Applications section */
#if 0
	// Gx interface
	struct dict_application_data data = { AUTH_APP_ID, "3GPP-Gx Application" };
	 CHECK_dict_new( DICT_APPLICATION, &data, NULL, &gx_inf);


	// Do registeration and init stuff
	struct disp_when data;
       TRACE_DEBUG(FULL, "Initializing dispatch callbacks for Gx interface");
       memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); = gx_inf;
	   data.command = ccr_cmd;
       /* Now specific handler for CCR-CMD */
	   CHECK_FCT( fd_disp_register( ccr_cb, DISP_HOW_CC, &data, NULL, &ccr_cb_hdl ) );

       memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); = gx_inf;
	   data.command = cca_cmd;

	   CHECK_FCT( fd_disp_register( cca_cb, DISP_HOW_CC, &data, NULL, &cca_cb_hdl ) );
#ifdef REAUTH
	CHECK_FCT(fd_dict_search(fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_COMMAND, CMD_BY_NAME,
				       "Re-Auth-Request", &reauth_cmd, ENOENT));
	memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); = gx_inf;
	   data.command = reauth_cmd;
	printf("register REAUTH\n");
	   CHECK_FCT( fd_disp_register( reauth_cb, DISP_HOW_CC, &data, NULL, &reauth_cb_hdl ) );


       CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 
			       DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME, 
				ENOENT) );

       CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 
			       ENOENT) );

       CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 
				ENOENT) );

       CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 
			       ENOENT) );

       CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 
				ENOENT) );

       CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 
				ENOENT) );

    CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 
				ENOENT) );

    CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 
				ENOENT) );

    CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 
				ENOENT) );
	struct dict_avp_request req = { VENDOR_ID_3GPP, 0, "Bearer-Usage"}; 

	CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 
				    ENOENT) );
	struct dict_avp_request req = { VENDOR_ID_3GPP, 0, "Packet-Filter-Operation"}; 

	CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 
				    ENOENT) );
	struct dict_avp_request req = { VENDOR_ID_3GPP, 0, "Packet-Filter-Information"}; 

	CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 
				    ENOENT) );
	struct dict_avp_request req = { VENDOR_ID_3GPP, 0, "Packet-Filter-Identifier"}; 

	CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 
				    ENOENT) );

    CHECK_FCT(fd_sess_handler_create( &g_hdlr, free, NULL));
    CHECK_FCT( fd_fifo_new(&;  
    CHECK_FCT( fd_disp_app_support( gx_inf, NULL, 1 , 0));

    CHECK_FCT( fd_event_trig_regcb(SIGUSR1, "app_gx", sig_hdlr ) );

       TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "Extension 'Gx' initialized");
       return 0;

void * gx_sm_th(void *sm)
   struct gx_sm_t *gx_sm = (struct gx_sm_t *) sm;
    struct timespec tout;
    int evt_code;

	    CHECK_SYS_DO( clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &tout), goto out);
	    tout.tv_sec =+ 60 ;
    while(1) {
	fd_event_timedget(gx_sm->events, &tout , ETIMEDOUT, &evt_code, NULL, NULL );
	 CHECK_SYS_DO( clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &tout), goto out);
	printf("in tout sec %d\n", tout.tv_sec); 
	if(evt_code == ETIMEDOUT) {
	    snd_ccr_msg(&gx_sm, ccr_cmd);
	    gx_sm->req_num++ ;
	    gx_sm->state = STATE_INTERMEDIATE;
	    CHECK_SYS_DO( clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &tout), goto out);
	    tout.tv_sec += 30 ;

       // printf("press enter\n");
       // getchar();
 return NULL;
int init_gx_sm(struct gx_sm_t *sm)
    sm->state = STATE_INIT;
    sm->tid = 0;//
    sm->events = NULL;
    pthread_mutex_t p_sm_mtx;
    sm->req_num = 0;
    sm->sess = NULL;

return 0;
int free_gx_sm(struct gx_sm_t *sm)
struct gx_sm_t *gl_gx_sm = NULL;

void sig_hdlr()
struct gx_sm_t *gx_sm = gl_gx_sm;

    if( gx_sm) {

	fd_sess_dump( 0 , g_gx_sm.sess);

     } else {

	if(gx_sm= (struct gx_sm_t *)malloc(sizeof(struct gx_sm_t))) {
	   gl_gx_sm = gx_sm;

      snd_ccr_msg( &gx_sm, ccr_cmd);

static void cr_cb_ans(void *data, struct msg  **msg)
    printf("call back \n");

