view contrib/nightly_tests/README @ 562:e837ef4bdf35

Remove local machine name from the file
author Sebastien Decugis <>
date Thu, 16 Sep 2010 14:35:48 +0900
parents 13443bde26ba
children 14d5672c7d6f
line wrap: on
line source

This folder contains information and scripts to run a new test configuration for nightly builds 
and reporting the results to freeDiameter dashboard at:

The information gathered here mostly comes from the following pages:


INSTRUCTIONS to setup a new build slave for the freeDiameter buildserver:
-- note: the build slave should have cmake version 2.8 at least so that ctest will update the source tree properly.

1) Install all dependencies for freeDiameter as follow: 
  a) Debian / Ubuntu: See the "prereqs" file
	$ sudo aptitude install `wget -O - | grep -v -e "^#"`
  b) FreeBSD:
      - install base system and ports
      - install freediameter dependencies as follow:
      # pkg_add -r -v wget bash cmake mercurial flex bison gnutls postgresql84-client postgresql84-server mysql50-client

2) Create the "test" database for app_acct test (we assume the tests are run as user "test" here)
      - check INSTALL.FreeBSD file for specific PostgreSQL pre-install instructions.
      - These are the instructions for Ubuntu, adjust as needed:
	# su - postgres
	# createuser test
	 Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n
	 Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
	 Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n
	# logout
	$ whoami
	$ createdb test
	$ psql test
	 psql (8.4.4)
	 Type "help" for help.

	 CREATE TABLE incoming_test (
	 recorded_on timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
	 "Accounting-Record-Type" integer,
	 "Session-Id" bytea,
	 "Accounting-Record-Number" integer,
	 "Route-Record1" bytea,
	 "Route-Record2" bytea,
	 "Route-Record3" bytea,
	 "Route-Record4" bytea );

3) Create a directory ~/fDtests
	$ cd
	$ mkdir fDtests
	$ cd fDtests

4) Retrieve the script and save in this directory
	$ wget
	$ chmod +x

5) Create a file local.cmake defining the name of the build slave in this directory also.
	$ echo "SET(CTEST_SITE \""`hostname`"\")" > local.cmake
   For FreeBSD:
   	$ echo "set(CTEST_BUILD_OPTIONS \"\${CTEST_BUILD_OPTIONS} -DFLEX_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/usr/local/bin/flex\")" >> local.cmake

6) Run the script once to check it works properly (freeBSD might require: ln -s /usr/local/bin/bash /bin/bash)

7) Set up a crontab to run the script
	$ wget
	$ chmod +x
	$ crontab -l
0 0 * * * /home/test/fDtests/ > /home/test/fDtests/cronjob.log 2>&1
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