view extensions/CMakeLists.txt @ 1510:a2fb51309cd2

Add 3GPP TS 29.345 V15.1.0 (2019-09) Add AVPs: - App-Layer-User-Id, UTF8String, code 3801, section 6.3.2 - Assistance-info, Grouped, code 3802, section 6.3.3 - Assistance-Info-Validity-Timer, Unsigned32, code 3803, section 6.3.4 - Discovery-Type, Unsigned32, code 3804, section 6.3.5 - Filter-Id, OctetString, code 3805, section 6.3.9 - MAC-Address, UTF8String, code 3806, section 6.3.11 - Match-Report, Grouped, code 3807, section 6.3.12 - Operating-Channel, Unsigned32, code 3808, section 6.3.14 - P2P-Features, Unsigned32, code 3809, section 6.3.15 - ProSe-App-Code, OctetString, code 3810, section 6.3.16 - ProSe-App-Id, UTF8String, code 3811, section 6.3.17 - ProSe-App-Mask, OctetString, code 3812, section 6.3.18 - ProSe-Discovery-Filter, Grouped, code 3813, section 6.3.20 - PRR-Flags, Unsigned32, code 3814, section 6.3.21 - ProSe-Validity-Timer, Unsigned32, code 3815, section 6.3.22 - Requesting-EPUID, UTF8String, code 3816, section 6.3.23 - Targeted-EPUID, UTF8String, code 3817, section 6.3.26 - Time-Window, Unsigned32, code 3818, section 6.3.27 - WiFi-P2P-Assistance-Info, Grouped, code 3819, section 6.3.30 - WLAN-Assistance-Info, Grouped, code 3820, section 6.3.31 - WLAN-Link-Layer-Id, OctetString, code 3821, section 6.3.32 - WLAN-Link-Layer-Id-List, Grouped, code 3822, section 6.3.33 - Location-Update-Trigger, Grouped, code 3823, section 6.3.42 - Location-Update-Event-Type, Unsigned32, code 3824, section 6.3.43 - Change-Of-Area-Type, Grouped, code 3825, section 6.3.44 - Location-Update-Event-Trigger, Unsigned32, code 3826, section 6.3.45 - Report-Cardinality, Enumerated, code 3827, section 6.3.46 - Minimum-Interval-Time, Unsigned32, code 3828, section 6.3.47 - Periodic-Location-Type, Grouped, code 3829, section 6.3.48 - Location-Report-Interval-Time, Unsigned32, code 3830, section 6.3.49 - Total-Number-Of-Reports, Unsigned32, code 3831, section 6.3.50 - Validity-Time-Announce, Unsigned32, code 3832, section 6.3.36 - Validity-Time-Monitor, Unsigned32, code 3833, section 6.3.37 - Validity-Time-Communication, Unsigned32, code 3834, section 6.3.38 - ProSe-App-Code-Info, Grouped, code 3835, section 6.3.39 - MIC, OctetString, code 3836, section 6.3.40 - UTC-based-Counter, Unsigned32, code 3837, section 6.3.41 - ProSe-Match-Refresh-Timer, Unsigned32, code 3838, section 6.3.52 - ProSe-Metadata-Index-Mask, OctetString, code 3839, section 6.3.60 - App-Identifier, Grouped, code 3840, section 6.3.61 - OS-ID, OctetString, code 3841, section 6.3.62 - OS-App-ID, UTF8String, code 3842, section 6.3.63 - Requesting-RPAUID, UTF8String, code 3843, section 6.3.64 - Target-RPAUID, UTF8String, code 3844, section 6.3.65 - Target-PDUID, OctetString, code 3845, section 6.3.66 - ProSe-Restricted-Code, OctetString, code 3846, section 6.3.67 - ProSe-Restricted-Code-Suffix-Range, OctetString, code 3847, section 6.3.68 - Beginning-Suffix, OctetString, code 3848, section 6.3.69 - Ending-Suffix, OctetString, code 3849, section 6.3.70 - Discovery-Entry-ID, Unsigned32, code 3850, section 6.3.59 - Match-Timestamp, Time, code 3851, section 6.3.71 - PMR-Flags, Unsigned32, code 3852, section 6.3.57 - ProSe-Application-Metadata, UTF8String, code 3853, section 6.3.58 - Discovery-Auth-Request, Grouped, code 3854, section 6.3.53 - Discovery-Auth-Response, Grouped, code 3855, section 6.3.54 - Match-Request, Grouped, code 3856, section 6.3.55 - Match-Report-Info, Grouped, code 3857, section 6.3.56 - Banned-RPAUID, UTF8String, code 3858, section 6.3.73 - Banned-PDUID, OctetString, code 3859, section 6.3.74 - Code-Receiving-Security-Material, Grouped, code 3860, section 6.3.75 - Code-Sending-Security-Material, Grouped, code 3861, section 6.3.76 - DUSK, OctetString, code 3862, section 6.3.77 - DUIK, OctetString, code 3863, section 6.3.78 - DUCK, OctetString, code 3864, section 6.3.79 - MIC-Check-indicator, Unsigned32, code 3865, section 6.3.80 - Encrypted-Bitmask, OctetString, code 3866, section 6.3.81 - ProSe-App-Code-Suffix-Range, OctetString, code 3867, section 6.3.82 - PC5-tech, OctetString, code 3868, section 6.3.84 Note: Name conflict with 3GPP TS 29.154 Time-Window (4204). Time-Window (3818) in 3GPP TS 29.345 V12.1.0 (2014-12) predates Time-Window (4204) in 3GPP TS 29.154 V13.1.0 (2016-03).
author Luke Mewburn <>
date Sun, 05 Apr 2020 08:27:37 +1000
parents a89913941dcf
line wrap: on
line source