/*				     < Session-Id >
				   { Origin-Host }
				   { Origin-Realm }
				   { Destination-Realm }
				   { Auth-Application-Id }
				   { Service-Context-Id }
				   { CC-Request-Type }
				   { CC-Request-Number }

int snd_ccr_msg(struct gx_sm_t **sm , struct dict_object *cmd_r ) 
       struct msg * req = NULL;
       struct avp * avp = NULL;
       union avp_value val;
       struct ta_mess_info * mi = NULL, *svg;
       struct session *sess = NULL;
    struct gx_sm_t *gx_sm = NULL;
    struct gx_sm_t *ptr = NULL;

       TRACE_DEBUG(FULL, "Creating a new CCR message for sending. %p", gx_sm);
       /* Create the request from template */
       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_new( cmd_r, MSGFL_ALLOC_ETEID, &req ), goto out );
    gx_sm = *sm;
       /* Create a new session */
    if(!gx_sm->sess) {

	   CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_sess_new( &sess, 
				    "CCR_SESSION", strlen("CCR_SESSION") ), goto out );
	printf("statemachine: %p %p %p\n", *(&gx_sm), gx_sm , *sm);
	gx_sm->sess = sess;
	printf("new session %p \n", sess);
	//Hold the session till terminate happens
	       CHECK_FCT( fd_sess_ref_msg(sess) );

      } else {

	sess = gx_sm->sess;
	printf("use previous session %p \n", sess);

     fd_sess_dump( 0 , sess);
//     dump_sess_eyec( sess, __FUNCTION__);
       /* Now set all AVPs values */
       /* Session-Id */
	       os0_t sid;
	       size_t sidlen;
	struct dict_object *sess_id = NULL;

       CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search(   fd_g_config->cnf_dict
				   , "Session-Id"
				   , &sess_id, ENOENT) );

	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_sess_getsid ( sess, &sid, &sidlen ), goto out );
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_new ( sess_id, 0, &avp ), goto out ); = sid;
	       val.os.len  = sidlen;
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_setvalue( avp, &val ), goto out );
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_add( req, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, avp ), goto out );

       /* Set the Destination-Realm AVP */
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_new ( dest_realm, 0, &avp ), goto out  ); = (unsigned char *)("vm");
	       val.os.len  = strlen("vm");
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_setvalue( avp, &val ), goto out  );
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_add( req, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp ), goto out  );

       /* Set the Destination-Host AVP if needed*/
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_new ( dest_host, 0, &avp ), goto out  ); = (unsigned char *)("");
	       val.os.len  = strlen("");
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_setvalue( avp, &val ), goto out  );
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_add( req, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp ), goto out  );

       /* Set Origin-Host & Origin-Realm */
       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_add_origin ( req, 0 ), goto out  );

   /*  Set Auth-Application ID */
       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_new ( auth_app_id, 0, &avp ), goto out  );
	       val.i32 =  AUTH_APP_ID; // Auth-App id is 4 for CCR 
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_setvalue( avp, &val ), goto out  );
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_add( req, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp ), goto out  );

    /*     Set Service Context ID     */

       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_new ( service_cxt_id, 0, &avp ), goto out  ); = (unsigned char *)("test@tst");
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_setvalue( avp, &val ), goto out  );
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_add( req, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp ), goto out  );


    /*     Set Request Type	      */
//TODO Change this to use  enum object
       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_new ( cc_req_type, 0, &avp ), goto out  );
	if(gx_sm->state == STATE_INIT)
	    val.i32 = CCR_INIT_REQUEST;
	else if(gx_sm->state == STATE_FINAL)
	    val.i32 = CCR_UPDATE_REQUEST;

	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_setvalue( avp, &val ), goto out  );
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_add( req, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp ), goto out  );


    /*     Set Request Number	      */
       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_new ( cc_req_num, 0, &avp ), goto out  );
	val.i32 = gx_sm->req_num;
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_setvalue( avp, &val ), goto out  );
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_add( req, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp ), goto out  );

    switch(gx_sm->state) {

     case STATE_INIT:

	//Set Bearer-Usage
    //TODO Change this to use  enum object
       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_new ( bearer_usage, 0, &avp ), goto out  );
	val.i32 = 1;//IMS
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_setvalue( avp, &val ), goto out  );
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_add( req, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp ), goto out  );
	//Set Packet Filter Operation 
	//TODO Change this to use  enum object
       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_new ( pflt_oper, 0, &avp ), goto out  );
	val.i32 = 1;//ADDITION
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_setvalue( avp, &val ), goto out  );
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_add( req, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp ), goto out  );
	struct avp *flt_info = NULL; 
	    //Set Packet Filter Information 
	   CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_new ( pflt_info, 0, &flt_info ), goto out  );

	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_add( req, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, flt_info ), goto out  );
	// Set Packet Filter Identity

	 CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_new ( pflt_id, 0, &avp ), goto out  ); = (unsigned char *)("ID");
		 val.os.len  = strlen("ID");
	  CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_setvalue( avp, &val ), goto out  );
	  if(flt_info) {
		   CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_add( flt_info, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp ), goto out  );
	   }else {
		printf("flt_info NULL\n");

	CHECK_FCT(fd_sess_state_store(g_hdlr, sess, &gx_sm));

     case STATE_FINAL:
	//Set Packet Filter Operation 
	//TODO Change this to use  enum object
       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_new ( term_cause, 0, &avp ), goto out  );
	val.i32 = 1;//Diameter logout
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_setvalue( avp, &val ), goto out  );
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_add( req, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp ), goto out  );
	printf("State mismatch \n");
       /* Send the request */
    printf("CCA %p\n",req);
// Everthing Done Store the state: reply should retreive it 
       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_send( &req, NULL, NULL ), goto out );


static int reauth_cb( struct msg ** msg, struct avp * avp, struct session * sess, void * opaque, enum disp_action * act)
       struct msg *ans, *qry;
       struct avp * a;

       TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p %p", msg, avp, sess, act);
       if (msg == NULL)
	       return EINVAL;
       /* Create answer header */
       qry = *msg;
       CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_new_answer_from_req ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, msg, 0 ) );
       ans = *msg;
       /* Set the Origin-Host, Origin-Realm, Result-Code AVPs */
       CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_rescode_set( ans, "DIAMETER_SUCCESS", NULL, NULL, 1 ) );
       /* Send the answer */
       CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_send( msg, NULL, NULL ) );

static int dcca_ans_from_req( struct dict_object * obj, struct msg *qry, struct msg **msg)
       struct avp *avp  = NULL;
       struct avp_hdr * avpdata;
    int  rc = -1;

    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_search_avp( qry, obj, &avp));
    CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_hdr(avp, &avpdata));
    avp = NULL;

       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_new ( obj, 0, &avp ), goto out  );
       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_setvalue( avp, avpdata->avp_value ), goto out  );
       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_add( *msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp ), goto out  );

 rc = 0;
 return rc;

/* Dummy ccr which :
   Read the cc-req-type && cc-req-number from the msg and stick it back
  in the reply

static int ccr_cb( struct msg ** msg, struct avp * r_avp, struct session * sess, void * opaque, enum disp_action * act)
       struct msg *ans, *qry;
       struct avp *avp  = NULL;
       struct avp_hdr * avp_data;
    int rc  = - 1; 

       TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p %p", msg, r_avp, sess, act);
       if (msg == NULL)
	       return EINVAL;
       /* Create answer header */
       qry = *msg;
       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_new_answer_from_req ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, msg, 0 ) , goto out);
       ans = *msg;
       /* Set the Origin-Host, Origin-Realm, Result-Code AVPs */
       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_rescode_set( ans, "DIAMETER_SUCCESS", NULL, NULL, 1 ), goto out );

// Get the auth_app_id and from the reply and set it in the reply 
    CHECK_FCT_DO(dcca_ans_from_req( auth_app_id, qry, msg), goto out);
    CHECK_FCT_DO(dcca_ans_from_req( cc_req_type, qry, msg), goto out);
    CHECK_FCT_DO(dcca_ans_from_req( cc_req_num, qry, msg), goto out);

       /* Send the answer */
       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_send( msg, NULL, NULL ), goto out );
    rc  = 0;
    //Free up the memory
    return rc ;

int send_reauth_req()

       struct dict_application_data appdata;
    struct avp *avp = NULL;
    union avp_value val ;
    struct msg *qry, *ans = NULL;
    struct msg *req = NULL;
    struct msg *tst = NULL;
       struct dict_object * auth_app_id = NULL, *reauth_req_type = NULL;

//    qry = *msg;

    { // Send new reauth request

	   CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_new( reauth_cmd, MSGFL_ALLOC_ETEID, &req ), goto out );
       CHECK_FCT(  fd_dict_getval(gx_inf, &appdata)  );
       struct msg_hdr * header = NULL;
	       CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_hdr ( req, &header ) );
	       header->msg_appl = appdata.application_id;


       /* Session-Id */
	       os0_t sid;
	       size_t sidlen;
	struct dict_object *sess_id = NULL;
       CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME, "Session-Id", &sess_id, ENOENT) );

	       //CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_sess_getsid ( sess, &sid, &sidlen ), goto out );
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_new ( sess_id, 0, &avp ), goto out ); = sid;
	       val.os.len  = sidlen;
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_setvalue( avp, &val ), goto out );
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_add( req, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, avp ), goto out );