PROJECT("freeDiameter extensions" C)

# We want all resulting objects in the same folder

# Use the macro FD_ADD_EXTENSION(name files...) to create an extension
# It is equivalent to add_library with the appropriate parameters
# and naming conventions (.fdx : FreeDiameter eXtension)

# Use the macro FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(extmacroname subdir descr default) to
# add a new extension subdirectory.

OPTION(ALL_EXTENSIONS "Build ALL available extensions? (disable to select individual components)" OFF)

# The extensions include the headers of freeDiameter that contains gnutls objects

# Extensions section

# Diameter applications dictionaries

FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(dict_nasreq "NASREQ (RFC4005) Dictionary definitions"       ON)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(dict_eap    "Diameter EAP (RFC4072) Dictionary definitions" ON)

FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(dict_dcca         "Diameter CC (RFC4006) Dictionary definitions [incomplete]" ON)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(dict_dcca_3gpp    "Diameter CC 3GPP Dictionary definitions [incomplete]" ON)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(dict_dcca_starent "Diameter CC Starent Dictionary definitions" ON)

FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(dict_sip    "Diameter SIP (RFC4740) Dictionary definitions" ON)

FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(dict_mip6a     "Diameter Mobile IPv6 Auth Dictionary definitions"         ON)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(dict_mip6i     "Diameter Mobile IPv6 IKE Dictionary definitions"          ON)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(dict_nas_mipv6 "Diameter NAS-to-HAAA Interaction Dictionary definitions"  ON)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(dict_rfc5777   "Classification and QoS (RFC 5777) Dictionary definitions" ON)

FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(dict_json       "Load Diameter dictionary definitions from JSON files."   OFF)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(dict_legacy_xml "Load Diameter dictionary definitions from XML files."    OFF)

# Diameter applications

FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(app_acct    "Simple accounting application that stores accounting records in flat database" OFF)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(app_diameap "Diameter EAP Application server (RFC 4072)" 					OFF)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(app_radgw   "RADIUS/Diameter gateway translation - RADIUS client to Diameter server" 	OFF)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(app_sip     "Diameter SIP Authentication and Authorization server (RFC 4740)" 		OFF)

FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(app_redirect "Diameter Redirect server: send configurable Redirect indications to other peers" OFF)

# Routing extensions

FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(rt_busypeers    "Handling of Diameter TOO_BUSY messages and relay timeouts"	ON)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(rt_default      "Configurable routing rules for freeDiameter" 		     	ON)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(rt_deny_by_size "Deny messages that are larger than a configured size" 		     	ON)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(rt_ereg         "Configurable routing based on regexp matching of AVP values" OFF)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(rt_ignore_dh    "Stow Destination-Host in Proxy-Info, restore to Origin-Host for answers"	ON)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(rt_load_balance "Balance load over multiple equal hosts, based on outstanding requests"	ON)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(rt_randomize    "Randomly choose one of the highest scored hosts and increase its score by one"	ON)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(rt_redirect     "Handling of Diameter Redirect messages" 			ON)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(rt_rewrite      "Convert/remove AVP data in messages" 			ON)

# Peers security extensions

FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(acl_wl "White-list based authorization of incoming connections" ON)

# Debug & test extensions

FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(dbg_dict_dump   "Log dictionary dump"                            ON)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(dbg_dict_dump_json   "Dump dictionary as JSON"                            OFF)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(dbg_loglevel "Read loglevel from file -- allows runtime change"  ON)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(dbg_monitor     "Outputs periodical status information"              ON)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(dbg_msg_timings "Show some timing information for messages"      ON)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(dbg_msg_dumps   "Show human-readable content of the received & sent messages"      ON)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(dbg_rt          "Routing extension for debugging the routing module" ON)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(test_app        "Testing application to send dummy message to another peer, like a Diameter 'ping'" OFF)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(test_as     "Receive Abort-Session-Requests and display the data" OFF)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(test_cc     "Receive Credit-Control-Requests and display the data" ON)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(test_ccload     "Generate Credit-Control-Requests and count replies" ON)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(test_sip        "Testing application to simulate Diameter-SIP client (RFC4740)" OFF)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(dbg_interactive "Python-interpreter based module"                OFF)
FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(test_netemul    "Simple Diameter network emulator proxy extension (latency, PDV, duplicates)" OFF)

# The following extension have very little use except for specific tests, so we disable them except in Debug configurations.
	FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(_sample     "Simple extension to demonstrate extension mechanism, for developpers" OFF)
	FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(test_acct   "Receive Accounting-Requests and display the data, but no storage" OFF)
	FD_EXTENSION_SUBDIR(test_rt_any "Routing extension randomly sending message to any peer available, for testing purpose" OFF)

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