       /* Set the Destination-Realm AVP */
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_new ( dest_realm, 0, &avp ), goto out  ); = (unsigned char *)("vm");
	       val.os.len  = strlen("vm");
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_setvalue( avp, &val ), goto out  );
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_add( req, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp ), goto out  );
       /* Set the Destination-Host AVP if needed*/
//     if (ta_conf->dest_host) {
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_new ( dest_host, 0, &avp ), goto out  ); = (unsigned char *)("cli.vm");
	       val.os.len  = strlen("cli.vm");
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_setvalue( avp, &val ), goto out  );
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_add( req, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp ), goto out  );
//     }
       /* Set Origin-Host & Origin-Realm */
       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_add_origin ( req, 0 ), goto out  );

       /* AUTH_Application-ID */
       CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME, "Auth-Application-Id", &auth_app_id, ENOENT) );
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_new ( auth_app_id, 0, &avp ), goto out  );
	       val.i32 = appdata.application_id;
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_setvalue( avp, &val ), goto out  );
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_add( req, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp ), goto out  );

       /* Re-Auth Request Type */
	CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME, "Re-Auth-Request-Type", &reauth_req_type, ENOENT) );
	   CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_new ( reauth_req_type, 0, &avp ), goto out  );
	val.i32 = 0;
	CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_setvalue( avp, &val ), goto out  );
	CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_add( req, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp ), goto out  );

       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_send( &req, cr_cb_ans, NULL ), goto out );
    return 0 ;

/* Search a given AVP model in an AVP (extracted from libfreediameter/message.c ) */
int fd_avp_search_avp ( struct avp * groupedavp, struct dict_object * what, struct avp ** avp )
       struct avp * nextavp;
       struct avp_hdr * nextavphdr;
       struct dict_avp_data    dictdata;
       TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p", groupedavp, what, avp);
       CHECK_FCT(  fd_dict_getval(what, &dictdata)  );
       // Loop only in the group AVP 
       CHECK_FCT(  fd_msg_browse(groupedavp, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, (void *)&nextavp, NULL)  );
       CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_avp_hdr( nextavp, &nextavphdr )  );
       while (nextavphdr) {
	       if ( (nextavphdr->avp_code   == dictdata.avp_code) && (nextavphdr->avp_vendor == dictdata.avp_vendor) ) // always 0 if no Vendor flag
	       // Otherwise move to next AVP in the grouped AVP 
	       CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_browse(nextavp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, (void *)&nextavp, NULL) );
		       CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_avp_hdr( nextavp, &nextavphdr )  );
       if (avp)
	       *avp = nextavp;
       if (avp && nextavp) {
	       struct dictionary * dict;
	       CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_getdict( what, &dict) );
	       CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_parse_dict( nextavp, dict, NULL ),  );
       if (avp || nextavp)
	       return 0;
	       return ENOENT;

static int cca_cb( struct msg ** msg, 
		   struct avp * t_avp , 
		   struct session * sess, 
		   void * opaque, 
		   enum disp_action * act)
    struct avp *avp = NULL, *g_avp = NULL;
    struct msg *req = *msg;
    struct dict_object *chrg_rule_name = NULL ;
    struct dict_object *chrg_rule_grp = NULL ;
       struct avp_hdr * avpdata = NULL;
    struct dict_avp_request grule_req =   {VENDOR_ID_3GPP, 0,"Charging-Rule-Install"};
    struct dict_avp_request rule_req =   {VENDOR_ID_3GPP, 0,"Charging-Rule-Name"};
    struct timespec sess_timeout;
    struct gx_sm_t *gx_sm = NULL;
  //  struct session *sess = NULL;
       CHECK_FCT(fd_sess_state_retrieve( g_hdlr, sess, &gx_sm));
    fd_sess_dump( 0, sess);
    if(gx_sm->state != STATE_FINAL) { 

	       CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict
				   , &grule_req 
				   , &chrg_rule_grp
				   , ENOENT));
	   CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict
				   , &rule_req 
				   , &chrg_rule_name
				   , ENOENT));

	CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_search_avp ( *msg, chrg_rule_grp, &g_avp ));
	CHECK_FCT(fd_avp_search_avp(g_avp, chrg_rule_name, &avp));

	if(avp) {
	       CHECK_FCT(fd_msg_avp_hdr(avp, &avpdata));
	} else {
	    printf("NULL AVP \n");
	printf("charging-rule-name %s\n", avpdata->avp_value->;
	gx_sm->state = STATE_FINAL;
	dump_sess_eyec( sess, __FUNCTION__);
	printf("next dump\n");
	CHECK_FCT(fd_sess_state_store( g_hdlr, sess, &gx_sm));
	*msg = NULL;

   } else {
	printf("Session terminated\n");
	*msg = NULL;
    fd_sess_dump( 0 , sess);

    return 0;

static int gx_entry(char * conffile)
 return 0;
EXTENSION_ENTRY( "app_gx", app_gx_entry, "dict_dcca_3gpp");
//EXTENSION_ENTRY( "app_gx", gx_entry);
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